Online:Buyer Beware
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Jurak-dar.
- Convince his customers to leave.
- Talk to Jurak-dar.
- Enter Belarata.
- Talk to Jurak-dar.
- Collect the parchment scraps and release the barrier.
- Talk to Varondil and observe the reunion.
- Alternatively, skip the puzzle by fighting Elanwe.
- Talk to Jurak-dar.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
In Vulkwasten, talk to Bataba east of Tall-Trunk Tavern and north of the Vulkwasten Wayshrine. She seems distracted and mentions that Belarata, a newly-opened Ayleid ruin, is very "scenic this time of year." She says if you hurry to Jathsogur, Jurak-dar might give you a tour. He sells artifacts from secret places, and you agree to look into it.
Talk to Jurak-dar at his stand next to Belarata. He gets his goods from the ruin and agrees to show you the door if you get his unhappy customers to leave him alone.
Unhappy Customers[edit]
There are three unhappy customers around his store. Talk to Gerwen, who says he sold her a Welkynd stone that dissolved in the rain. You can intimidate her (if you have the perk) or you can pay her 56 Gold to cover her purchase. Oltimbar says Jurak-dar sold him an old staff that fell apart quickly after he left Valenwood. You can persuade him that it was a mistake or pay him some gold. Manilbor is crouched over his brother Elebor and claims that a magic stone he bought caused a bolt of lightning to strike him. You ask him to show it to you, but when he retrieves it from the pack, he also gets struck by lightning.
Talk to Jurak-dar. He is planning to leave and reveals that "she" gave him the rock. You can persuade him to tell you everything or ask who gave him the rock. If you get him to tell you everything, he reveals there is a ghost in Belarata who thinks he is her lover and gives him "mostly harmless" gifts belonging to her real lover. You can ask him what mostly harmless means, and tell him to show you the way in.
Entering Belarata[edit]
Follow him as he runs to the brazier at the top of the stairs into the ruin. He sticks a sword into the fire, then kneels with it. The brazier glows with golden light. Jurak-dar stands up and enters the ruin. You follow him. Inside the ruin, he stops at the bottom of the stairs. When you talk to him he reveals why he is hesitating: "the ghost wants her lover to stay forever." He barely got out last time. There is a barrier ahead, behind which are real Ayleid relics unlike anything he sold. To get through the barrier, you need to decipher writing around the ruin and on a sword. He wants you to enter separately. Agree and he gives you the sword and says he will distract her while you put together the poem.
Collect the three Scraps of Parchment and read them in your quest inventory. Then head to the barrier and say the poem in order. You'll know you did it correctly when more light enters the room. Say "For many years I've lain beneath these stony walls, this weathered heath," then "Ten long years you were astray, with sword in hand so far away," and pick the only remaining option for the third—"Those nine long years we spent in joy seemed to you a mere child's toy."
The barrier dissipates, and a spirit named Varondil appears. He is surprised that you were able to summon him as you are not Elanwe, his lover, and he had expected the words to fade away long ago. You can ask him to tell you about their story. He and Elanwe were together nine years before he died fighting an uprising in the north. She summoned his spirit, but she did not know him. She erected the barrier to keep him and others away. She only recognizes the sword, and you can give it to him.
The Reunited Lovers[edit]
If you give him the sword, he thanks you and approaches the spirit of Elanwe.
- "Elanwe, at long last I return!"
- "Varondil! You have been gone only a day, but it feels like an age."
- "Each day is an age without out."
- "Yes, true. But you … where have you been?"
- "It is a long story, but come! Aetherius awaits!"
- "Yes, together forever, as was always meant to be."
Talk to Jurak-dar. He is glad you put her to rest as she was very lonely for a long time. He gives you the reward he promised, an Ayleid treasure, the Blade of the Ayleid King, plus some gold.
- The scraps of parchment won't exist in the ruins until reaching the related objective.
- Unlike most readable books, the scraps of parchment are directly put into your quest items instead of first displaying their contents.
- While Jurak-dar warns you if you enter the barrier with him, nothing negative happens upon doing so, even when walking all the way over to Elanwe.
- A fourth scrap of parchment is added with the rest on a stone table in the ruins after the quest is completed.
- Passing near Belarata will cause the various NPCs' dialogue to follow you everywhere in Malabal Tor
- Either complete the quest or leave the zone and come back and the voices will stop.
- While passing through the barrier without possessing the sword incapacitates you and puts you back further away, it is possible to aggro and attack Elanwe with ranged attacks/AoEs and defeat her prematurely. She will respawn shortly after if defeated this way. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
Buyer Beware | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should speak with Jurak-dar and see if there is any truth to his claims.
Objective: Talk to Jurak-dar
Harassed by unhappy customers, Jurak-dar is at his wit's end. If I convince them to leave, he said he would tell me the way into Belarata.
Objective: Persuade Customers to Leave
Hidden Objective: Persuade Oltimbar
Hidden Objective: Persuade Gerwen
Hidden Objective: Persuade Manilbor
Objective: Follow Jurak-dar
Objective: Observe the Ritual
Objective: Enter the Ruin
Objective: Release the Barrier
Objective: Talk to Varondil
Objective: Put Spirits to Rest
The spirits haunting Belarata have been put to rest. I should speak with Jurak-dar.
Objective: Talk to Jurak-dar
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.