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Redguard: The Soulgem

19 February 2011

Well, you've found Iszara but the soulgem has been delivered to Lord Richton by, um, an unsuspecting and completely innocent courier (not to mention charming and handsome). Being the brave and couragous hero (and probably completely mad) you agree to kill Lord Richton's dragon and return the soulgem to the Restless League.

Pre-Requesite Quests: Goblin Caves, Saving Hayle and Confronting N'Gasta
Following Quests: The Palace
Location: the Catacombs
Required Items: Gold Key
Items to be Received: Soulgem, Soul Sword
Monsters to be Faced: Many Guards, One Dragon
Difficulty: Medium-Hard, a lot of guards and one tough dragon, but relatively simple puzzles

Catacombs, Part II Map ( click on letters to jump to tips )
d e m b a f c j g h i k l
[Catacombs PII Map, 512x377 (16 kb)]

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Enter the catacombs and open the locked door using the gold key.
  2. Travel north to Room D. Step on the buttons to raise the middle and continue Northward.
  3. Pull the lever in Room E to open the North door to reveal a stone fist.
  4. Light the torch in the North of Room C to open the door. Use the stone fist on the button to open the door in the East.
  5. Continue on to Room G. Climb up the rope in the North/South and pull the lever to raise the platform in Room H.
  6. Continue to the Room J with several buttons. Place the three weights on the buttons with the sun image to open the door. Get the silver key to open the North door in Room I.
  7. Continue to the large, round Room L. Press the button in the middle of the room to start everything spinning.
  8. Make your way down to the third level of the rotating room and use the lever here. Continue down and on to Room M.
  9. Meet the dragon here, guarding the soul gem. Fight and kill, grab the gem, and exit via the large doors to the North.
  10. Travel to the Yokudan camp to the North of Town and talk to Saban for help restoring Prince A'tor's soul (assuming you also have Voa's ring from the Goblin Caves).

Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
Use the gold key here to open the locked door.

Point B
This large room has 2 guards on the bottom level and 2 more on the upper.

Point C
This area has one guard and a rope allowing easy access to the upper level in Room B.

Point D
This room has two buttons in the floor which raise the middle section of the room, for a while at least. The trick here is to step on the button and then jump/grab onto the section as it rises out of the floor. During the few seconds that it stays up you should be able to make it to the other side or jump and grab onto the side as it lowers. It is a bit tricky because of the camera angle mostly.

Point E
Pull the lever in the South-East side of the room to open the door in the North. Grab the stone fist rune and return to room B.

Point B Again
In the North corner of the upper level, light the torch to upper the stone door. Put the fist rune you found at E to open the door in the East.

Point F
The hall here has several blade traps which relieve you of your legs in a hurry. Just keep running straight through the hall and you won't get hit.

Point G
There are 4 guards between this area and H so clear them out before continuing. Climb up either one of the ropes in the North/South to get access to the lever to raise the middle section in room H allowing you to continue.

Point H
There are some potions in the lower level if you haven't raised the middle section yet. If you really want or need them just return to the lever you pulled and lower it again.

Point I
There are two guards in this room along the walkway. Cross over the fallen column and through the door in the west. The door to the North is locked.

Point J
Proceed to this room, being careful of the 4 lava pits you have to cross to get here. Pick up the 3 weights in the West of this room. The hall to the North is composed of several floor boards, three with an icon on it, and four or so without. You must place the weights down as you walk across it, otherwise blades with shoot from the side and kill you. In order to open the door to the North, the three buttons with the pictures on them must be depressed. The room has a silver key in it. Use it to open the locked door in the north of I.

Some people can't figure out the pattern on walking and placing the weights (which is basically to put a weight on a board -- walk onto the next board and turn around -- without moving from the board, pick up the first weight and drop a weight on the board you're standing on -- repeat every minute (or however long it takes you to traverse from board to board). I think you have to get to the farthest board with a symbol, and then you can turn around, leaving a weight on that board, and repeat your pattern back until you have placed weights on the other two boards with symbols. When I went through, I went all the way with the weights to the doorway, and then had to turn and work my way back until I'd covered the three symbols, but I'm sure, now, that I went farther than I needed to.

Point K
This hallway has more blade traps but just keep running.

Point L
This strange, large, round room has a button in the center of it. Press it to start the sections rotating and drop into the hole in the top section. When inside watch for the blades on either side of the wall since they will kill you if you touch them. It is possible to jump over them. This part is difficult to explain but I'll do my best. On the first level, walk around until you find a passage down to the second level. Wait until a doorway passes by and enter that section. Drop and hang down from the doorway to get to the third level. Somewhere on the third level is a lever that you must pull and a passage down to the bottom. Exit via the passage to the North-West. I'm not quite sure what the lever does but I think it opens this passage.

Mara posted that the revolving walls made her dizzy, so she worked out an alternate method, by turning the walls until the slot in the top level started going under the upper floor, and then stopping the rotation. Then she dropped down the outside, as I remember, of the walls (i.e., the side exposed to the central pit area) until she got down to the level where there are two "blank" stories (without openings into the central area), and going inside to find the lever and the passageway to the bottom.

I've done basiaclly that, although I've gone down the interior tunnels to get from one level to the next. I'm sure, too, that the lever opens that final passageway to the bottom, although I never investigated it to make sure. When the walls aren't moving, if two blades have come together, you can jump onto one of them, and then JUMP off of it. When there is a wall blocking the corridor, usually you can squeeze past it (generally on the side away from the center).

Point M
As soon as you enter this room you meet the dragon, Nafalagous or something, I didn't catch it in time to write it down. You'll chat for a while and then the battle begins. You may want to run away initially and use a strength and ironskin potion. To attack the dragon you must be underneath him. This is also the safest place since he cannot bite you or hit you with his fireballs. You can hack for a while but you don't get anywhere. During your conversation the dragon should have light a large 'torch' in the middle of the room. Attack the flame until it gets yellow-white attack the dragon. He died in one hit when I attacked. There is a lot of gold in this room although I'm not quite sure how much...I had long exceeded the 500 gold limit. Go up and grab the soulgem from the top and exit via the large doors to the North. You'll appear to the North-East of the palace. Assuming that you also have Voa's ring from ther Goblin Caves, go visit the Yokudan Saban to the North of town and get her to help you restore Prince A'tor's soul. You get to watch a very nice and long cutscene, one of the better done ones I've seen.

You can also heat your blade by using the thrust attack. I think when your blade is hot enough, you can hit it anywhere (but I con't know for certain). I didn't pre-heat the sword; I maneuvered the dragon so it was over the brazier, and then I'd jump up and swing, so that the sword passed through the flame and then hit the dragon. Neat visual effects that way, and it took about five or six hits as I remember.

Since this is the palace treasury, the amount of gold should be limitless (and so there's no excuse for anyone not to get enough potions for the final battle). And there's a handy teleporter nearby, so you can quickly get back and forth to and from town, until you've made enough round trips to satisfy yourself. But you have to get them before you get into the courtyard of the palace, because you can't come back outside and buy more then.

Continue on with Razing The Palace walkthrough.
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Many thanks to Ranger - for his contributions to this walkthrough.

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