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Morrowind Screenshots - Page 1

19 February 2011

This page contains any of the released preview screenshots for the game. Note that these are not cut scenes or the like, but actual screenshots (and they can only look better as time goes on)...Amazing! Warning: Excessive browsing of these screenshots may cause continual drooling... You may go to Page 2 or Page 3 for more screenshots. For the latest screenshots, see the Official Morrowind Site.

[3rd Person View, 123x92 (3kb)] 3rd Person View - 1024x768, 106K, 19 February 2011
3rd person view of your character walking in town.
[Editting a Dungeon, 123x92 (3kb)] Editting a Dungeon - 1024x768, 158K, 19 February 2011
An editor view showing a dungeon layout.
[Misty Valley, 123x92 (3kb)] Misty Valley - 1024x768, 54K, 19 February 2011
3rd person view of your character walking through a misty valley.
[Forest With an Axe, 123x92 (3kb)] Forest With an Axe - 1024x768, 158K, 19 February 2011
1st person view of the character walking through a lightly forested area with a large axe.
[Argonian in Town, 123x92 (3kb)] Argonian in Town - 1024x768, 68K, 19 February 2011
Meeting with an Argonian in town.
[Shopping With a Mace, 123x92 (3kb)] Shopping With a Mace - 1024x768, 130K, 19 February 2011
1st person view showing you holding a large mace in what may be a shop or house.
[Fighting a Scamp, 123x92 (3kb)] Fighting a Scamp - 1024x768, 120K, 19 February 2011
Battling a small Goblin or Scamp with a sword.
[Fighting Skeletons, 123x92 (3kb)] Fighting Skeletons - 1024x768, 158K, 19 February 2011
Fighting two skeletons in what appears to be a crypt.
[Guard Bashing, 123x92 (3kb)] Guard Bashing - 1024x768, 116K, 19 February 2011
Fighting an Imperial Guard in town.
[Orc Bashing, 123x92 (3kb)] Orc Bashing - 1024x768, 118K, 19 February 2011
3rd person view of you fighting an Orc in a dungeon hallway.
[Shopping, 123x92 (3kb)] Shopping - 1024x768, 82K, 19 February 2011
Talking with a merchant in a shop of some kind.
[Exploring Some Ruins, 123x92 (3kb)] Exploring Some Ruins - 1024x768, 104K, 19 February 2011
You explore some strange ruins with a hammer in hand.
[Talking With a Guard, 123x92 (3kb)] Chatting With a Guard - 1024x768, 68K, 19 February 2011
Talking closely with Guard outside of town.
[Fighting Robots, 123x92 (3kb)] Fighting Robots - 1024x768, 105K, 19 February 2011
Battling some small robot creatures with a Glass Axe.
[Fighting a Dark Seducer, 123x92 (3kb)] Fighting a Dark Seducer - 1024x768, 115K, 19 February 2011
Fighting what appears to be a Dark Seducer with an Axe.
[Shopping Again, 123x92 (3kb)] Shopping Again - 1024x768, 96K, 19 February 2011
Chatting with a merchant in his shop holding a Daedric Dagger.
[Rainy Day, 123x92 (3kb)] Rainy Day - 1024x768, 57K, 19 February 2011
View of a town during a light rain with a Silt Strider in the distance.

Sources and Links...
The following links were used as a sources for some of the above screenshots and information, and will generally provide a good source of Morrowind news and other Elder Scrolls stuff.
  1. Morrowind Official Site
  2. Computer Games Preview
  3. Gamespot Preview

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This document was last modified on: Saturday, 19 February 2011, at 09:55:40 and has been accessed 33299 times ( /morrow/screenshots/morss.shtml ).

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