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Morrowind Bethesda Team

15 February 2011

There are a number of very familiar names working on Morrowind, and a few new ones. Listed below is a list of the various team members along with a brief description and history. If I have forgotten anyone it is only because I don't know about them...please Let Me Know about any omissions or errors.

[MW Team Picture, 700x525 (77kb)]
Morrowind Team Picture

NOTE: This information is terribly out of date as there have been a number of additions and changes to the team.

Todd Howard - Project Leader
Todd is the project leader for Morrowind and was also the designer for Redguard. He was also involved in the design of Daggerfall and designed/produced Future Shock and SkyNET.

Craig Walton - Lead Programmer
Craig is the main programmer for Morrowind and has been with Bethesda for 10 years. He has done work on Redguard, Daggerfall, and Arena.

Ken Rolston - Lead Designer
Ken is the lead designer for Morrowind and was involved in creation of Redguard. He is one of the fathers of role-playing and has done work for almost every paper system out there.

Gary Noonan - Graphic Artist
Also know as simply GT or WormGod, GT is once again working on the graphics for Morrowind, amoung other things. GT was also involved with Redguard and Battlespire (graphics and level design).

Mark Jones - Graphic Artist
Mark is a long time freelance artist for the Elder Scrolls series and is again working on Morrowind. I believe Mark has done work on every ES game out there as well as worked on SkyNET.

Christiane H.K. Meister - Lead Character Animator
Christiane is the lead character animator for Morrowind.

Pete Hines - Director of Marketing and PR
Pete is the overall marketing and PR person for Bethesda so is obviously involved with Morrowind. Morrowind is his first Elder Scrolls title he has been involved with although he was with the Adrenaline Vault website for three years prior to coming to Bethesda.

Julian Lefay - Father of the Elder Scrolls
Julian is no longer working for Bethesda but rumours have it that he was involved in the design phase of the game and did some contract design and programming.

Michael Kirkbride - Initial Developement
Michael is no longer with Bethesda but was heavily involved with the developement of the Elder Scrolls game series.

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This document was last modified on: Tuesday, 15 February 2011, at 20:29:28 and has been accessed 9361 times ( /morrow/preview/morteam.shtml ).

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