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Bloodmoon Main Quest: Ritual of the Gifts

15 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Smuggling Weapons
Next Quest: Investigate a Crime
Locations: Fort Frostmoth, Skaal Village
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: 30
Required Items: Water Breathing, Skull of a Skaal Warrior
Suggested Items: Lock Pick (80)
Difficulty: Hard

Quick Walkthrough

  1. You learned previously from Saenus Lusius or Gaca Artoria that the Captain is missing and you are directed to the Nord village of Skaal in the North end of the Island.
  2. Talk to Tarsten Heart-Fang in the Greathall in Skaal with the Warrior Skull in your inventory.
  3. Speak to Korst Wind-Eye in the Shaman's Hut to be told about the Ritual of the Gifts.
  4. Find and activate the Water Stone between Hvitkald Peak and Thormoor's Watch.
  5. Travel NorthWest from the stone to a small island with a Black Horker, The Swimmer, in the center of it.
  6. Follow The Swimmer to the Stahlman's Gorge.
  7. Find and take the Waters of Life bottle from the underwater cave.
  8. Return to the Water Stone and activate it.
  9. Find and activate the Earth Stone, NorthWest from Raven Rock.
  10. Travel a ways NorthEast to the Cave of the Hidden Music.
  11. Within the Chamber of Song, activate the three stone pillars to mimic the sounds you hear. Do this twice to free the music.
  12. Return and activate the Earth Stone.
  13. Find and activate the Beast Stone, North of the Eastern edge of Lake Fjalding.
  14. Travel a ways South to find a bear, The Good Beast, being attacked by five Rieklings. Kill the Rieklings, remove the arrow from the bear and heal it.
  15. Have the bear follow you back to the Beast Stone and activate the stone.
  16. Find and activate the Tree Stone in Brodir Grove.
  17. Travel East a bit to find five Spriggans and a Riekling who will attack you. Kill them all and loot the Seeds from the Riekling.
  18. Travel a bit NorthWest from the Beast Stone to plant the Seeds automatically.
  19. Return and activate the Beast Stone.
  20. Find and activate the Sun Stone on the top of a hill in the SouthEast corner of the island.
  21. Go West to find the entrance to the Halls of Penumbra.
  22. Find and kill the Lightkeeper Gralh within the cave and loot the eye from its corpse.
  23. Use the eye on the wall of ice to melt it and release the light.
  24. Return and activate the Sun Stone.
  25. Find and activate the Wind Stone near the junction of the Harstrad and Isild Rivers.
  26. Travel a ways SouthEast, past Lake Fjalding, to find Glenschul's Tomb.
  27. In the tomb, find and release the wind in the large bag.
  28. Return and activate the Wind Stone.
  29. Return to Tharsten in the Greathall to complete the Ritual.

Detailed Walkthrough

Travel to Skaal
From the last quest, you returned to the Fort to find it attacked by some wolf creatures and with Captain Carius missing. You were told by Saenus Lusius or Gaca Artoria that you should travel to Skaal Village far to the North to find out more information. Your companion from the previous quest should no longer be following you. You should also receive the Skull of a Skaal Warrior (ask about Nord village).

How you make it to the village is largely irrevelant, although the safest route is along the Eastern shoreline or Iggnir River.

If your partner in the previous weapon smuggling quest died, you may be attacked by the other warrior once you return to the Fort, and thus be prevented from getting the Skull. If this is the case, open the console and use the command:

player->additem, "misc_skull_Skaal", 1
to give yourself the Skull.

Skaal Village
You arrive in Skaal with relatively little difficulty. Speaking with the nearest villager you are told to speak with Tharsten Heart-Fang in the Greathall. Indeed, Tharsten can be found in the middle of the small hall. Tharsten denis that the Skaal had anything to do with the attack and mentions that it was no mere wolves. Mention your business here and if you have the Skaal Warrior Skull Tharsten will accept with some gratitude and welcomes you to the village, for the moment at least.

Tharsten goes on for a bit about how the Imperials are corrupting the land and eventually about how to restore the power of the Skaal. Tharsten tells you to speak with Korst Wind-Eye in the Shaman's Hut for more information.

Skaal Shaman
The Shaman's Hut is just West of the Greathall and Korst is just inside. Mention that you are looking to restore the power of the Skaal and he'll tell you that you must find the six Standing Stones somewhere on Solstheim and complete a ritual at each one. Once this Ritual of the Gifts is completed, the Oneness should be restored to the Skaal. The Oneness is explained to you as the balance or harmony of all things in the world given by the All-Maker. This balance has been upset, in part by the presence of the Imperials, and thus the power of the Skaals has decreased.

Ritual of the Gifts
Ask Korst Wind-Eye about the rituals and he'll give you a copy of The Story of Aevar Stone-Singer as well as the Locations of the Stones which is a map of the six stone locations. The map is particularily useful and the story of the Ritual does give you more information than you get during the quest itself from journal entries.

I've listed the six steps in the Ritual below in the same order that they appear in the book, however you can most likely perform the steps in any order that you wish. The Ritual does require you to travel to a good deal of the Island.

Gift of Water
The Water Stone is marked on the West side of the Island between Hvitkald Peak and Thormoor's Watch (is is actually marked on your paper map as well). This area is almost entirely white, especially during a snow-storm, so it can be very difficult to find landmarks. The hostile creatures in the area also make matters worse. Look for a large, dark gray pillar on the side of a mountain in the Moesring Mountains area (coordinates -208291, 192633, 1942). If you follow the coast you should easily see the Varstaad Caves entrance. The Water Stone is directly South of that entrance on the hill.

Once you activate the water stone you are told the same story as in the ritual book the Shaman gave you. Travel West to a small island off the coast and follow the Swimmer (a Black Horker) to find the Water of life. The island is actually to the NorthWest from the Water Stone, or directly West from the Varstaad Caverns entrance and is close enough to be visible from the shoreline. In the center of the small island you'll find a Black Horker named the Swimmer (coordinates -216213, 200243, 192). As soon as you get near to it, the Horker will take off towards the North. Stick close to the Horker or it will wait until you catch up to it. The Horker swims close to the surface so you don't nessecarily need any Water Breathing spells. The Horker will stop once it reaches the entrance to the cave.

The entrance to Stahlman's Gorge is on the bottom of the Sea Floor where the Swimmer stops (coordinates -219525, 217390, -1839). You will need a Water Breathing spell as the cave is underwater for a ways (a strong swimmer could make it without it). At the end of the tunnel you'll find a Skeleton guarding the Waters of Life (a small potion bottle). You receive a journal entry to return with the Waters of Life to the Water Stone.

Return to the Water Stone and activate it to complete this portion of the down, five more to go.

Gift of Earth
[Chamber of the Hidden Music, 371x439 (17 kb)] The Earth Stone is a ways South down the coast from the Water Stone, NorthWest from Raven Rock as shown on the paper map. The Earth Stone pillar is barely visible from the shore line and is on the top of a small hill in the forest (coordinates -207444, 167015, 1496). Activating the stone will tell you to travel NorthEast to the Cave of Hidden Music to learn the Earth Song.

Follow the Stone's directions and head out to the NorthEast. Almost immediately you should hit the Bloodskal Barrow which is locked (20) and trapped but this is small tomb and obviously not what you are looking for. Like before, the directions are only approximate and the Cave of Hidden Music is more North from the Earth Stone than North West (coordinates -197459, 182085, 1358). The Cave's entrance is composed of large, black stones and is hard to miss.

The Cave is relatively empty except for the freaky looking undead called Draugr who are not particularily difficult. Continue on until you find the entrance to the Chamber of Song. There are no enemies in this area but you will occasionally hear a strange 'musical' sound. The sound emanates from the three large stalagtites/stalamites in the large chamber in the Western end of the cave. The sound is the same four notes over and over again. You notice that if you activate the stones you can produce similar notes and it may become obvious to you that you'll have to reproduce the sound by activating the stones in the correct order. You get as many chances as you want, but if you aren't musically inclined the first order of notes is: Middle, Right, Left, Right. The music then changes to another pattern of 4 notes which again you should duplicate (should be Left, Right, Middle, Left if I recall correctly).

Once you get the two patterns correct you will receive a journal entry to return to the Earth Stone. Return to the Earth Stone and activate it to complete this portion of the ritual.

Gift of the Beasts
The Beast Stone is near the East side of the Island, South of the Skaal Village, in the Felsaad Coast area North of Lake Fjalding. If you follow the East bank of Lake Fjalding and continue North you should shortly run into or see the spire of the Stone (coordinates -159403, 200820, 1280). Activate the Stone of the Beasts to be told to travel South and ease the pain of the Good Beast. You may wish to read the story of the Rituals for more details on this. The story mentions the beast was a Bear with an arrow wound and also records the name Falmer.

This time the directions are quite sound as directly South, past the Lake, you'll see five Rieklings attacking a white bear, The Good Beast (around -158772, 183332, 818). Kill the Rieklings and you'll receive a journal message stating that you'll have to remove the arrow. I may have accidently hit the bear and had to use a Calm Creature type spell to stop it from attacking me for a bit. Once that was done I could activate the bear and access it's inventory and remove the arrow (like a companion). Once the arrow is removed you'll get another journal entry saying you should stay with the bear and try to heal it. I'm unsure whether you actually need to heal the bear, but a heal companion type spell might be worth using.

Once the bear is healed (or after a short time) you'll receive another journal entry stating that the bear is healed and wants to return with you to the Stone of the Beasts. Do so, but keep in mind that the bear is not that fast. Activate the Stone when the Bear is nearby to complete this portion of the Ritual.

Gift of Trees
The Tree Stone is roughly in the center of the island in Brodir Grove, South or SouthEast from the start of the Harstrad River. Indeed, if you head SouthEast from the very start of the river you should soon see the stone pillar (coordinates -178570, 173966, 1428). Activate the Stone to learn that you must travel East and find the one who has stolen the seeds. Just East and a bit North from the Stone you should spot five Spriggans surrounding a single Riekling (and get a journal entry to that effect if you are close enough). They will all attack you at once if you get close enough or if you attack one of them so be prepared. If you haven't fought a Spriggan before, you'll have to kill it three times before it stays dead. Try and use ranged attacks and area effect spells as much as possible before getting into melee. This can be a tough fight for even high levels on a 100 difficulty.

Once you kill the Spriggans and the Riekling, you'll find a Strange Seed on the Riekling and receive a journal entry once you pick it up. It seems that you must plant the seed somewhere NorthWest from the Stone. Move a bit NorthWest from the Stone and you will automatically receive a prompt to plant the seed (choose yes obviously). Return to the Tree Stone and activate it to complete this portion of the Ritual.

If you lost the seeds from the Riekling use the console command:

player->additem, "BM_Seeds_UNIQUE", 1

Gift of the Sun
[Halls of Penumbra, 664x486 (31 kb)] The Sun Stone is located in the SouthEastern portion of the Island and is not near any notable landmarks so it may be more difficult to locate than the other stones. If you follow the Iggnir River South until it bends towards to the East, and then head uphill towards the NorthEast, the Sun Stone is on the top of the moderately tall hill (coordinates -161922, 159780, 1848). Activate the Stone to receive the message to go West and free the Sun from the Halls of Penumbra.

The hall is indeed a ways almost directly West from the Stone and you can follow a small depression in the landscape to help you find it (coordinates -177406, 159652, 851). The hall entrance looks like a snowy cave.

Inside you'll find the Hall completely unlit, meaning a Light spell or a torch will definitely come in handy. You'll also find a number of the undead Draugr. Eventually you should find a light source at the end of a tunnel that illuminates the figure of a fightening looking spiked creature, Lightkeeper Grahl. The Grahl is very fast and very powerful so try to use ranged attacks as long as possible and keep a few healing potions handy. Once the creature is dead loot the Eye from its corpse and activate the Ice Wall containing the light. The Eye will destroy the wall and let the light free, lighting up the cave. WARNING: The Flaming Eye of the Lightkeeper is an ingrediant so be sure not to accidently eat it. If playing on the PC version of the game you can retrieve the eye by using the console command: player->AddItem, ingred_eyeball_unique, 1.

Once you free the light you will receive a journal entry to return to the Sun Stone. Return and activate the Sun Stone to complete this portion of the Ritual.

Gift of the Wind
[Glenschul's Tomb, 343x198 (9 kb)] The Wind Stone is located right on the Western shore of the Harstrad River near where it joins the Isild River (coordinates -178093, 205603, 209). Activate the Stone to be told to travel South and East to the lake of ice and Glenschul's Tomb to free the Winds from the Greedy Man's bag. Travel to the SouthEast corner of Lake Fjalding and continue on in the SouthEastern direction over the high ridge. The Tomb is located on the other side of the ridge (coordinates -149428, 184420, 1676). The entrance is composed of large, black stones and is hard to miss.

Inside the tomb you'll find more Draugr as well as some undead Bonewolves. The tomb is small and in the West end you'll find a large bag which you can open to free the wind. Return to the Wind Stone and activate it to complete this portion of the Ritual.

Complete the Ritual
Once you have completed all six portions of the Ritual, you will receive a journal entry to return to Heart-Fang in the Greathall of the Skaal Village. Tharsten Heart-Fang will reward you with the Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer (30 to 90 damage plus 8 frost damage, 20 charge) and tell you that you must still prove your wisdom to the Skaal.

Continue on with the Investigate a Crime portion of the main quest or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

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