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Bloodmoon Colony Quest: Estate

15 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Silver Weapon Shipment or
Colony Attack
Next Quest: None
Locations: Raven Rock
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: None
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: None
Difficulty: Medium

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Falco (or Constans) about your next assignment to learn about the construction your estate.
  2. Speak to Aldam Berendus who will ask you to lead him to where you want your estate built.
  3. Pick on of three locations in town marked by torches.
  4. Confirm with Aldam the location of your estate.
  5. Exit town and wait three days until you receive a journal entry on the completion of your estate.

Detailed Walkthrough

Falco Galenus or Constans Atrius
For the next series of quests you'll have to leave town and wait for about 3 days (there is no journal entry this time). Return and speak to Falco (or Constans if Falco is dead) about your next assignment to hear about the plans for your estate. Falco directs you to speak to Aldam Berendus who is leading the construction of the estate.

Aldam Berendus
Aldam can be found just East of Falco in town. He tells you that there are three possible locations where you can build your estate, each marked with torches. You are to lead Aldam to the desired location so he knows where to build it. Unfortunately, he fails to mention exactly where these torches are.

Pick the Location
One estate location is just NorthWest or so from the Eastern entrance to the colony, well marked with a bright torch. Another location is South of that behind the row of houses. The third location is at the West end of town.

Once you've choosen the location, led Aldam up to the torch and confirm that this is where you want your estate.

Your Estate
Exit town and wait three days until you receive a journal entry about the completion of your estate. It is a nicely designed little house with plenty of storage area.

Return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

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