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Bloodmoon Colony Quest: Deliver Report

19 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Burial Chamber
Next Quest: Spriggans
Locations: Raven Rock, Fort Frostmoth, Eastern Coast
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: None
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: Speed Enchancing, Restore Agility/Speed, Divine Intervention
Difficulty: Medium

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Falco about your next assignment and be given a report to deliver to Carnius in 5 hours.
  2. Travel to the Fort to find Carnius but discover he is gone.
  3. Speak to Constans to learn where Carnius has gone to.
  4. Travel NorthEast from the Fort and try to find the large Arch stoneway.
  5. From the stone Arch travel East to the coast to find Carnius.
  6. Give the report to Carnius.
  7. Return to Falco for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough

Falco Galenus
Speak to Falco about your next assignment, the delivery of a report to Carnius within 5 hours (see important note below about the time allowed). Remember that this is five hours of game time, not real time (a fast character should be able to make it there in under 30 minutes). If the time expires you'll receive a journal entry to that effect. You may find that with the short time requirement on the quest, you don't really have time to stop for exploring or fighting. The best bet is to simply equip any speed

Fort Frostmoth
After a quick run to the Fort and up to Carnius' chambers (or a quick Divine Intervention spell), you find that he isn't there. Instead, you'll find one Constans Atrius outside who'll say that Carnius has just stepped out, possibly to inspect future expansion sites. He may be near a big rock arch with a tomb near it's base. Note that once you speak to Constans you'll set off a trap (most likely done on purpose by Constans or Carnius to slow you down, draining agility and speed).

Finding Carnius
You may, or may not, have already run across this arch and tomb. If not, it is plainly visible on the paper map of the island a ways NorthEast from the fort. It is directly North a bit from the Sun Stone if you've done the main quest. Once you find the arch head out East and slightly South towards the coast. Carnius can be found right along the coastline (location -151730, 165039). He is particularily easy to find at night due to the torch he or the guard nearby is carrying. It will take at least 45 minutes to reach him from the Fort (best case).

Note there are three different spots that Carnius can be found, randomly choosen when you do the quest. The other two spots are the shipwreck on the West coast where you found it previously and Brodir Grove.

Give the report to Carnius who will be rather 'surprised' at you being able to actually find him.

Return to Falco
Return to Falco for a 1000 gold reward. If you fail the quest for any reason you will be expelled from the Colony faction when you return to Falco.

There are some weird things going on with the time period allowed for the quest. Although you are told you must deliver the report within 5 game hours, it seems a bug in the ColonyReportTimer script would let you have infinite time if you happened to start the quest during the hours of 6 to 9 (or so). Perhaps the developers were aware of this bug so they also limited it in real time to 600 seconds (10 minutes). Thus, you must deliver the report within both the 5 game hour and the 10 real minute period.

If you happened to have failed the quest you can fix the problem by using the console commands:

		StopScript, ColonyReportTimer
		Journal, CO_9, 50
		PCJoinFaction, "East Empire Company"
If you haven't been expelled you won't need that last line.

Continue on with the Spriggans portion of the colony quest or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

Includes Contributions from Paul McLeod, David, and Johan de Vries.

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