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Bloodmoon Colony Quest: Assassinate

15 February 2011

Prerequisite Quest: Hire Guards
Next Quest: Silver Weapon Shipment
Locations: Raven Rock
Minimum Level: None
Recommended Level: None
Required Items: None
Suggested Items: None
Difficulty: Medium

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Falco about your next assignment to learn he might be assassinated shortly.
  2. Guard Falco and protect him from the three assassins.
  3. Speak to Falco again to receive your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough

Falco Galenus
For the next series of quests you'll have to leave town and wait for about 3 days until you receive a journal entry. Return and speak to Falco about your next assignment to have him tell you that he may be assassinated. He wants you to stick close to him for protection.

Guard Duty
Stick close to Falco for a short while until you are attacked and receive a journal entry (about 30 seconds or something). There are three attackers and the three guards and Falco should do find by themselves, but feel free to lend a hand.

Return to Falco
Once the three are dead, return and speak to Falco and receive a reward of 1000 gold, 10 Restore Health potions and an Ice Shield (unenchanted).
Continue on with the Silver Weapon Shipment portion of the colony quest or return to the Bloodmoon Quests page.

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This document was last modified on: Tuesday, 15 February 2011, at 20:29:29 and has been accessed 12000 times ( /morrow/bloodmoon/quest/bm_assassinate.shtml ).

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