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Chapter 3 - Top Ten Most Popular Suggestions
19 February 2011
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
- Better Designed Cities/Dungeons
- More unique cities and dungeons. More detail. Cut down on the paper cities/npcs
and random maze-like dungeons. Daggerfall and some one street town should be more different than
Daggerfall just has more buildings. Add 3rd party dungeons, dungeon editor. Give cities back their
function... give port cities docks, border cities soldier barracks, etc... I remember Arena having cities
with docks... put them back in! Dungeons that have a purpose, and that have a layout
corresponding to their purposes (Castles, Towers, Guard towers, Mage tower). Monsters that
have a reason to be where they are. Less size, more detail. Flying cities and higher
worlds (like caves in high cliffs etc...) Stables, Boathouse, Blacksmith (Take Repair out of shops)
Hotels/Brothels, Tailors (custom cloths). Smaller world to travel in, but with increased role playing and more
game stability. Instead of 10,000 cities how about 25 major cities and 200 smaller villages with hidden spots
to be discovered, and maybe some roving tribes to spice things up. There will be 5 Kingdoms each containing 5 major
cities and a roughly 20 fiefdoms. The King can set the player up as ruler in one of the fiefdoms if the player is
of high enough reputation with the king and the player has enough money to pay for the land.
Dark dungeons. Burning buildings. Witness a crime, or a royal possesion in towns, something to spice it up a
little. Dead cities, populated by zombies. Need ports back! Have the inside of castles match their outside
shape (like in Wayrest, Daggerfall etc...). Make cities fully dynamic, so they grow shrink and can even be set up.
Better designed entrances to dungeons (more of them, variety, realistic, etc...)..
Have ghost towns like entire cities that are abandoned. Like a dungeon with monsters lurking in the old abondoned buildings but it is above ground.
Include theatre type buildings. Make the architecture true to the culture/area. Would a
person living in the desert need the same functionality or be able to access the same materials as someone in the
( 62 Received )
- More/Harder Monsters
- I want to see monsters that make Daedra Lords look like rats! These extra monsters will only occupy the hardest
dungeons, and only the most powerful, high level characters will ever run into them. Oh,
and some should have very high resistance to magic attacks, so all the cast-absorb
technique won't work on them. Dragons with non-magical breath. Ninja/Assassin/Swordmaster types
with a supernatural ability with swords. ELEMENTALS, no magic but physical elemental attack.
Unicorns (read the EDWARD parts I and II - unicorns are UNPARALLELED fighters). Angels,
Avatars, Champions, Dwarves. Goblins and Trolls. Arial monsters, Sea monsters. Lizard, Griffin.
Golems. Ride a winged beast (giant eagle). Dragons, more lycanthrocopes, goblins, a race of
intelligent tree. Beholder, Mind Flayer, the dreaded Rust Monster, Ogres, a Fachan.
Monsters that can't be fought merely with brute force (slimes and molds). Monsters that are
dangerous to touch. Dwarves, golbins, halfings, trolls, minotaurs. Nymphs are supposed to be
shy and kind. Monsters on horseback. Wererats. How about non-dangerous creatures, that can
give advice, info or even become NPCs. Perhaps make some very, very large creatures ( 20'
dragons, titans, cyclops, cloud beasts). They could be the size of buildings and would only be
encountered in special circumstances. Keep the monsters unique, no AD&D etc... copies.
Combat shouldn't get harder as you go along the full range of enemies from weak to god-like should be hanging around
in the proper proportions from level1. The real world doesn't take it easy on the weak. You should just be
careful to avoid places where strong beings lurk, or die.
******************************* ( 31 Received )
- Improved Conversation
- There still isn't that much outright conversation per say, save with only a few select people.
It still boils down, mostly, to the same where is... or tell me about stuff, with far too
much of a little response from the people. Have a NPC Designed contest? If you talk
disrepectfully to a king you must face the consequences (prison for a few days). Gossip about
recent events etc... Bribe monsters not to attack if you speak their language. NPCs have truly
relevant information.
****************************** ( 30 Received )
- More Weapons
- Different medival weapons. There are a lot more if you do a little researching. (eg. Crystal Halbred,
Gold Dragon Shield of Summoning). Lance, whip, brass knuckles, a chain. Where are the spears?
Use rocks and sticks as a last resort. Crossbows, halberds, spears, slings. The chakram, a round
razor sharp disc used by Xena to attack enemies from afar, or use it as a useful tool.
Seeing as Morrowind is based after daggerfall, how about som new more advanced weaponary,
perhaps some of the earlies guns like the arquebus or the long arm. How about being able to throw
a javelin? Morrowind needs to implement a more
pronounced variation in the quality of weapons (not just
the wear and tear factor). This way, you could buy (at
an Odd Blades equivalent in Morrowind) a finely-honed
silver sword for werewolf-hunters; it would surpass the
quality of a common ebony sword just because it was
forged so damned well. A corollary to above: make blades
in a store like The Odd Blades truly odd, or remarkable
in some way (e.g., Elven runes (decipherable, with
meaning related to some small quest) carved into the
blade, Orcish swords with cruel barbs, wizard's daggers
imbued with peculiar magical side-effects).
throwing knives
there should be gun powder in this game. drop little
bombs on guards while flying over the city. or exploding
arrows, you could also use the bombs to blow open a
locked door . maybe some flaming arrows too it wold be
good if these caused the victim to burn acording to their
type ex.furry things burn well and fast but ice things
would take salot of damage and then fizzle out
Unique items/equipment from lost races could be found in the dungeons.
Allow special quarterstaff abilities. Design a special weapon type at the fighters guild.
Trident or crossbow, even have styled weapons.
Crossbow's a must, no muskets please! Big
axes, and one-handed hammers, if you're strong or agile
enough, you can use a two-handed weapon w/ one hand.
**************************** ( 28 Received )
- Multi-Player
- Internet, LAN, IPX, Modem, Direct Connection. MPlayer Allowing two players at the *same machine* using a split-screen
interface that allows both players to play in the same instantiation of the world. Allow many players
at a time in a game (100+). Have everyone connect to one big server.
************************** ( 26 Received )
- NPC Allies
- Many have requested that Chapter 3
have the ability to have NPC's join the character's party to fight and adventure alongside.
These NPC's should have there own agenda for joining the adventurer, whether they are a
disguised assassin who wants to bump the character off for another faction or a young
adventurer who is in search of fame and fortune. One could incorporate a 'Summon' spell
to summon a creature (caster's choice) to fight for the caster. Similiarly, a familiar for
mages/spell casting classes would greatly enhance the game (could be added as a class advantage
during character creation). A lawful, upstanding citizen could have the ability to
call for help if attacked in a city, thereby rewarding good reputation with the law. Hire
guards/mercanaries on dangerous missions. Possibly even create a monster!
Befriend a monster. Add an animal handling skill. Then add a variety of animals which one
could have as a companion. Hounds that will make noise when you near your querry. War horses,
riding steeds, stallions and mules could all be killed. Attack dogs you can unleash into combat.
Falcons your knights can un-hood. Panthers who will follow your cat burglar.
Familiars for your wizards such as cats, monkies, and fairy dragons.
Perhaps each animal would require a minimum number of handling points--i.e. a panther requires
a 70% handling rating while a small terrier only needs a 15%. Then limit the number of animal
companions to three or four--if it's within a characters handling ability.
************************* ( 25 Received )
- Automap
- I'm not quite sure how to implement an effective 3d automap (with layered floors, etc...). This
might be the best possible - but the automap in Daggerfall is almost more confusing than not having
one at all. I'm developing some skill with it, but this kind of automap could easily scare away many
newcomers to the genre, which would be the ultimate tragedy. Make the entry marker a cube
instead of a square. Be able to write on the dungeon automap. Show switches. Some sort of large
scale automap for outside (give us something!). Make it like a book where you can flip pages to
different areas. Would be arranaged in chapters and sub-chapters. The automap in Battlespire
looked great, but could use some improvements in 3D. The names of places on the city map
shouldn't overlap. Improve the map search routine, perhaps using wildcards and showing any
location that matched your criteria. See the whole dungeon at once option, not just a little bit of it.
Save the auto maps to places I've been.
*********************** ( 23 Received )
- Houses
- The ability to have a say in the building of your own house. Maybe the architect could show you
drawings of different designs, styles, extras, and maybe even traps and defenses. Have more than
one house (fortress in one province, nice summer cottage in another, boathouse by a lake...:)
Buyable furniture for your house/boat. Ability to decorate and furnish your house, set books on
bookshelf put armor on mannequins. Chance of robbery and quest to get your stuff back. Rent
apartments, better/larger than inns. Own a castle in the wilderness. Own more than own house at a
time. Own a dungeon (as a lair for those vampires)! Own a store. Make the house maps be included in the town map, ie, open doors,
see in windows etc... Lights in houses can be turned on an off (why are they always on? people in Tamriel must be rich). Better,
larger, custom designed houses. Plant flowers and trees around it. Buy palaces in smaller towns and
become major of the city. The houses seem small in comparison to their insides.
Should be able to buy multiple houses and to actually see what houses are for sale in a town on
the map. Make a seamless entrance into a building.
When you buy a house you should not have to pay all at once. Like a down payment at first then maybe 200 gp every month for the next 3 years. But NOT all at once
********************** ( 22 Received )
- Stable Release
- More stable release version (more ALPHA/BETA testing). Less bugs, less patches.
******************** ( 20 Received )
- Dynamic and Varied Landscape
- Changing landscape (volcanoes erupting, settlements being built mages tearing up the land etc).
Let the terrain be a risk factor, If I am wandering aimlessly in the Dragontail mountains, make it
possible to fall off a cliff and die. Mountanous terrain and cliffs (big!). More interesting, less
random (run into a town of orcs, a harpy nest etc...) Fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes.
We need deep, dark forests, deserts, lakes and seas to explore, caves to wander into. Thicker
forests. Deeper seas. Taller world features. True wars with realistic consequences. A better
designed landscape. See birds flying in the air and animals in the wilderness (not just monsters).
There should be a larger variety of weather patterns, for example hail, lightning, tornadoes,
tsunamies, tempests, white squalls etc. Also there should be wind patterns, with strength
and direction, things should be affected by wind, trees and even balance and flying debris if
it strong enough (like a hurricane). There should be a spell that can change the weather and
spell that rely on the weather, e.g. to call lightning it must be stormy A miss directed fireball should
be able to set trees and other flammable things alight (Dungeon and castle tapestries and any old
thatched roof) Trees should be able to be felled.
More dramatic weather effects. There doesn't have to
be a tornado every time it rains -- those could be saved
for scripted parts in the story (e.g., the tornado
darkens the sky and tears through a major city (changing
many things within); looking off into the distance, you
can see a trail of ruined forest that stretches into the
mountains ... suspecting a magical cause, you follow the
trail to see where the tornado came from etc).
Make the forests and jungles much more thickly wooded. At
times the trees could completely eliminate the sky.
Perhaps some areas of the forest could be impossible to
reach unless you hack through foliage. Make more
background creatures ( deer, birds, crocodiles, tapirs,
snakes, monkeys, insects)
******************* ( 19 Received )
Total of 296 Suggestions, 10 Unique
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
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