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Chapter 3 - Quest
15 February 2011
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
- More Quest Variety
- Don't make dungeons the only place you really fight enemies...have some quests where you storm
a castle, assassinate a king, or climb a tower to rescue a princess. Different quest for temples or
knightly orders. Guard a caravan. PC steals from store and merchants guild puts price on his head.
PC steals from store and then gets quest to catch thief. NPC steals from store and PC gets quest
to catch thief. Less dungeon type quests. The Guilds should give out quests which fit their name.
Less quests in dungeons, more elsewhere (castles wilderness). Have monsters invade a town.
Have holidays that generate special quests. Also, certain special quests can only be from certain
cities. You could make it that sometimes when you walk into a store they are getting robed. Have
a choice that lets you run or help the store. In which case if you kill the thiefs you would get a
reward! Better designed quests. Eliminate the quest letters, let the gamer figure it out for themselves
************* ( 13 Received )
- More Guilds
- Guilds you can join but don't really do much. Charity guilds. Let all guilds be joinable, even if it is
very hard to find them (ie, Order of the Lamp). Same with witches guilds. Possibility of creating his
own Guild. More interesting guild abilities that increase with your level/rank.
******** ( 8 Received )
- More Main Quests
- More than one main quest. In Daggerfall once you complete the main quest there won't be too
much to consistantly hold your attention. Different main quests like knights noble quest, a different
thieves quest, etc...The location you pick defines the the main plot. Several separate main quests
finished with an ultra hard final. A more immersed/interesting story (should be 'written' like a book)
The main quests in Daggerfall were terrible. There should actually be a storyline in this one outside
of getting a letter that says I will give you information if you come see me. Make NPCs have
PERSONALITIES! Have a rogue with a witty sense of humor, or a greedy king who will do much
stuff for money. In Daggerfall they were nothing but information dealers.
****** ( 6 Received )
- More Quests
- More quests. Lots more quests. At least 200 or so unique quests per guild.. It wouldn't be that
hard, especially if Bethesda had a quest contest or something along those lines, where one could
download a quest editor and submit quests..then the best ones could be implemented. Much better
***** ( 5 Received )
- Vampire Clans
- Make these work. Vampires should have thier own god and temples.
While being a vampire be able to give vampirism to others and same with lycanthropy.
Be able to kill any and everything that has blood. Like pigs, cows, dogs, horses, etc.
Kill shop keepers, guild members, and people while they sleep. Each vampire clan should have it's own headquarters where
all the people thier are members of that clan. Certain towns controlled by vampire clans. More vampire clan
quests. Joining a vampire clan should be like joining a temple or knightly order.
***** ( 5 Received )
- Riddles
- Bring back the riddles!!! I loved those, and they stumped me just the right amount of time. Don't
trivialize them by putting them in all dungeons - maybe just make one dungeon have a bunch
(a dungeon that furthers the main quest.) and a few other riddles in other dungeons the character
is sure to visit.
*** ( 3 Received )
- Quest Items
- When you get a quest to find say, spider venom, you should be able to get any spider venom
(they're all the same, right?), not just that special one in the bottom of a huge dungeon.
*** ( 3 Received )
- Bulletin Boards
- Have bulletin boards in guilds taverns etc... where random quests are posted. I've been looking
for this one in a game for years.
** ( 2 Received )
- Illegal Quests
- Some quests are 'legal', such as killing a bear, or 'illegal' such as smuggling or
murder. Have police sting operations to catch you red-handed! Make evidence
and such a factor in trials -- if somebody saw you do it, your ass is busted!
Hire a lawyer, or if you can't afford one, get a public defender to try and
get you scott-free! Have plea bargains, and have a rap sheet to keep repeat
offenders behind bars!
* ( 1 Received )
- Temples
- You should be able to be excomunicated from temples.If you join a temple as a priest-monk-nun- - you should
have rules you are supposed to live by - different ones for different temples - with possible penalties if you don't.
* ( 1 Received )
- Jobs
- Possibility of having a job(as waiter or Weaponsmith).
Have occupations such as a farmer or a blacksmith, now if you could do that online......
* ( 1 Received )
- More Complex Quests
- Far too many simple quests. Need more complex ones where you have many more decisions to
make and each one has effects in the future.
- Main Quest Involvement
- If the player chooses to just live life and not get caught up in the major quest(s) then a level of
danger that (s)he can't help but get involved in.
- Relevant Dungeon Monsters
- Ancient liches don't protect bards, and knights don't protect orcs. The computer should fill the quest dungeon with creatures that are relevant to the quests.
- PC Gives Quest
- Let the PC be able to give quests to people as well. All kinds of options here. Perhaps only when the PC is a certain level or has a minimum reputation.
- Starting Quest
- Start out in a town instead of a dungeon.
- Refuse Rewards
- Be able to turn down the reward money for a quest in exchange for increased reputation. Would work better for misc citizen's quests and temples. Less gain at fighter's guild.
- Internal Guild Politics
- Rivals who are also seeking promotion and superiors who must be removed
so you can get their job. Dynamic guildhouses. I.e. if a guilds power falls its guild offers less
services, has worse decor. As it decreases further, outlying branches
close. And the reverse for guilds increasing in power.
- Sub-Guilds
- Multiple advancement branches in Guilds. For example, in the Mages
Guild, there should be other highest levels, such as Grand Wizard, where
you get different benefits etc. What you get could be based on your
magic skills, or what quests you do etc.
- Forest Guilds
- Forest Gulids would be exactly like small vilages but in a forest. The
houses would be in the trees and would probably be small. The trees of course
would have to be solid, to get to the houses, rope ladders or something
similar would be needed. There would be people roaming around like normal and
it would be more fun if you had to stumble across the guilds to find them like
lost cities. Once you had found them you could join them and buy a house
there, do special training etc. They would be really good things to join and,
look really cool.
- Necromancers Guild
- Have a real Necromancer guild where if you die and are a member, you
automatically restart with most of your possessions gone, but your
necromancer powers based on your character level, character attributes,
artifacts, number of completed quests, reputations, etc. and your guild
level. PLUS, you must sometime choose between the light or the dark. If you
choose the light special monsters, other necromancers, etc. will come after
you, the monsters/attackers will be bad, but if you pull it off, great
rewards and special goodies. If you choose the dark, make the requirements
of bad reputation, killing, BETRAYING (especially other guild members) pay
off BIG.
- Guard Quests
- When you join a regional knightly order you should have guard duties
as part of the quest offered, IE arrest a criminal, catch a thief, break
up a riot, guard the king, ect. If the region is at war you may have to
go off and fight for your ruler. Breaking the law or attacking guards in
regions where youre a knight should result in automatic expelsion
- Mini-Quests
- Join the many mini-quests from guilds into a longer quest with a common theme.
- Varied Quest Rewards
- Increase in repuation, skill/attribute increase should be made the rewards for various difficult
quests....failure means a decrease.
- Trade
- Where is the trade. Trade is one the most important things through
time, yet there are very little trade in Daggerfall!!! Let Caravans
journey around, Merchants guilds develope...
- Dark Brotherhood
- The Dark Brotherhood should recruit you after performing a number of assassinate quests (now
received sometimes from tavern owners), rather than killing 3 innocents or 15 guards. To steal a
quote from Grosse Point Blank, A psycopath kills for no reason, I kill for money. The thieives
guild might want indiscriminant thugs, but an assassin's guild would want professional killers.
There should be more assassin quests like killing powerful people (lords, queens, etc.)
Assassination is killing for political/idealogical reasons, otherwise it's just murder. Over half the
quests I get from the DB ask me to kill a wayward member. Completing a number of such quests
could qualify the PC for a sub-guild of internal purists.
- Thieves Guild
- There needs to be much
more variety in this. Something like spying on opposing guilds, selling
stolen items through black market, etc. When you go into some guy's
house to steal something they shouldn't watch with that dumb grin on
their face as you take their stuff, open all their doors and run
throughout their house. There should be a good reason for going into a
house, and if anything illegal is seen they will either attack you
themselves or call the guards. Also, the dark brotherhood and thieves
guild don't seem to care when I take all the stuff they have laying
around, even when I'm not a member of the guild. If this is meant to be
taken (ie, guild supplies), it should be related to the guild in some
way, and only accessable when a certain rank is reached.
- Artifact Quests
- More ways to get Artifacts quests.
- Guild Involvement
- I believe that the player should be more involved in
guilds than just simply performing quests. It should be
possible for the player to become the Archmagister of
the Mages guild or the Lord of the Fighters guild, etc.
Thus, as the character gains rank in the guild, they
should become more involved in the politics of that
guild. At high level, maybe the player himself can give
out quests instead of taking them.
- Banned
- When you are banned from a city, have a very bad reputation, or maybe just because your a werewolf, you
should get a angry mob after you.
Total of 78 Suggestions, 30 Unique
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
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