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Chapter 3 - Magic/Spells
19 February 2011
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
- Teleporting/Recall
- Multiple anchors (around 3). Ability to return to same anchor multiple times, ability to teleport without having anchor set.
******* ( 7 Received )
- Necromantic Spells
- I would also like to see a Raise dead, control Undead, Summon Undead (usable only in grave
yards, or around dead people.) and other necromantic spells. Add a new guild base
solely on Necromancy. There should be a raise dead spell that allows you to
animate some corpses of things that you killed or maybe a posses spell that lets you enter the mind
of a NPC for a while. Should be able to be a necromancer with a bunch of skeletons on your
side. The no. of undead able to be controlled will depend
on the power of spell (magnitude). This could also be
varied by stats. of creature and caster and should also
include a duration factor. There should be some un-evil
aspects of a necromancer and their spells e.g.
ressurection and heal (self or other).
******* ( 7 Received )
- Better Spell Effects
- A spell engine that incorporates point-line-point code, whereby you can actually cast a lightning
BOLT, rather than this pathetic lightning ball, or a stream of fire, or holy light. We need some IPAS
routines instead of bitmapped psuedomagic, for area effect spells and the like. Visible blast radius.
More spell effects and spell pictures,not just the same little fuzzball every time you cast a spell.
Choose the size of the blast radius in the spell maker.
If a spell is a fire storm, etc. there should be better graphics for area spells.
***** ( 5 Received )
- Item Enchantor
- Make the Enchantment Point cost for powers greater. Personally think it is neat, but I also feel it
unbalences the game. The same goes with certain spells in the spellmaker (such as: invisibility(true)).
Abilities that can be magically added to items should cost more. Once you get to a Magic Item Maker in a guild the game just becomes waay too easy. Choose the
color of the enchantment, instead of the default blue.
** ( 2 Received )
- Affecting Spells
- I like being able to see exactly what spells I'm being affected by at the moment (the icons are great,
but don't tell you what spells, especially if you forget, have a lot of spells cast, or have spells cast
at you). If this is too potent, simply create an 'identify spells' spell or have a spell identify skill.
Create custom spell icons in-game. Make these either less obtrusive or able to be switched
on and off. They're often just annoying.
** ( 2 Received )
- Grand Magic
- Just about all the magic in the game is 'putz magic', nothing terribly powerful everyday type. You need from 'grand' or 'realm magic' with truly powerful and unique effects (like
dimension travel, time travel, instant teleportation...anywhere). Make spell skills slower to advance and with a higher discount on spell
points to cast spells in that school per extra %. Then add really hard
spell effects which are v. expensive.
** ( 2 Received )
- Spell List
- Sort the character's spell list in alphabetical order (or other sorting methods by option).
* ( 1 Received )
- Summoning
- Summon monsters to fight at your side. Choose the basic type of monster. Strength is partially based on level. Monster creation spells with lots of options on what exactly you
summon. Daedra Priince summoning spell.
* ( 1 Received )
- Light Spells
- Fix the light spell so everything does not go dark when you approach a wall.
Remove the annoying floating candle!
* ( 1 Received )
- Spellbooks
- Find spellbooks (in dungeons, houses, corpses, etc...) and add any unknown spells into your spellbook (optionally of course)
* ( 1 Received )
- Spell Maker
- yes! even better than it is! Above all, more realistic : no more super-spells, no more training to level super 100 with wimpy 5 point cost cantrips.The different spell effects could also
be devided into schools, users only having access to a limited number of them... this certainly goes up for divine spellmakers... I can't imagine a god of life/healing providing you
with poison/disease or soulsteal spells! The ideal would be to define the world in terms of certain parameters, combined with a thoroughly developed arcane theory. Application of
the theory would then enable you to influence parameters as you wish (e.g. the weather, your hitpoints, another's hitpoints, etc...) and design YOUR OWN spell effects, effectively
creating you own spellmaker effect library as we now now it! Maybe this is just a bit over the top, but think about the possibilities!!!
* ( 1 Received )
- Type Numbers
- In the Spell Maker you should be able to type in the number you want in any of the fields. Really annoying having to press the up button 40 times just to get to 40.
* ( 1 Received )
- More Than 3 Effects
- Should be able to add as many different abilities to a spell as you want. Make a spell that has the Elemental Resistance to all 5 types, your only limitation to the amount of abilities
added should be either your skill in a specific school or your own spell points. (But first you NEED to fix the over 100% 5 spell points bug. :)
* ( 1 Received )
- Seek Spell
- A section of the detect spells that pinpoints the object of a quest, so that you have some idea of where you are going.
* ( 1 Received )
- Priest Spells
- Cleric/priest magic should be completely different and separated from that of mages
* ( 1 Received )
- More Enchantment Types
- Weapons can be enchanted etc so that they gain powers through use. For instance, I enchant
my axe as a Living Weapon. I go out and kill 30 vampires with it. Upon examining my weapon
I find that it now has a mild vampiric effect when I hit with it. (Had I killed Vampire Ancients, the
effect would be greater). Weird enchanted items that can be used while held but aren't weapons,
like a timepiece that hypnotises opponents when up swing it, or staves that fire lighting etc.
* ( 1 Received )
- Cursed Items
- De-idiot proof magic, particularly items. For example, If I have a gem with the effect strenghtens
armor, and pick up a wand that unknowingly has a disadvantage of weakens armor, instead of just
canceling each other out, make the armour disapear (based on luck armour type, etc). This will
make picking enchantments into a risk vs benifet type deal, and actually (IMHO ) balance the game,
making getting the item maker only the first step, instead of making the game vastly easier instantly.
How about some cursed weapons and armour that can disadvantage the player.
* ( 1 Received )
- Morphing
- Morphing spells, turning you into another creature type for a short time for increased effects in an area (ie, a dragon for attacking, an eagle for flying and escaping etc...). Be able to
turn into any creature in the game.
- Plague
- Nasty disease able to wipe out villages and armies (and yourself if you aren't careful). Hard to find a cure for.
- Enhanced Vision
- Be able to see well in dark, 'zoom' modes, spot secret doors, traps, etc...
- Special Bonuses
- Some of the spell categories that you can add to your spell should be obtained through either a guild or your own personal ability in a school. Something like you can add a damage
effect to your spell at any Destruction level but at Destruction level 40% you can add Continuous Damage. Level 80% Destruction and you can add Disintigrate.
- Enlarge/Shrink
- The ability/spell to shrink to much smaller, or grow to much larger. Likewise, have this affect
attributes etc...
- Create Golem
- For those high level mages.
- Resistances/Immunities
- Make these much harder to get at reduced effectiveness. Make it so when you resist a spell it cost
spells points or fatigue etc...
- Soul Trap
- You can release a soul from the gem to help aid you fight for a time. The monster and gem disappears after use.
- Mount Spell
- Add a spell that creates a mount, like the phantom steed.
- More Combative Magic
- In Daggerfall there was a crossed swords button that readied your
weapons, it'd be good if magical attacks were just the same kind of
thing. A few buttons for the different elements of magic. When one in
selected there could be an energy bar which goes up when the player
holds down a keyboard button and that increases the magnitude of the
attack and fires when the player releases the button. The different
elements could be more specilised into different types of attacks, like:
Fire would be mainly hitting single targets at range until the bar gets
quite high then it starts blinding nearby enemies and affecting the area
around the caster with damage hits. Shock would be blinding at low power
and eventually becomes damage at range etc. The rate at which the energy
bar goes up could be dependant on the casters skill in that particular
magic. So low level wizards will take ages to ready a huge attack of
fireballs and protuding flame walls but high level wizards could quickly
unleash devestating volleys of lighting bolts and electric mosters which
constantly dance around the enemy ripping them to streads.
Exploding fireballs should expand in a spherical translucent radius
giving a foolish caster time to get out of the way of their own spell.
- Casting Keys
- F1 through F12 memory for storing and casting spells.
You store the spell by hitting Shift-Fx and cast it by
hitting Fx. For distance spells your cursor should be
over the target when you hit the F key to cast the spell.
- Spell Points
- It should be able raise your total amount of spellpoints as you get better, not just by increasing your INT.
- Spell Schools
- More spell schools. Alteration and Thaumaturgy are too similar.Illusion needs to be more useful.
Light spells are pointless, shadows/chameleon don't compare to actual invisibility (which undead see through anyway)
Some spell types are pointless, why paralyze someone when you end up killing them anyway? Or pacify?
Total of 66 Suggestions, 30 Unique
Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...
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