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Chapter 3 - PC/Skills/Class

19 February 2011

Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...

Give each race its own custom class and forbidden classes. Each race has strong points, reflect this in weapon+armour bonuses (elves - bows, orcs - blunt weapons, etc..) Each race must have its own unique set of advantage AND disadvantage. Don't give one race a few bonus points in one or two skills because with the experience system it limits the max level you can attain (imagine a wood-elf archer that could not raise above level 28-29 whereas a human one could reach 31-32) More races to choose from (orc, dwarf, etc...) Orcs, minotaurs, and other not-so-powerful two legged beasts. Dwarfs, gnomes, and hobits. Argonians should be able to breath underwater. Half-Orcs. Daedra races. Were-rats. Centaur. Have all the races appear as NPC's in the game. All I've seen so far are redguards and bretons.
************* ( 13 Received )

Custom Class
Have the ability to save defining parameters of custom classes so they can be shared between DF owners. Also, give the custom class editor the ability to edit existing classes. (Ie. a dark night might replace ettiquitte with Backstabbing) It will enhance replay. When Customizing a Class you should be able to just ADD some special abilities without bad effects. Such as you start with like 20 special ability points. Regeneration General costs 100 but Acute Hearing costs 10.
******* ( 7 Received )

No limit to character level. What's the use in playing if you can't get anymore hp's, etc... Don't have primary skills stop at 100%. Removing leveling all together...statistics (hp, mp, atrributes) would be related to each other and automatically increase over time. Extend the skill idea one step furthur and get rid of levels all together. Skills (weapons, spells, etc...) and attributes (strength, hit points) increase gradually over time through use. Don't allow 'pratice' spells to be used to increase skills. Bring back experience points except not for just killing things.
****** ( 6 Received )

Thieving Skills
Make it so if the Odd Blades or some other store is robbed every night for a month, the owner would hire some guards, or try to stop you. More realistic restocking of stores after a theft. Can break into windows of buildings, not just doors. Make it a challenge to sneak up an backstab them. Why can you steal things from an NPC that has nothing when you kill it? when in stealthy mode you should be able to sneak up behind someone and slit their throat. if you have a chance to catch them offguard make it count!
****** ( 6 Received )

More attributes to build up, ie strength, willpower, agility. Have attributes slowly increase with use (like skills). If you swing a 10kg sword several 1000 times you are bound to get stronger. After reading many books you should get smarter etc... Get jobs e.g. work for the blacksmith and therby increase strength, get a discount on weapons/armor in the shop, and earn gold. Similarly for going to school (INT), a spa (END), ballet class (AGI), and so on. Have attributes have a much larger effect in the game (ie, personality, luck etc...).
***** ( 5 Received )

Face Builder
Would really be cool if it had a face-builder (something to completely customize your character's these eyes with this nose, etc.). Would be optional in the character creation process. Randomly build a face if you don't wish to. The system in Battlespire is a good start. More faces to choose from. It would be nice if appearance depended on stats (ie, str, int, etc...). Let them select a general face form and then adding a set of eyes, nose, etc. Maybe letting them alter skintone to a degree.
***** ( 5 Received )

Detect Secrets
Make a skill/spell so that when you pass a secret door or switch you have the possibility of seeing a message like 'You notice something funny about the south wall', or 'You notice scrape marks on the floor'. Hidden doors are more obvious to the TRAINED Eye of a thief or Elf. Hidden doors shouldn't be visible on the automap.
**** ( 4 Received )

Language Skills
Actually have the language skills do something. I have my Daedric about 65% and yet none of them are willing to talk to me in my dungeon crawls.
**** ( 4 Received )

Powerful Classes
Certain combinations of abilities unbalance the game as well such as a character with increased magery 3X, spell absorbtion, Immunity to magic, and inability to regen spell points. This character can go up fairly fast, and with an item enchanted with fireball (or something similar) can pretty much have an unlimited supply of spell points. Limit advantages and disadvantages then when the character gains a certain level have him recieve a note from some wise old man saying I have been watching you and I feel you are ready. When you go to him you can add ONE more advantage. If I am level thirty I should be able to have a castle, raise an army of the dead an of demons and carve my own province. Obviosly others would oppose. If this was integrated into the spell maker with v. high costs it would provide a whole new aspect.
*** ( 3 Received )

The ability to try to pick a lock more than once. If at first you don't suceed... Have more options for using the theiving type skills. Be able to buy lockpicks, various qualities and correspondingly various chances at picking a lock. Fix the Pick Lock skill. I have a character that has LockPicking as a Miscellaneous skill at 11%. Either because I have 80 intelligence or a bug, but I can pick any lock. That just shouldn't be happening. I should be having to bash down some doors or use open on others.
*** ( 3 Received )

Have a skill or racial characteristic like Infravision. It would be great to go with out the light spell or torches which do not work anyway.
** ( 2 Received )

Should be able to write your own History without Hacking the file. Make certain events in your history unavoidable. Like meeting the Emporer or something. But the rest can just be typed in or take the default histories. I just want to check my abilities sometimes, not hear my entire life story. Not having these is especially annoying with vampire-lycanthrope characters. It might also be useful if you were told the abilities currently bestowed upon you by an item.
** ( 2 Received )

Become a Lich/Daedra Prince
Like becoming a vampire or werebeast, allow your character to be a lich. Find an ancient map deep in the bottom of a dungeon that leads you to the hiding place of a secret potion/spell that would make your mortal wizard into an undead magician. Effects might be a higher number of spellpoints, always full stamina, damage from holy places, weakness against anti-undead measures, bad reaction from living things. Similarily with a Daedra Prince.
* ( 1 Received )

New Skills
Animal handling (less likely to be thrown and faster travel), change medical to be more a regenerative type healing, hunting (if food is implemented), religion/praying (controlling undead, gaining temporary favours, summoning daedra/gods etc...). Weapon Smith: Basic ability to repair damaged weapons away from a smithy. Armor Smith: Basic ability to repair damaged armor away from a smithy. Hobbler: Basic ability to repair all items other than armor and weapons. Foraging: Ability to find specific materials. Researcher: Increases choices in available spells and increases chance of player finding out location of an artifact site or precious metal deposit.
* ( 1 Received )

New Races
A good way to introduce the dwarves would be that they were at war with the orcs. Recently, a truce has been called. The dwarves have reemerged from their mountain fortresses to be a presence in Tamirel. The dwarves and orcs therefore would have a strong dislike for each other. Dwarves: They are in the game. Dwarven weapons and armor abounds. Due to their small nature, they can't use two handed weapons, but are harder to hit (+10% to dodging). Dwarves have increased endurance and strength due to their year in the mines and fighting the orcs. Dwarves well known for their fighting abilities. Skill bonuses (+10% axe, +10% short sword, +5% critical strike, +10% armor smith, +5% weapon smith ). Finally dwarves are more resistant to magic than the other races, second only to the Bretons. Orcs: Same reasons as above why they should be player characters. Due to their large size and warlike culture they have increased strength and endurance. Further, orc's, due to their physiology, innately have a rush of adrenaline near death. Orcs are natural fighters and assassins, trained from a young mage in battle. Those who are too weak die before reaching adulthood or learn more subtle ways to kill their opponents, thus enhancing their warlike abilities. Skill bonuses (+10% axe, +10% long sword, +5% missile, +5% back strike, + 5 % stealth, +5% street smarts). Orcs suffer a strong reputation penalty with most races due to their warlike nature. When entering settlement, an Orc is best off being in robes and avoiding most peasants save the residents of the more seedier parts of town. Insted of just being a Humanoid character you could be another race! Imagine being a daedra and going around to wreak havoc on an un-suspecting town, or to become an orc and join to Ornsinium. This would allow for many different storylines, skills, and races to use and become.
* ( 1 Received )

The warrior at latest stages is much weaker than Mage? Warrior just can swing his club (or sword, not matter) when Mage can fly.. summon daemons.. launch nuke-spells.. etc. I (and not I alone, that was not my idea, really) think that Warrior at high levels must gain some extra-abilities, which can be compared to spells like.. VERY fast running. Catching arrows. Stealth movement. Resisting some type of spells. Ability to throw knife in eye of his foe and slay him.
* ( 1 Received )

Import Character
Be able to import your character from Daggerfall if you wish.
* ( 1 Received )

First Polymorph, this spell is in all the stories where either a druid has one shape they change into at will or they have multiple shapes ie Eagles Bears Wolf (tried the werewolf not quite what I was looking for) etc. Another thing is that there were are no druidic places of worship (stone circles) in Daggerfall ( if someone has seen one I would like to know where it is) And maybe the most important though most looked over is the Stories about Druidic Healing of plants and animals...Too bad no animals plants are easy to walk through and i always feel that some insane wizard created the forest of Illusion...Anyway do not Druids spend a huge amount of time turning wasteland into forest? I feel as a woodelf or some other species this would be great I mean don't they love the forest?
* ( 1 Received )

Travelling Skill
Add a travelling skills which would affect travel times.

Levelling Increases
Let the number of points that you increase in going up a level be fixed. I routinely save and reload until my bonus increase is 6, and my health points increase(which I sadly set as only 10, max, before I caught on) is 10 on each level increase.

Rapid Advancement
Let there be very rare, and very difficult quests/encounters where your character can advance very rapidly (either in level, skills, attributes, reputation, etc...). Either the character fails, possibly losing stats, or dying, or succeeds with great rewards.

Shield Block
Your ability to block an attack should be based on a skill. A skill such as successfully using a shield to block an attack.

Add disguise kits and make-up kits as well as a disguise skill. (this would only be useful if NPC's took a character's appearance into consideration.)

Add the effect of alignment somehow (the classic evil/neutral/good).

Bounty Hunting
Bounty hunting, would be a good Idea also. Make bounty hunting into a class, make bounty hunters guilds, and hunt and track people in outdoors environments instead of always in dungeons.

Singing Skill
Bards should have singing skill and chance to use it for money or magic. Sing for your supper or sing up a spell.

Character Disadvantages
How about some obvious problems associated with the gender or race you choose. It would be interesting (and perhaps educational) to play a PC who is cast out, arrested and otherwise hassled because they are an upright lizard or highly attractive (or ugly) man or woman. The dialogue engine could make this an important thing in gameplay, making the experience more rich.

Make sneak / run / climb a toggle-mode. To avoid those annoyng unwanted actions, and to lessen strain on fingers.

SCARS on body!!! You been hit by nasty orcish blade! Critical hit (2 hitpoint remains), but you win. After that you rest and healed, but SCAR will remain forever (Switchable)

A priestly option, there's no way to play a cleric, paladin, religious monk, etc... All they are now is mages attached to a church.

Inventory Sheet
The character portrait should be more heroic. The bodies and faces in Daggerfall were to real. Should be more like comics, with real strong guys, and girls with really big bra size and no space for internal organs!! Would be more interesting if you could choose your body in character generation - really thin and wimpy, real strong or medium. It's kinda strange to do mages with real strong bodies. The faces should be a little more variated. From batiful girls, to really old mages, with big noses and beard.

Mastering a Skill
Skills shouldn't stop advancing at 100% and shouldn't prevent other skills from advancing past 95%. It's slow progress past 100% that it wouldn't matter too much.

Secret Classes
I think that in the next game, there should be some hidden classes that are obtained through doing specific things. For example, there could be a secret Paladin class that you could get by increasing your reputation to revered, and getting over 75 reputation with a temple, this would eliminate your previous class and your old advantages/disadvantages, but you would keep your level and other stats.

PC professions as in Ultima, hunter, blacksmith -there are loads that would be cool.

Premade Classes
I think that the premade character classes should have some advantage over making a custom class. In daggerfall there is no reason except speed to take a Mage class when you can create one better. A premade mage class should get more free spells. A premade fighter should start out with a powerful sword. A premade thief should have points added to his thieving skills.

Total of 101 Suggestions, 35 Unique

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