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Discussions and questions about the CS and mods for Morrowind
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Major Graphics problem

Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:36 pm

By doing particular things like using the silt strider service or entering some interiors my graphics become corrupted, first the PC my lose a part of its body and then if I dont react immediately the corruption expands to the point where the textures of the menu are replaced by broken ones and I must figure out roughly the location of the "exit" option to quit the game.
This is a recent problem which is probably attributed to mods, but I cant be sure about which specific ones or if theyre to blame at all. The fact is that I dont know what to do next and I'd like to avoid the obvious solution of removing the mods one by one.
I play the game using around 50 mods and some which may be responsible since I installed them last are: Morrowind graphics extender, building up uviriths grave, antares big mod. in case somebody has the same problem.
Is it possible that the existance of some broken saves in the saves file may cause this problem? if no then what should I do to trace the problem?


Re: Major Graphics problem

Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:52 pm

First, disable all mods and try starting a new game. If you still have the problem, you can either attribute it to faulty modded textures/meshes or something perhaps a more sinister flaw in the game and how it runs on your machine.

To save your current game, I would say reload the game Vanilla and add groups or single mods until you see the issue again. The caveat is that loading without certain mods will most likely make the save or game in general refuse to boot. Make a save in a location where you have no problems and is very little touched by mods. The mods you've played with before experiencing the problem I would say leave enabled in order to keep away a CTD, but test it after doing this and see if you still have the problem. If not, enable/disable your newest mods until you can replicate the problem. Time consuming, I know. I had to so something similar once because the game wouldn't boot at all. Trial and error revealed it had to do with a detect life mod. It could also be a mod conflicting with another mod.

I would say maybe MGE is conflicting with something since it changes shaders and many other things related to the engine... but I don't know since I haven't had any problems with it.

With regard to dirty saves, you can learn how to clean them . It also covers how to clean using the tool TESAME, as well as more manual methods.
I hope at least something there helps!!

Re: Major Graphics problem

Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:00 pm

The main question to start with is of course, did the game run well in the beginning? If it did, the problems are most probably mod related. A good method is to disable half of the mods, and check if it works --- if it works, you know the problem is with the half you disabled... if it doesn't work, enable the disabled half, disable the other half... and so on. Step by step, by disabling / enabling, find the problem.

There's usually a crucial point = like one mod that causes trouble. You just have to find out which it is. You could check for information about mod conflicts, or you could post a list of your mods here: someone may notice conflicting mods, although I can't make any promises. A very simple tool is ReOrder Mods, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/V ... tail&id=43

If you're running 64 bit, Morrowind is known to have issues with it. You could give info about your OS, and some system specs too.

I may not have provided any clear answers, but questions are certainly the way to them? And I wouldn't disclose another way to solve it all: save your saves, uninstall everything, do a registry cleanse, do a HDD defrag, install everything, copy your saves to Morrowind, and start again with one mod after another --- you'll get a heck of clickings, I HAVE warned you, but oftentimes the radical measures are faster than trying to "find the fast and easy way".

"Feel free to ask and comment". :D And definitely, best wishes.
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