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Efficient Leveling & Attributes/Major Skills Question
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Author:  adflueckiger [ Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Efficient Leveling & Attributes/Major Skills Question

Hello, I'm sure this question has been posted before, but I'm not quite sure on what is going to happen. I'm only on level 9 so I have a few levels to go, but basically my situation/question is this: I'm doing efficient leveling and getting +5 bonuses on 3 attributes each time. Once I get to 100 on, say Endurance, then how do I factor in leveling up my major skill of Heavy Armor with getting +5 bonuses on other attributes?

For example, say my Endurance is 100 at level 12. For level 13, I'm going to work on Strength, Speed, and Agility and get +5 bonuses in each. So how/where do I factor in getting a major skill advancement in Heavy Armor since my Endurance attribute is already at 100? It seems that I would need to factor it in like I have been, but then make sure that the Strength, Speed, and Agility major skills are less than 10, say for a total of 7, and then I would get +3 in Heavy Armor. Is that correct? And then I would need to make sure my minor skills in those three attributes are high enough to get the +5 bonus?

I hope I was clear enough and I appreciate any insight!

Author:  Chicken Slayer [ Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Efficient Leveling & Attributes/Major Skills Question

Don't worry about it. The H.A. skill will go up. There just won't be any attribute points for you to choose on the list when you level up. Make your ten points for the other skills however you need to with majors and minors.

Author:  Squalor [ Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Efficient Leveling & Attributes/Major Skills Question

It would help to know what you chose for major skills.

" For level 13, I'm going to work on Strength, Speed, and Agility and get +5 bonuses in each". But you want to use heavy armor to level up ? Then that's what you would do to get those three +5s . There will be no option to put attribute points in Endurance. Any minor skills governed by Endurance, you are now free to run up ( unless your planning to Felldew ).
The real question is, Are you having fun ? Welcome to the UESP forum !

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