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Always knockback on sneak attack
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Author:  hugeheadliang [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Always knockback on sneak attack

Is it normal or a bug? How to solve it?
I'm using an enchanted daedric dagger with 2s Weakness to magicka, 2s weakness to frost, 30 frost dmg and soul trap. With the knockback it is hard to strike consequently in 2s. Now i'm using a paralyze poison but i almost run out of it.

Also I always do power attack in sneak mode after reach 50 in acrobatics. I searched for the issue and found several guys had the same problem but no one provided a valid solution. Now i just use console to stay at 49 but i really want to jump on the water xD Is there a solve for the problem?

Author:  Chicken Slayer [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

The knock back is pretty common, especially with sneak attacks.

I did a lot of testing of bows, spells, and swords to see what worked best to produce two hit kills on the big non leveled monsters (Storm Atronachs, Dread Zombies, Skeleton Champions, etc), and a two second weakness on a sword doesn't work because of the knock back with a sneak attack. You need three seconds minimum to recover and make the second hit in time. I tested this with 2s, 3s and 4s light enchantments to visualize the timing of the weaknesses.

It doesn't matter with the weapon/enchantment combo you described because it is going to need an extra hit anyway. Frost is not a good element to use because over half of the creatures in the game (21 of 38) are resistant to it, while at any given level several tough monsters are going to be weak to fire and neutral to shock.

Here is what your dagger is doing...

Daedric Dagger base damage = 19
Frost = 30
Single hit=49
Sneak Attack base damage = 19x6=134 ...plus frost 30= 164 total

Will kill
--Flame Atronach @150hp
--Possibly --Black Bear=150 (+20% Resistance to frost)

Will Not Kill.

--Mountain lion=160 (+20% Resistance to frost)
--Skeleton guardian= 170
--Clannfear =180
--Headless Zombie =175+ resistance

But a sneak 164 + late hit 49 =213 will kill those things (except maybe for the Zombie)


If you get the sneak plus the weakness hit =303...
1st hit = 164
2nd hit = 19 base + 120 frost =139
Weakness to frost 100% = 2x30=60 frost
Weakness to magic 100% = 2x60=120 frost
Total damage for sneak + follow up =164+139=303

Will kill
--Minotaur =300
--Daedroth =280
--Spider Daedra =300 (30% frost weakness)
--Brown Bear 330 (+20% Resistance to frost)

Will not kill
--Faded Wraith 280 (100% Resistance to frost)
--Frost Atronach 280 (100% Resistance to frost)
--Dread Zombie 340 (resistant to frost and magic)
--Storm Atronach 350

If you do not want to use Drain Health, try Fire+ WtF+WtM and make up the left-over points with Shock. With elemental damages, at some number, the cost will take a step up. When that happens, it is better to stop and add a second element. The Weakness to Magic will double the cheaper second element and make up for the change.
The dagger will look something like this.

Soul trap 1s
Fire 21
Shock 8
Weakness to fire 100% -3s
Weakness to magic 100% -3s

Also, if you go over the limit on a soul gem at the alter, try dropping the Weakness to Magic to 99% or 98% instead of dropping the elemental value. The total damage will be higher if you do it that way.

If you have access to a Daedric dagger, you can get a daedric shortsword from a vampire. It will do a lot more base damage ( x6 w/ sneak)...A daedric longsword is even better.

hope this helps

Author:  hugeheadliang [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

Thanks a lot. Actually the only thing matters is the knockback... Knowing it is not a bug i decide to use umbra now

Besides im playing the highest difficulty at lv30.. 2 sneak hits are not enough to kill almost anything lol

Author:  Golden Sinner [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

I also play at max difficulty. If you master alchemy and have the best gear you can make a simple blade poison from harrada or nightshade (or even an onion and venison) that does 8 points of damage per second for 30 seconds (total 240). Just stab once and block while they die.

Also, 19 x 6 = 114.

Author:  Chicken Slayer [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

If that was my only math mistake making calculations on the fly, I'm happy. Thanks for catching it.

With a fast blade like a dagger, you might try the weakness to element for one second and the weakness to magic for three seconds. You will always get the double damage for the element, and you will get three seconds of stacking damage for the magic.

Soul trap 1s
Fire -high
Shock -low
Weakness to fire 100% -1s
Weakness to magic 100% -3s

What is your reasoning behind using Umbra? Won't it take a million hits to kill anything at max difficulty?

With poison I think I would go with a blade enchanted with 100% drain speed to hypnotize the baddies while you wait. ... Unless you like to block.

Here are some good poisons for the really tough varmints.


While we are on the subject, how do you increase your combat skills at Max difficulty? You can't just stand there and slice away at something to raise your blade skill, or get hit a zillion times to raise endurance, can you?

Author:  hugeheadliang [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

Oh im using chameleon 100% so every attack is a sneak attack.. if the knockback cant be avoid then the attack speed doesnt matter and wtm become hard to stack.

I played at normal until every attribute except luck hit 100. Tried playing highest difficulty in tutorial, gave up after being killed by the first goblin in 2 blows..

Author:  Akatosh's Pug [ Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Always knockback on sneak attack

You say you use power attacks in sneak mode, in the first post; there is such a thing? I didn't notice it...

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