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Level mechanics seem like a paradox to me
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Author:  SkoomaMadness [ Fri May 10, 2024 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Level mechanics seem like a paradox to me

I'm a big, dumb s'wit and I don't see how A, B and C can all be true at the same time...

A. When you increase any combo of major or minor skills ten times, you can level up.

B. 0 skill increases = +1
1–4 skill increases = +2
5–7 skill increases = +3
8–9 skill increases = +4
10 or more skill increases = +5

C. Getting three +5's is feasible.

If A and B are true, then C can't be true.... right?? (but I'm wrong... right??)

Three +5's would require ten increases apiece, but there's only ten increases per level.. right??

If any combo of TEN maj/min skill increases causes a level-up, then how do ya end up with three +5's without having to get THIRTY maj/min skill increases? That shouldn't be possible cuz that's twenty more maj/min increases than is possible to get in one level, because "one level" means ten maj/min skill increases.. right??

For a couple of months, I've tried making new characters and getting them to level 2 over and over and over and I can't even come close to getting +5's (or even +4's.) I've gotta be missing some basic, bonehead, noob thing that I'm juuust not grokking after hours of playing, reading, and watching videos on it.

Anyway... Would any of you nice people mind telling me where I'm goin wrong? My brain hurts.


I know that efficient leveling isn't necessary in Morrowind, I just want to be able to do it for at least one level-up so that I know that I have a good understanding of how the mechanics work before I start trying to beat the game for real.

I'm relatively unfamiliar with Morrowind, but I've beaten Oblivion and Skyrim, and I've played Arena and Daggerfall.

Oblivion's mechanics bug me too. I always end up second guessing every single little, tiny thing I do and it becomes more like a mental-illness-simulator than an adventure game. Pretending I didn't know that the mechanics even existed was the only way I could play through and beat it. I'll probably eventually do that with Morrowind.)

Author:  SeaGtGruff [ Fri May 10, 2024 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Level mechanics seem like a paradox to me

The skill increases don't need to count toward leveling up; you can increase a miscellaneous skill 10 times and it will not help you level up but it will let you increase the associated attribute by 5 points when you do level up.

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