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 Post subject: How to avoid the Morrowind Thieves Guild/Fighters Guild trap
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:15 am 

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Is there a way to become grandmaster of both houses? If you try to become grandmaster of the Fighters Guild first then you have to kill all the Thieves Guild bosses. If you try to become mastermind of the Thieves Guild first, you have to take out a few Fighters Guild bosses. Is there a way to get it done without compromising my status in either group?

There is a way to do it, and it gives you the best possible outcome from the perspective of being "the good guy".

If you have done the Fighters Guild quests before, you may have noticed that some of them just don't quite smell right. There is a little too much strong-arm work, extortion, and outright murder involved, specifically with some of the quests you get from Eydis Fire-Eye, Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, and Sjoring Hard-Heart. There is a reason those quests don't pass the sniff test, and if you ask the right people you will find out what's wrong.

If you go through all of the Fighters Guild quests without asking any questions, and kill the heads of the Thieves Guild, then you are actually being duped by a few corrupt individuals within the current leadership of the Fighters Guild. They are working for the Cammona Tong, and are not acting in the best interest of the Fighters Guild. To avoid being made an unwitting accomplice to their corrupt acts, you should start talking to Percius Mercius, at the Ald'ruhn Fighters Guild, early on in your career with the Fighters Guild. Percius used to be the head of the Fighters Guild. He is aware of the corruption among the current leadership of the guild, and is looking for a way to clean up the guild and restore it to its former glory. You can help him.

By working with Percius, you will be able to finish an alternate quest line, that does not require you to kill the Thieves Guild leaders, and even has you working to a common cause with the Thieves Guild. There is something of a trick to it, though, if you want to advance all the way up to being the leader of both guilds. So, if you don't mind a bit of a spoiler, keep reading to get the specifics.

When you start getting quests from Eydis Fire-Eye in Balmora, it is a good idea to check each one out with Percius Mercius at the Ald'ruhn Fighters Guild before you complete the quest. Percius will clue you in that some of the quests that Eydis is giving you are not legitimate Fighters Guild jobs, but are being done for the Cammona Tong. As you continue to work with Percius, you will find the corruption in the Fighters Guild goes higher than Eydis Fire-Eye, and the two leaders of the guild in Vivec, Lorbumol gro-Aglakh and Sjoring Hard-Heart, are involved as well.

In the end, instead of having to kill the leaders of the Thieves Guild for Sjoring Hard-Heart, Percius will have you kill Lorbumol gro-Aglakh and Sjoring Hard-Heart, instead. And this is where the tricky part comes in. The quests for the two guilds are intertwined, and must be completed in the right order to keep from short-circuiting the quest lines.

You have to complete a Thieves Guild quest from Gentleman Jim Stacey that has you bribing Eydis Fire-Eye with the Bittercup to get her to change sides, the quest is straightforwardly called, The Bitter Cup. If you have not done that by the time Percius tells you to kill Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, then he will tell you to kill Eydis Fire-Eye also. So, you need complete the Thieves Guild quest to bribe her before Percius tells you to kill her, because she will attack you on sight from the moment Percius sends you after her. So, work through Stacey's Thieves Guild quests first. Go all the way to the point where he tells you to kill Sjoring Hard-Heart, but don't go any further, and stay away from Hard-Heart until Percius tells you to kill him.

Hrundi, in Sadrith Mora, is a good guy, and Percius will tell you that you can trust him. You can complete all of Hrundi's quests to gain experience and reach the rank in the Fighters Guild that you need to get the later quests from Eydis Fire-Eye, and from Percius himself.

After you have finished Hrundi's quests, you can complete the final quests from Eydis Fire-Eye, and do some of the quests from Lorbumol gro-Aglakh as well, if you want to. Do all of that before you get into the final quests from Percius Mercius. If you do want to complete some quests from Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, you will find that they quickly degenerate into dirty work for the Cammona Tong, and you will want to check out the quests with Percius before you complete them (just don't get any new quests from Percius while you are talking to him).

After you have completed the final quests from both Eydis Fire-Eye and Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, go back and finish the quests from Percius Mercius. In the next to the last quest he gives you, called Remove Sjoring's Supporters, Percius will have you kill Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, in order to remove Sjoring Hard-Heart's last supporter in the guild leadership. Because you have already bribed Eydis Fire-Eye for the Thieves Guild, he will not tell you to kill her, but if you were doing only the Fighters Guild quests and had not bribed her for the Thieves Guild, he would tell you to kill her too, as a part of that same quest. Lorbumol gro-Aglakh will attack you on sight from this point forward, and so will Eydis Fire-Eye, even if Percius does not actually tell you to kill her. That is why you have to have completed all of the quests that you want from them before this point. (Since Eydis has it in for you, and has the Bittercup that you worked so hard to get, you might as well go kill her, even if Percius didn't tell you to.) However, The Morrowind Patch Project fixes this issue and Eydis doesn't attack you if you have that installed.

Once you have killed Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, Percius' final quest for you will be to kill Sjoring Hard-Heart. Once Percius has given you that quest, you will have that as an open quest for both the Thieves Guild and the Fighters Guild, and that's when you are ready to kill him.

Once you have killed Hard-Heart, you can check in with Jim Stacey to get credit for completing his quest, and continue moving forward in the Thieves Guild. You can also check in with Percius Mercius to complete his quest, and to be made the new master of the Fighters Guild.

The ideal Morrowind Fighters Guild/Thieves Guild playthrough:

Join the Thieves Guild first.

Sugar-Lips Habasi's Quests, Balmora Guild:
Diamonds for Habasi: Obtain a diamond from the local alchemist.
Nerano Manor Key: Get the key to Nerano Manor.
Ra'Zhid's Dwemer Artifacts: Recover some Dwemer artifacts from Ra'Zhid in Hla Oad.
The Vintage Brandy: Steal some fine Brandy from the Hlaalo Manor.
Free New-Shoes Bragor: Free a fellow member of the Guild from prison in Pelagiad.
Master of Security: Help Habasi find the security master in town.

Aengoth the Jeweler's Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild:
Loot the Mages Guild: "Borrow" a tanto from the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild.
Redoran Master Helm: Stick it to a Redoran councilor by stealing his master helm.
Naughty Gandosa: Steal a naughty little girl's book.
Withershins: Pick up a copy of this rare book.
Retrieve the Scrap Metal: Protect the Thieves Guild by making a Spider Centurion.
The Darts of Judgement: Steal four daedric darts from a Redoran Guard.

Big Helende's Quests, Wolverine Hall Guild:
Potion Recipe: Help the local Mages Guild with their alchemy.
The Grandmaster's Retort: Steal a rare Retort for some cash.
Wizard For Hire: Hire a battlemage to protect the guild.
Redoran Cookbook: Steal the Redoran cooking secrets.
Felen's Ebony Staff: Steal a staff from a mean Telvanni.

Note: Make sure to advance your rank to Footpad in the Thieves Guild in order to receive your first round of quests from Gentleman Jim Stacey.

Gentleman Jim Stacey's Bal Molagmer Quests, Vivec Guild:
The Hlervu Locket: Steal a locket from a Redoran bigwig, and give it back to its owner.
Yngling's Ledger: Gentleman Jim Stacey wants you to fight corruption in Vivec.
Land Deed: Save a woman's home by robbing the Vivec Library.
Enamor: Return Enamor to Salyn Sarethi at the Tower of Dusk.
Brallion's Ring: Give a girl a stolen ring.
Books for Vala: Steal 4 history books from Odral Helvi in Caldera and donate them to Vala Catraso in Ald'ruhn.
The Dwemer Goblet: Give a fancy goblet to a poor priest.

Note: Now make sure to advance your rank to Captain in the Thieves Guild in order to receive your second round of quests from Gentleman Jim Stacey.

Note: Join the Fighters Guild (after you have joined the Thieves Guild of course), so you can get a significant amount of quests out of the way.

Eydis Fire-Eye's Quests, Balmora Guild Part 1:
Exterminator: Exterminate a few cave rats in a local Balmora house.
The Egg Poachers: Get rid of two poachers in the Shulk Egg Mine.
The Telvanni Agents: Kill four Telvanni agents responsible for thefts in the Caldera Mine.
The Code Book: Retrieve a code book held by Sottilde at the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora. (Due to the conflict between the Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild, if you complete this quest, before joining the Thieves Guild, you will no longer be able to join the Thieves Guild)
Desele's Debt: Collect some debt money from Helviane Desele in Suran.
Gra-Bol's Bounty: Fulfill a bounty contract on an Orc living in Balmora.

Lorbumol gro-Aglakh's Quests, Vivec Guild Part 1:
Juicedaw Ring: Get a ring from an Orc in the Hlaalu canton.
Silence Tongue-Toad: Silence an Argonian in Ald'ruhn for a reward.
Dro'Sakhar's Bounty: Fulfill the bounty on a Khajiit outlaw in Vivec.
Lirielle's Debt: Retrieve 2000 gold of debt money from Lirielle in Ald'ruhn.
Vandacia's Bounty: Collect the bounty on a tax lady in Seyda Neen.
Alleius' Bounty: Collect another bounty on a judge in Ebonheart.

Hrundi's Quests, Wolverine Hall Guild Part 1:
Battle at Nchurdamz: Aid a warrior in her vendetta against a daedroth in Nchurdamz.
The Dissapla Mine: Rescue a healer from a Nix-Hound infested mine.
Berwen's Stalker: Kill a corprus stalker in a shop in Tel Mora.
Tenim's Bounty: Kill the outlaw Rels Tenim near Vos.
Sujamma to Dunirai: Deliver a load of sujamma to Nelacar at the Dunirai Caverns.
Sondaale: Rescue researcher Sondaale from Sixth House cultists and escort her through Telasero.
Engaer's Bounty: Take care of the outlaw Engaer in Tel Naga.
The Pudai Eggmine: Retrieve the Seven Eggs of Gold from the Pudai Egg Mine in the Sheogorad region.

Note: You must advance your rank in the Fighters Guild to Swordsman in order to receive your first round of quests from Percius Mercius.

Percius Mercius' Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild Part 1:
The Necromancer of Vas: Clean out a den of Necromancers far north in the Sheogorad Region.
Beneran's Bounty: Collect a bounty on the murderer Nerer Beneran in Sargon.
Bandits in Suran: Get rid of some bandits in Suran for Avon Oran.
Flin for Elith-Pal: Deliver a load of flin to the Elith-Pal Mine at the base of the Red Mountain.

Note: You need to advance your rank in the Fighters Guild to Protector in order to receive your last round of quests from Eydis Fire-Eye, Lorbumol gro-Aglakh and Hrundi.

Eydis Fire-Eye's Quests, Balmora Guild Part 2:
Alof and the Orcs: Take care of some Orcs at a Daedric ruin for the Duke.
The Verethi Gang: Kill the leader of a smuggler ring in Mannammu, southeast of Pelagiad.
Hunger in the Sarano Tomb: Kill a hunger who has defiled the Sarano Tomb.

Lorbumol gro-Aglakh's Quests, Vivec Guild Part 2:
Vandacia's Bounty: Collect the bounty on a tax lady in Seyda Neen.
Alleius' Bounty: Collect another bounty on a judge in Ebonheart.

Hrundi's Quests, Wolverine Hall Guild Part 2:
Sondaale: Rescue researcher Sondaale from Sixth House cultists and escort her through Telasero.
Engaer's Bounty: Take care of the outlaw Engaer in Tel Naga.
The Pudai Eggmine: Retrieve the Seven Eggs of Gold from the Pudai Egg Mine in the Sheogorad region.

Note: Remember to advance your rank to Captain in the Thieves Guild in order to receive your second round of quests from Gentleman Jim Stacey.

Gentleman Jim Stacey's Quests, Vivec Guild Part 1:
Find Brother Nads: Find a fellow guild member that has disappeared.
Speak With Percius: Visit Percius in the Ald'ruhn Fighters Guild to learn information on the Camonna Tong.
The Bitter Cup: Find the Bittercup artifact and persuade Eydis Fire-Eye to betray the Camonna Tong.
Hrundi's Lover: Persuade Hrundi in Sadrith Mora's Fighters Guild to join the Thieves Guild against the Camonna Tong.

Note: Now make sure to advance your rank to Mastermind in the Thieves Guild in order to receive your last round of quests from Gentleman Jim Stacey.

Gentleman Jim Stacey's Quests, Vivec Guild Part 2:
The Brothers Ienith: Kill these top two enforcers in the Camonna Tong guild.
Kill Hard-Heart: Kill the corrupt Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec. (Don't immediately go straight to Sjoring Hard-Heart, talk to Percius Mercius first)

Note: You must advance your rank in the Fighters Guild to Guardian in order to receive your last round of quests from Percius Mercius.

Percius Mercius' Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild Part 2:
Remove Sjoring's Supporters: Kill a pair of corrupted Fighters Guild members. (If you play your cards right, you only have to eliminate Lorbumol gro-Aglakh)
Kill Hard-Heart: Kill the Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.

Now return to both Gentleman Jim Stacey and Percius Mercius to receive your rewards.

Last edited by KevinM on Sat May 04, 2024 2:42 am, edited 16 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: How to avoid the Morrowind Thieves Guild/Fighters Guild
PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:48 pm 
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Thanks, I will try this out in my current playthrough.
I do remember Caius telling me that he knows Percius Mercius is a good guy and he doesn't know the current leader very well or something along the lines of that.

Sometimes, I dream about cheese...

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