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Introductions/Rate My Class

Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:32 pm

Hello. My name is Alex, and I have used UESP as my primary source for Elder Scrolls info since 2007. My first Elder Scrolls game was Morrowind, I was about 11 years old, and because of the mechanics and sheer scale of the game, it didn't really stick with me at first. I first played Oblivion around 2007. It took me a few tries to get engrossed with the game, but once I did, I became a religious fan of the series. It was about the same time that I began to use UESP to help me with everything in the game, I also used its great Lore articles to familiarize myself with the canon of The Elder Scrolls. To this day, Oblivion is my favorite game of the series, and my favorite RPG of all time, despite its flaws. I enjoyed Skyrim when it came out, although I've only done a complete playthrough of the Main Quest, Mages Guild, and a few odds-and-ends once since 2011. It's a pretty game, and, to a certain extent, Bethesda certainly improved the cinematic qualities of Oblivion, but to me it lacked some depth from Oblivion, and it certainly lacked the engrossing depth of Morrowind. I just bought The Elder Scrolls Online a few days ago, and so far it's pretty enjoyable (Even though there are some design choices and Lore discrepancies that make me scratch my head). In between Skyrim and TESO, I've played Oblivion and Morrowind off and on again.

My recent foray into Morrowind has been somewhat successful: I made a Wood Elf marksman who I managed to get to level 5, and I even managed to do several of the quests for the main quest line.

Unfortunately, my Wood Elf is getting rather tiresome. I want to scrap him and replace him with a High Elf mage of sorts. I've been studying character creation guides for tips, and here is what I've come up with:

Race: High Elf or Dark Elf
Birthsign: The Atronach
Favored Attributes: Endurance and Luck
Major Skills:
1. Destruction
2. Alteration
3. Heavy Armor
4. Axe or Long Blade
5. Restoration
Minor Skills:
1. Speechcraft (Maybe)
2. Mysticism
3. Conjuration
4. Enchantment (Maybe)
5. Sneak or Security or Mercantile

What would you add? What would you take away? What else would you recommend? Any tips for killing Vivec? Also feel free to ask me any questions or make fun of me for liking Oblivion the best.

Re: Introductions/Rate My Class

Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:38 am

For liking Oblivion: No h8 m8. All the games are amazing.

As for your class, I always like fitting my builds to some sort of roleplay or theme, so finding one can enhance your experience a lot. Because you're using a lot of magic, I'd recommend subbing Destruction for Conjuration, because conjuration boosts intelligence, which is crucial. Your Long Blade can do the offensive work, and enchant is a good skill to have as well, because it both has intelligence as its governing attribute and you can use some of the more unique effects in destruction you lose to conjuration, or whatever weird crud you want.

Re: Introductions/Rate My Class

Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:43 pm

Alchemy is fun. Even when it's a misc skill. It's also the most powerful. Make some strong potions and you can kill Vivec at lvl 1. However, there's not much fun if you abuse the potions.

Re: Introductions/Rate My Class

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:33 pm

It's a nice class you've got there, and I like the theme.

I've got a couple suggestions that I think you'll like. Instead of Speechcraft, take Illusion. It gets the same job done, and opens you up to so many great spells such as paralyze, silence, chameleon, invisibility, blindness, light, and all manner of spells pertaining to disposition and interaction.

I'd also swap Restoration and Conjuration. You'll definitely use Restoration enough that it being a minor skill won't be holding it back, and getting stronger summons sooner means you can use less and less of your organic Destruction spells for damage dealing.

That's it for my input man. Sounds like it will be a fun class to romp around with. Just make sure you steer clear of the ancestral tombs, outlander.

Re: Introductions/Rate My Class

Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:14 am

Imo, playing a dark elf as that is the best way to appreciate the culture of Vvdardenfell. Also, High Elves are quite hard to play as they have a weakness against magic which makes fighting mages a pain in the arse. So, it may be worth saving them for another time.

If you do play as a dark elf, I'd advise joining the temple as that helps immerse yourself in the culture. Having said that, that will probably contradict your plan to kill Vivec. It may be worth taking the non-kill Vivec route as a dark elf and then rolling a High Elf who does kill Vivec? I dunno, these are just suggestions really. Best to roleplay the path which makes the most sense to you.
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