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Morrowind d3d8.dll error

Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:51 am

I use to be able to play Morrowind on my computer, but now i cant for some reason. This error has been coming up for awhile every time i try to start morrowind, probably been going on for like half a year. I'm just playing vanilla no mods, and i dont currently have the expansions downloaded. If anybody knows how to fix this it would be awesome, thanks!

Re: Morrowind d3d8.dll error

Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:15 am

It's a DirectX file. Not knowing your OS or DirectX version, I can only suggest that you go to Microsoft pages, to find the right version / latest version. Morrowind requires DirectX 8.1, included in the game. Sometimes games have difficulties with newer versions, goes for video card drivers too so as, when you update your system, older programs may simply drop out. It can be a pain. To re-install Morrowind is not a bad idea, that way it may adapt to your present settings. No guarantees, though.

It is NOT recommended to download the .dll file independently, although there is an ample market. These downloads quite often contain malware.

You could try to run Morrowind in compatibility mode, e.g. Windows XP, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows- ... lity-mode/

Hope you get it running. :)

Re: Morrowind d3d8.dll error

Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:58 pm

yeah ive already tried to un-install and ive got the latest directx verison and the same message still pops up. also tried the compatibility stuff and it still doesnt work. Thanks for the help, but i dont know what to do at this point

Re: Morrowind d3d8.dll error

Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:01 pm

It may be an installation of a program has caused the problem. More and more of software come with attachments, causing problems. Sometimes Windows updates cause more problems than they solve. Since it has obviously been happening for half a year now, it could be hazardous to use a restore / recovery point, it would take you far back, and you would loose installed software. To start with, I would

1. Run a total and thorough virus scan, plus Malwarebytes, http://www.malwarebytes.org/
2. Check for any unknown programs installed, uninstall those you don't recognize, choose listing according to date
3. Reinstall DirectX - DirectX is uninstallable, but you can install it again --- well, it can be downgraded, through some labor...
4. Download and install and run CCleaner, http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner, run it with default settings --- of course, check the settings
5. Defrag your disk(s)

Preferably reboot after each step.

By the way, which OS do you have? And Service Pack? Computer specs, although I don't think that is the problem. And whatever you reply, please don't tell me I have no virus or other baddies. 8)

You should also have all patches for Morrowind installed, http://morrowind2009.wordpress.com/
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