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Why don't speedrunners in NORMAL DUNGEONS just solo?

Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:08 pm

This has been bugging me for a long time in ESO. I get it, you've run this dungeon hundreds of times and just want to get it done asap. But your group is 2 newbies and someone doing the questline in the dungeon for the first time with the toon.

So, I politely asked the DPS not to rush ahead since there are 2 newbies with us. Dude starts flipping his [&@%!] like "why the [&@%!] should I wait it's just normal I solo this, group is for vets."

Meanwhile, he's in a group. Not SOLO like he's bragging about being able to do. With CP in the 600s. I seriously can't facepalm enough at this guy. Why is he even in a group queue if he can so easily solo it? Seems like he's just making things more bothersome for him than anything else. And for those newbies, they don't have time to get any sort of experience or enjoyment from doing a dungeon for the first time, nor the questline tied to it.
And before someone chimes in with "just play with friends or a guild", the same can be said for these speedrunners. Y'all can just team up with eachother and do your thing or just solo. No reason to forcibly drag others into what YOU want to do and get mad if they ask you to let them enjoy the content they're just now starting.
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