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Re: RP Character Discussion

Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:49 am

Again, it seems my RP ability and Zudeel pale in comparison to others here. Such is my life and creations. I just don't write well.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:07 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:45 am

Oh my.. looking back at some of my early characters... yeeesh >__< I like to think that I have gotten better

Also, I too would be sad to see Nira die

Re: RP Character Discussion

Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:18 pm

At which point is it safe to say Nora & Niralie are now buddy buddy? Not at all as rude/loud as prior thought right? :wink:

Plus if anime has taught me anything, a spa scene fixes and cements any friendship

Re: RP Character Discussion

Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:52 pm

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:58 am

TA2: Any thoughts on how the new dynamic may be shaked up?

I already know Nora probably wont get along with Ariellius, and with his return I expect friction to resume with Niralie, then Eolwyn being the sort of wild card <_<

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:25 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:13 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:51 am

Diesel: I wanted to mention that Tobias was never intending to kill anyone in the rp.
The guy in the haunted house was an unfortunate accident; he was genuinely trying to make sure that no one came to harm from the man's knife, and felt like his actions were necessary because the man refused to drop it. He also then attempted to save him.

At the temple, he wasn't trying to kill Alex. He didn't shoot at Alex, he shot at the cube, in the backpack. He would have then taken the cube and/or backpack from him, but seeing as Alex went down and it appeared that he'd shot him, Tobias knew there wouldn't be time to do this before retaliation from the others, and therefore the grenade was his only option. His only goal was to destroy the cube, and could he have done this with no casualties, he would have done.

In the end, he was too over impulsive and keen with his actions. He didn't see Guo or Elisa as a threat, and so underestimated how they could respond to his actions. He also didn't feel like he was/had been doing anything wrong, and so didn't see himself as a danger to the others, as they saw him.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:41 am

I've got a genuine question to be asked :wat:

On the subject of posting a short story that can be vaguely associated with a RP character, would it be better to share it here or in the TES Roleplayer's Thread? Or some place new in Arts? :S

I ask of this cause in my down time I've been rereading some scraps of my old fanfics(the same source for many of my TES-RP inspired PCs) and found some that really felt deserving of a revamp and proper story structure(aside from small statements, paper notes, and bare bones concepts)

I'm 1/4 way thru the draft for The Oracle of Mara & followed up by The Desolate Lesson Shared once that's finished

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:59 pm

The TES Roleplayers thread is for roleplaying in the games, Beta. It would be rather confusing if Roleplay characters were placed in there for those who aren't roleplaying in the subforum of roleplaying. Would suggest using the arts forum and shameless self promote my thread. CHECK IT OUT BELOW YOU CURRS!

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:47 pm

:wat: Is the TES Roleplaying thread not the place for retelling your adventures and your characters during the official games..

Aside from Arya(who is utterly new) all my TES characters are modified copies of my own fanfic(I.e a retelling and story format of the TES game series and various questlines) ex: Maurzol played a prominent role during Skyrim. Raven during Oblivion. Nora during Morrowind. Ect ect. Notable exception being Kelnii(whom appeared between the events of Skyrim & Oblivion). And before you say.. Yes, some of my fanfic characters are based on actual saves that I have played(I.e Nesc'var = Nerevarine & Shovan = DB) it's still valid

The reason I'm asking is because the particular short stories hold relevance to a character both related to the fanfic/game as well as being portrayed in RPs on the forum <_< it can go either way, and I would rather not make an entirely new thread for a singular purpose when there are many perfectly acceptable ones already established

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:02 pm

I'd go for the TES Roleplayers thread, personally. I think this thread is more for talking about the characters from an ooc perspective, whereas the TESrp thread is already primed for in-game character story telling.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:05 pm

It's not, Aarah. It's for those who roleplay in the games. It would potentially make it confusing if people started to use UESP TES RPs as some may be have no clue what is being discussed. Imo. :)

EDIT: Didn't see Beta's post. :o

Would suggest using the Morrowind and Oblivion incarnations to avoid confusing. That said, the thread is deader then the average bandit.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:10 pm

@Aarah: Fair enough

@Dov: Have you read the frequent sagas and tales posted in that Thread, or just the fairly outdated OP? Cause honestly, more ppl use it for literary TES works than they do describe 'what they did in Tamriel today' with character X

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:15 pm

That is true. It's usually based on Skyrim or Oblivion their characters and it usually has a few tales using the game. However, it is pretty much past it's prime and would be bst being put to sleep. Would be worth setting up a new one in the arts forum for just the tales as the TES RPers thread was meant to be discussing it, giving tips and ideas on roleplaying. That said, I would just recommend doing your own thread due to the state of the RPers thread and easier to get feedback, people reading it etc..

That said, the thread could just be closed down and rebooted with an updated and altered purpose.

Also, check out my stuff. What? I have no shame about advertising my stuff whilst the topic is at hand. That and tis the last time i'm advertising it. :P

Re: RP Character Discussion

Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:24 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:11 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:52 am

Re: RP Character Discussion

Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:23 am

It's tricky with Arellius because he and Eolwyn would have spent some time in each other's company on the trip from cave to Windhelm, but even though we briefly discussed any info they would have shared, it's not the same as if we'd acted it out (no body language, comments or insights, etc).
Before he reappeared, she thought of him as brusque and unfriendly, but probably decent deep down.
Since his arrival at the manor, he's done nothing but made a poor impression and I predict Eolwyn's dislike for his ways will continue to increase down the line.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:13 pm

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sat May 13, 2017 12:33 am

TA2: You know what I don't understand? Why Katlina feels she needs to compete with Niralie so much.. And ignore the fact that only one of them has any proficiency at alchemy >_>

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sat May 13, 2017 12:39 am

TA2: Because she feels threatened by Niralie healing people and robbing her of what she feels is her only purpose and is the only thing that she can fall back on to remind herself why she should stay in the group. And me doing a loooooooooooooong overdue character alteration to try to make her fit in better with the group whilst coming off as natural. Katlina prides herself on being different then most nords because unlike most, she dedicated herself to healing people instead of hurting them. Ignoring the odd tavern fight she has been involved in. Every time she is beaten to the punch or someone assumes she needs help in the topic she is dedicated to, she takes it as a personal slight against her entire life. That and I like to think that she was ridiculed a lot for chosing the path of a healer.

BL: What are people's thoughts on Shulbash? Curious, thy name is me.

Re: RP Character Discussion

Sat May 13, 2017 12:40 am

TA2: I've always seen it as an expression of her insecurity about herself.
She feels threatened by Niralie because she has the same skills as she does: healing, and therefore is the one that can take away the thing that makes Kat feel worthwhile: her skill as a healer. By competing with Niralie, she is reinforcing her place in the world, as a proficient healer who helps people.
If Niralie is helping people too then what is the point in Kat even being there - she technically has no purpose.


Re: RP Character Discussion

Sat May 13, 2017 12:49 am

TA2: Yes yes, I get that, however irrational that may be. But no, seriously, Katlina can actually craft healing potions, whatever, hell, she's probably even better at conventional treatment(I.e bandages and herbs). Do you know what Niralie can't afford? Wasting magicka on lesser injuries incase someone is seriously hurt.. And you know what? That's exactly what both of them are gonna do

Katlina has two avenues to heal, and seems hell bent to only use just the one.

As per combat.. Se keeps getting in over her head.. Forgetting she's no warrior.. Healing as support and dealing damage by spells is her role
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