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Quick Heads Up about vandalism in the foreseeable future

Sun Dec 26, 2021 11:02 pm

So I got into an argument with a real piece of guar dung who has his own head canon. To prove his delusions wrong, I posted a page from namely: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Blood_on_the_Ice But upon further inspection, I found that the piece of information that I was quoting was removed. When I checked the history, I noted that, not only was the page edited recently, the edit was for the exact piece of information that I was quoting. Clearly, I mischaracterized him, and he's actually a piece of skeever dung. Fortunately, I was able to reverse the change, but knowing the thing that I am dealing with, I'd like to give a quick heads-up at possible future edits and strongly suggest that the page be locked from anonymous edits.

Re: Quick Heads Up about vandalism in the foreseeable future

Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:43 pm

Ideally this would be better made note within the wiki itself so that the patrollers can more easily react

Re: Quick Heads Up about vandalism in the foreseeable future

Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Oh, I already resolved this on the Discord, so it should be fine by now.
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