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I can’t use the creations feature in any meaningful way

Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:21 pm

I’ll try to explain my problem as best I can in the form of simple “points”. (1.,2.,3., etc.)

1. I can access the feature, in that I can see the various menus and search for particular things.
2. I have credits and can successfully spend them.

1. I can’t enable, disable, download or delete anything I have spent credits on.

Additional info
I noticed while trying to address these problems that I somehow acquired 2 additional creations that I know weren’t there just minutes before. I wasn’t missing any credits so I have no idea how they got there. The 2 creations in question were a couple horse armor ones.

Finally, no matter what I do my acquired creations don’t show up in game, except the ones that were given to special editions, such as survival and rare curios.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I forgot to mention I’m having this issue on my Xbox Series X

EDIT 2 = GREAT NEWS! I figured out that this problem is due to a strange, total display glitch. Every screen, from the home screen Creations menu to the in game Creations menu, erroneously shows that my Creations aren’t downloaded but they in fact are. It took checking Yngvild Throne Room and various vendors to confirm that my downloaded Creations are in fact working.
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