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Skyrim Moments You Just Have to Share!
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Author:  Arch-Mage Matt [ Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Skyrim Moments You Just Have to Share!

A place to share an adventure, or misadventure, you had while playing Skyrim that you don't think will generate a lot of discussion, but hey, we all deserve bragging rights. 8)

Author:  NordFtw [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

After being instructed to head to Riverwood, I decided I should stop playing, soon, and save it for the weekend ahead as originally planned.

I clambered up a rocky slope and jumped down, and what do you know, a Shrine of Talos! With a rather nasty scene around it...(won't spoil)

Left the shrine untouched, and headed towards a large lake. True story, water does flow, if I kept my character still I was taken along slowly with a current.
Got out of the water, saw a rabbit (big...a hare?) prance past into some bushes, and then I was attacked by a wolf. I quickly dispatched of it, then continued to explore.
Found an old lady's cabin, she simply spoke of how lonely it was and that her life was a hard one.
Left her alone (no more dialogue options) and headed roughly towards riverwood.
Looted the body of a dead nordic treasure hunter, who was at the foot of a mountain.
Casting my gaze upwards, I saw a ruin atop a snowy peak high above me.

Bleak Falls Barrow?

Anyway, I casually traversed Skyrims wildnerness until I emerged into a clearing, handily overlooking Riverwood.
I dropped down-mistake, forgot I'm still level 1, lost most of my health-and walked over.
Reached the gates, and saved.

Will pick it up again tomorrow!

Author:  Narzul [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Ran into a Whispmother.

Jesus Christ... that was terrifying. Me, my trusty Flame Atronach and my hardy companion were utterly destroyed.

Author:  Lynx2069 [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Watched a hawk land in its nest, drew my bow and fired where I though he was, thump, his lifeless body tumblig to the ground.

Simple but Amazing.

Author:  kaltorak [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

I was thinking "what a relaxing game after dark souls..." and then a claw shaped trap fell on me from the ceiling,impaled me and scared me to death.

Author:  martez87 [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Author:  The Edgy Redguard [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

I had quite the run in with the most fearsome enemy in the game. Dragons? Nope. Giants.

I was simply hunting elk when an errant arrow from my bow stuck into a mammoth. The Giant came galloping towards me, to which my response was to run away. I ran into a nearby fort which I thought would be safe. Marauders. I became caught in the middle of a Giant's battle with several of them. My poor level 1 had no chance...

Author:  Fathis [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Found a shrine to Talos. The worshippers had been slaughtered by a Thalmor soldier who was also dead. Found an interesting note and a nice enchanted item on him. Seems that the Thalmor have gone on a rampage...

Author:  WraithOfSithis [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

I was on my way to the town/village just east of the throat of the world (can't remember the name of it) when I came across some giants. Thinking they were peaceful I walked up to them, not looking for trouble as I was only level 3, as soon as I got close I was attacked and killed with one hit.

Author:  born2beagator [ Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

This is just for the shock factor. I walked up to ta child in whiterun without wearing any clothes to see what she would say, she screams "Your're naked!!!"

Author:  Ysmir [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Join the College of Winterhold.....you'll go on a expedition to Saarthal....you'll find a word wall and a word of power for Ice form.
Btw Psjiic Order seems to be involved with College quest line.....me and my expedition found some sort of sphere artifact that was seen in the trailers.

Author:  trueguitarist95 [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Author:  Lynx2069 [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Droppeda Weapon in Whiterun, the guard comes and tells me if I do it again Its a fine. I replied I don't care and he insisted I pay a 50 gold bribe or go to jail, I refused and he said I was disturbing the peace and 3 of his buddies bet me to death

Author:  Eltee [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

So, I was a level five, on my epic journey from Whiterun to the base of the Seven Thousand Stairs. I was accompanied by Lydia. Anyways, crossed a river just where it was bubbling through some rocks. Of course, a big scary troll appears at the other end, beats it's chest like a maniac, and charges into the shallows. Me and Lydia are pouring flame spells and arrows on this crazy bugger, but he's still got like 75% health. I panic, and FUS that troll into a stupor, and take up a position across the river from Lydia. Then, as one movement, Me and her proceed to beat truckloads.
Anyways. After a prolonged battle, the epic conclusion came about...

Author:  NordFtw [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Level 11, travelling to some tomb to collect a Horn, or something.
A Frost Dragon Appears, flying overhead.
I get it's attention, the fight begins.

Half way through, a SECOND Frost Dragon Appears.

Killed the first one just when I managed to bring the second down to land.


Author:  Josjie [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Here I was, making my way to the next Companions quest. Suddenly I hear the music from the Skyrim trailer. I look up and I see a frost dragon right above me. My heart starts beating faster and I switch to my bow and prepare myself for a long fight. I follow the dragon, cross a river and find myself at the bottom of a hill. Suddenly I hear yelling and five bandits charge down the hill at me. I switch to my mace and a fire spell and charge at them, fighting uphill. After a long fight, two bandits are down and I'm near-death, but the other three decide to flee. I chase them, burning them down with flames.
With all the bandits now dead, I turn around and look for the dragon. I finally locate him at the top of the hill.. where he's fighting a mammoth!
Another mammoth joins as well and together they wound the dragon. I fire an arrow from a distance and it kills the dragon! I sneak up to the dragon and absorb his soul. Suddenly the mammoths decide to charge me. I run away, jump down a waterfall and barely managed to escape.

Moments like these make Skyrim so great :).

Author:  Narzul [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Author:  Ysmir [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Use ranged spells on Wispmothers......watch out for shades though.
If you have the (conjure twice as far perk) summon your Atronach near her.....I notice a lot of enemies lost health to the Atronach's claw attack or contact burns as oppose to their ranged attacks.
Do keep your distance however and avoid those Ice shots at all costs.

Anyway here's my funny Story:
Enter Dwemer ruin
Encounter a Centurion Sphere
20 minutes later...yay! dead sphere! I rock.
Goes into another room...sees...a Centurion Spider
Thinks to self this is going to be pie compared to the Sphere
Attacks spider and leaves sneak mode
Spider attacks me....big damage....and then...3 Centurion Spheres come to it's aid
Me: Holy @#%$!! Run! run! run!

Author:  Blue the Thief [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Epic moments in Skyrim? Where should I start....

.Discovering that, without even trying, I have managed to create a character that can do 960 damage with a single attack 8)

.Being attacked by a group of hired thugs. Just after learning level 3 of Unrelenting Force. While on top of a watchtower :Twisted Evil:

.Taking out a camp of about 6-8 bandits without being seen once. With daggers 8)

. Bullet time with a bow :lol:

. Any fight where my little thief with daggers goes toe-to-toe with a bunch of big burly warriors. And slaughters them all :Twisted Evil:

And, for the grand final:

.Fighting my first Dragon.

Fun fact: You know in that trailer, where the Dragon picks up a Giant, carries him up into the air, and then drops him? And later, chomps down on some guy, shakes him up a bit, then launches him into the sky? Turns out they can do that to you to :shock:

So on my 5th try, things were going fairly well. Then, when the Dragon had lost about a third of its health, the starts playing, almost as if the game is freakin' cheering me on :D I finally beat the [&@%!], with a fancy finisher too :D

Author:  AeraDunmerMoon [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Alright, so I was on a Companions quest, , and the guy who was with me got seriously injured, too much to move faster than really slow. So I ditched him and went into the next area (cell). I snuck my way past the catacombs, because I discovered that if you sneak, the Draugr don't wake up. I went to the final area, , and then every single Draugr and Restless Draugr that I hadn't killed on my way in woke up. So about fifteen of them. I backed myself into a corner, nd then proceeded to torch anything that approached.
On Adept mode, 15 Draugr to 1 AeraDunmerMoon: I won. With two health potions to spare.

Author:  Arch-Mage Matt [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Two things that stuck out:

I found an Orc warrior in the wild who was seeking an good death to please Malacath. I obliged.

I found a group of suspicious Imperial soldiers demanding money. The dummies didn't even hide the naked bodies of the real Imperial Soldiers they killed.

Something else:

When in Dawnstar, look for a person named Erandur and get him as a companion. He's awesome. He actually comments on every city I'm in and what dungeon I'm in. (Commenting on Bandits or Sorcerers). He also has a god backstory and a quest attached to him.

Author:  strobacaxi [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

I was walking and a random orc asked me if I wanted skooma =/
I was on the city where the rebels leader lives (Can't remember the names), on the walls before entering the city itself, when a dragon showed up... A guard freaked out and jumped off the walls and just started running :D
I killed a dragon, and I kept walking, and then a bear killed me... So I can kill dragons but not a bear? :D

I walked into a town and I saw two nords practically expelling a dunmer from the city. Level 3 Unrelenting Force works wonders on nords :D

Oh, and has anyone attempted attacking one of the greybeards? I do not advise it. Seriously... They literally say one word and you're dead.

Author:  mcjordalini [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Author:  Grasshopper [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Author:  JVElEven [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

In Bleak Falls Barrow, there's this certain "room" where there is a land bridge across a hole, guarded by either a draugr or a troll. On each sde, there's a rather long drop down to the bottom of a waterfall with a chest next to it.

No matter how eager you are to smack your axe into the head of that draugr, do at no point fail to notice there's a land bridge. You will fall to your death when you miss the holes beside it.

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