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Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:41 am

Just a cool little thing that just happened that I felt like posting. I was traveling on horse back trying to get to a location for a quest, and like always, I found a cave I wanted to explore. I go in and there was 5-8 falmer waiting for me at the entrance. I preceded down the cave and found a cell with some bandits locked up. I killed them and kept going forward. Nothing really of any interest the rest of the way, so when I finish I headed right back up. When I get to the exit a band of bandits entered, presumably looking for their locked up members. I thought it was cool how Bethesda sneaked a little side story there. :D

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:29 am

No potions, freaking tired after two hours of dungeon crawling in the main quest, horribly underleveled - Dwemer Centurion spawns with a troll face.

"Problem, sir?"

"I'm totally going to spark your golden butt"

So I did, and beat it. I felt awesome.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:33 am

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:37 am

I wanted to go to Solitude from Winterhold, and I guess I was walking completely wrong. I snuck past a huge pack of frostwolves or whatever they're called, and I ended up standing at a wordwall, with a huge, badass dragon five metres above me, and it didn't see me yet. I did not feel comfortable while standing at there...

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:55 pm

It's nice when you can turn off an RPG for the day feeling like you've accomplished something, but like -- I was trying to turn in a quest at the tavern, but this guy was like "Drinking contest, right now!" so I did that, woke up from a drunken haze in a different city built into a mountain, some guy in the street is like "FORSWORN! Kill all!" and I was like "Stop!" but he didn't listen so needless to say he got euthenized. Whilst trying to investigate the forsworn conspiracies, this acolyte is like "We need to check out this abandoned house, right now," so I did that too, then a demon threw [&@%!] all over the place and said "KILL HIM KILL HIM" so I did. I'm so confused now!

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:58 pm

Believe me, so am I...

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:35 pm

Happened to me just a minute ago

Just finished de Namira quest, i walked onto an Inn. Nice owner girl told me a story about a septim emperor room, rented it, i was suddenly woke up by terror screams, i walk onto the hall to see what happens and i see a ghost sit on a bench across the room. I spoke to him so he ask me to find a lost sword in a nearby barrow...

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:34 pm

I was walking along the road from Riverwood to Whiterun, and came across the dead body of a wolf. Hopping happily in circles around it was a rabbit.
Most ironic thing I have ever seen.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:17 pm

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:15 pm

When i had just started playing after i had found whiterun i decided to go exploring. I saw a huge mountain between me and solitude, but notices a path the cut down the middle. I followed it and was super satisfied with the epic landscapes i was seeing. Then i saw it, a dragon head icon on my compass and thought, "oh...my...GOD!! my first dragon word here i come!!!! " At this point i had not even started the main quests so when i reached the dragon wall there was no dragon. However after fighting a few whips, which were hard enough to kill for my level 2 self, i approached the wall only to be met head on by a whisp mother. Let me just tell you those iceicle looking jesus bolts that she, and other character shoot really annoy me. After i had a brief chat with her, i watched my body go FLYING the other way as i had been handed my ass to me on a silver freaking platter. I still kinda quiver every time i hear that sound of that magic attack. -.-

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:46 pm

So, there I was walking around, when I see a dragon head in my North-east-south-west thingy. I go there, and surprise surprise, a dragon. A frost dragon by the way.

I fought him bravely, and I delivered the killing blow quickly. As I start exploring the place, I see a word wall and I think "Yay, new shout!" and then suddenly a coffin opens, and a Dragon priest comes out. MY one experience with a dragon priest had been during the College of winterhold's questline, and I had a very hard time with my mage character. Now with a melee character I could hardly even touch him. And suddenly, there I was, jumping down a mountain as fast I could, clinging to my last magicka and potions trying to escape apparent doom. I made it btw, and I will return and kill the priest!

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:38 am

those priests........man they are harder then any other creature or foe i have come across in all of my skyrim travels. Hell, stronger than probably every single oblivion foe i ever faced.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:10 am

After a long and difficult fight against a Dragon Priest and 2 subsequent Blood Dragons, I finally decided that it was time to give my longtime companion, Erik the Slayer, the rest he deserved. So I went ahead and shooed him back to Rorikstead, and then went to pick up J'zargo.

J'zargo's a huge help against Dragons since he can fireball them when they're out of the reach of my poor magicka and archery skills, and I gave him a Katana in case of a pinch. He's killing about half as much as me, so he's pretty much equivalent to good ol' Erik. Plus, my best friend in real life plays a Khajiit and has Faendal as a follower, so it's nice to have a follower that's similar to having my buddy along my side.

I also found Sven's body today. I had no idea where he had perished, and I never found him again in Riverwood. Turns out that he had fallen outside of Solitude during
. I must have accidentally hit him with a force shout while he was down for the count.
Regardless, I decided to be respectful to my lost friend, and carried him over to the nearest river (took a while) and let him down the current.

I think that Roleplaying-wise, my character, Erik, and J'zargo will form an adventuring company. Generic sounding for now, but I'll flesh the idea out sooner or later.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:26 pm

Traveling in the upper regions, I approached a cliff. In the cliff, I noticed a mammoth standing there. At first i thought it was alive but as i went closer I noticed it was frozen into the side of the cliff. Outta no where came a horker and it scared me to death. I think it was an easter egg; The mammoth not the horker.

I think i also saw the shell of a giant mudcrab but im not sure.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:16 pm

On the Friday of release I went over to my friend's house to play Skyrim with four companions, all of us playing our separate games on different moniters, sharing our experiences and laughing at all of the whimsically wonderful glitches Bethesda had overlooked.

From my friend's monitor in the corner I can hear the repetitive line from the infamous girl in Whiterun - "I work with my mother, selling produce... ..." About the fifth time time around hearing the little girl talking, amidst a chaotic ramble of several NPC's talking at once, my (normally very soft-spoken) friend suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, rages, screaming "Shut the @#$% up little girl I can't hear the @#$%ing dragon story!"

Several minutes of silence between us pass, all of us engrossed in our own tasks when suddenly, shattering the silence, we hear it again. The aforementioned friend screams and begins chasing the little girl around town trying to light her on fire. In the spirit of comradery we all fast travel to Whiterun and all chase around the same little girl for several minutes, hands ablaze, reveling in the long-due shrieks.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:04 am

Alvor the... Dragonslayer? Yep, you heard right. A frost dragon attacked Riverwood and, as the battle reached its climax, Alvor jumps up onto the dragon's head and crushes its skull with his iron warhammer. I thought I was the guy that's supposed to do that! Afterwards, when I talk to him, he asks: "Is it really dead then?" - I don't know, you tell me! You bashed its head in with that massive hammer of yours!

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:34 am

I saw a Wispmother a few days ago. I've been waiting to see one ever since I read the book on them.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:46 am

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:27 pm

Running towards a mountain after quick travelling to a giant camp. I ran to avoid them, only to end up being chased by two giants, a mammoth, a group of bandits, a wolf and when I finally escaped them, I got ambushed by a dragon. Great. D:

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:40 pm

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:43 pm

While hanging around Rorikstead, Sissel came by to tell me that her father was beating her and her sister. So I put an arrow in his throat. Then, I went to their house and fully stocked it with food and gold. Set the table with dish ware from my own house in Solitude. Prepared a beautiful meal for the girls. With food taken care of, I gifted each of the girls a beautiful circlet. Then, to Sissel, who wants to become an adventurer, I gifted a beautiful Ebony sword.

Satisfied with my handiwork, and confident that the girls would be fostered by the rest of the community, I left.

...Only to return a few days later and discover that all of my carefully placed gifts had glitched, and flown across the house. I've never been more incensed.

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:46 pm

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:25 pm

I woke up like any other day went into the training room trained for an hour then I took the tunnels out of the Sanctuary got on my horse and rode to Markarth. When I got there I was to go to an Inn and find a Nord by the name of Olaf so I did just that and he gave me 600 gold and told me my target would be a noble woman visiting Solitude. I then headed to Solitude and when I arrived I told my bodyguard to watch my horse for me. I then looked for the woman fitting the description then I found her, waited and watched her, but I new I couldn't kill her while she was just strolling town like this. So I snuck past the guards and took the stairs to get on the wall walkway without being seen. I then snuck around to where I could see her I then drew my bow back and let go it hit her right in the head. She was eliminated for sure so I then jumped of the wall, hid the bow and arrows behind a rock then casually walked away.
Last edited by Scozzar on Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Puncuation please!

Re: Post Your Skyrim Short Stories Here

Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:27 pm



L'ynne escapes to Skyrim

Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:42 am

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