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Are you interested in Blades?

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Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:58 pm

Given all the titles that Bethesda has clubbed us in the face with this E3, it can be easy to miss the announced mobile game
But I'm interested in see people's opinions on this fast approaching title, whether you plan on buying, what are your worries or excitements, etc.

Personally never been much of a mobile gamer, but I could definitely see myself paying on PC to kill time, but it really depends on how repetitive the combat gets (The spell animation was...almost non-existent?)
And whether the town building is decent (I don't expect much, but if I'm just reskinning the town, meh); as well as if there is lore tidbits to find...

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:43 am

It's a free-to-play mobile game that uses recycled assets from Skyrim and is all but guaranteed to run like cold molasses on anything less than an iPhone X. My expectations aren't exactly high, and I probably won't even get to play it due to my most advanced mobile device being a broken iPhone 6, but I've been wanting a kind of handheld Elder Scrolls-esque experience for a long time.

Also, you can sign up for the beta here: https://bethesda.net/en/play/blades

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:27 am

It's free and it's TES, so I don't see why I wouldn't get it. I'll be getting it for my phone, yup yup. A nice way to play when I'm out and about.

I just hope that it's not one of those games where you need wifi/data to play whether or not you're playing the online pvp part of it. That would bug me a lot.

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:06 am

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:28 am

Eh, I'll give it a go. Always wanted to turn my iPhone into a hand warmer for the winter.

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:57 pm

This looks far more interesting than any previously announced or published mobile title.

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:44 pm

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:04 am

Assuming it can be played on PC, sure. Seems neat to futz around with and build up the town. Probably won't plunk down much on microtransactions, though I could be tempted to do so as a form of thanks should the game provide enough entertainment.

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:29 pm

Closed beta for you iOS kids, supposedly early access before summer - makes it almost sound like they haven't forgotten this project.

Re: Elder Scrolls: Blades, Thoughts?

Tue May 28, 2019 8:28 pm

I started to play Blades in early access, but didn't care for it very much.

However, about a week ago I started to play it a bit more, and have gotten rather hooked on it. There are gaming aspects of it that I'm not crazy about, and movement can be a bit awkward or frustrating, but once you spend a bit of time getting familiar with the mechanics it can be a pleasant way to spend an hour or three. :)
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