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The Writer's Guild
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Author:  Avron the S'wit [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Author:  POMC S117 [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

It must be a UK thing. To be honest, it isn't the most heinous "crime" you can commit in regards to direct speech.

Author:  Norroen Dyrd [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Despite all the regional differences, it seems that the British and American rules coincide in this instant. This rule is present in the Russian language as well.
Incidentally, is a UK resource. :wink:

Author:  POMC S117 [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Hmm... I looked over my English jotter and it appears I was wrong. The teacher did you a "." instead of a ",". Don't know where I got the "," from.

Author:  AddictedtoMorrowind [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

You thought that the "." was a ","?

Author:  POMC S117 [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Yes, but not in the sense that I thought the "." had grown a tail.

Author:  Venger [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

This is the beginning of an idea that came to me today, this evening in fact. Not that I need another story idea as it is, I have a good dozen various ideas as it is, none yet finished. But I decided to throw a few minutes behind this one, just to get the ball rolling. it doesn't quite encompass the entirety of what teh story is going to be about, but it very much gets the ball rolling.

Something I discovered about me and the stories I right is that there isn't a "bad guy" and "good guy". Sure there is a protagonist and antagonist, but the "bad" guy is really ever "bad" per se. Just ignorant and misguided. There is no morale definers in my tales, just the Learned against the Ignorant. I wonder what this says about myself?

Author:  Baloth-Kul [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I have been writing for years--journals, short stories, poems, novellas, the occasional song, but I have hit a brick wall. All that wants to come out is rants.

Author:  Arch-Mage Matt [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I've begun preparing for NaNoWriMo (I'm going to be ready when the time comes). My story will take place in the same (original) world my roleplay Aurora will take place in.

Author:  MARS [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Hey, I'll be taking part in NaNoWriMo this year as well! I'll write a trash novel aimed at teenage girls.

Author:  Will Zurmacht [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Author:  POMC S117 [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I've started to write a collection of short stories ( a few pages in length, maybe with a few being about 90 or less) to detail the history of my fictional universe.

Author:  Frost Mage [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I really need to get to my TES fanfic, the one I entered into an old CotM. I'm really excited for it, but with school and everything... :|

Author:  POMC S117 [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I think of most of my ideas at school, which is a shame as I sometimes forget them.


Here is one of my short stories. It's very short, only about 500 words.

The Hope of Arag

In the small village of Dorrach, in the Arag region of Fjorr, there was much excitement. Indeed, a contentment had passed over the village, spreading joy and wonder. On the fiftieth day of the year, as soon as the sun had risen over the horizon, casting a hazy shimmer of light over the village, a baby was born into a young family. They called him Sararag, the Hope of Arag, for he was to lead his people to greatness.

On his fourteenth birthday, that was the day he was to ascend from boyhood and become a man, there was a great darkness in the lands of Arag, a darkness not seen for many a year, not since the south of the continent had been scorched in a terrible blaze and the elves had fled from their lands, vo Exodi du Valiön, the Exodus of the Elves. Sararag's father, Togral, a tall, well-built man with a short, prickly beard and a booming laugh and a skill with a bow unmatched by anyone in the area, led a great rallying of arms. From the village of Wainsright and from the down of Esgaragoth, named for its position near the joining of the Invers Esg and Arag, men came in great numbers, with steel in their hands and fire in their hearts. They converged in Fort Lookout, a remnant of the now-destroyed Mithraleenean Empire, for a great goblin horde had come over the mountains in the east.

The goblins swarmed over the hills, mottled green faces snarling and biting, hammers and maces swiping and swords and spears stabbing. Hither and thither they pillaged and raided and sacked villages and towns until a great many people had been killed or made homeless. They met with the Aragian soldiers at the fort and a great battle commenced. Despite the skill of the men, they were driven from their defence by the great numbers of goblins. The defeat came as a terrible loss as Togral was slain by a goblin arrow and his bow was taken by the goblins.

The goblins pushed down to Esgaragoth, the great town of Arag, and razed it. There was a great fire which burned for many days until the quays and piers creaked and collapsed into the rushing river. The goblins let no man escape for they have no understanding of mercy and are brutal in nature and with a core of stone.

When the news of Togral's death reached the village of Dorrach, Sararag despaired. In a fit of rage, he left Dorrach and marched alone to oppose the goblins. It is said that when he drew his sword, it burned like fire and the goblins were blinded and fled in all directions. The army of Arag that had been scattered returned and halted the goblins retreat, forcing them to cross the Inver Arag. Many goblins perished on the river, the few that did make it not troubling the region for many, many years. Sararag found his father's bow and raised it up into the air, shouting Lokve's praises and proclaimed himself King of all the land of Arag.

Author:  Venger [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Short stories like this are always really nice to have POMC. It helps give a more "in-person" feel to the lore of a story rather than a stoic history lesson. Then, after you have compiled a good sum of these short, lore stories, you can bind them all together, and in a manner consistent with Roger Lancelynn Green, or how 'The Once and Future King' is written, you can make a sort of timeline adventure. Each tale within the story focuses on a single point in history, like Sararag retaking Arag. But throughout the entirety of the book, a broader, much more generalized plot is revealed. Or in like turn all these short stories are stepping stones to a much larger finale, which, in this case, is more attune to the writing style of 'The Once and Future King'.

Author:  POMC S117 [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I'm thinking of having a long collection of short stories set around the history of my fiction world after the disaster that has been alluded to, specifically focusing on the struggles posed to the Kingdom of Arag.

Author:  Emzi 43 [ Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

We have a writer's guild? I've written a few fanfics which are on the wiki, under the same user. I've got a longer novel coming on but it's not Elder scrolls related.

Author:  Norroen Dyrd [ Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Fanfiction about one of my - rather bizarre pairings of a Dragonborn with a randomish NPC. This time, it's Kiara and Ondolemar.

Everything OK pt 1

Author:  Arch-Mage Matt [ Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I find the plot is the hardest to actually come up with when planning a story. I got setting, struggle and mostly character down, but I lack in forming and carrying through a plot. One is finally forming for an idea I've had for the past few months now. But I still only have the major plot points and have little idea how I'm going to tie it all together.

Author:  Daric Gaersmith [ Thu May 16, 2013 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

It's about time I joined the Writer's Guild here, I reckon. I've been working on an epic TES fan fiction tale called . It is intended to become a huge epic tale spanning multiple eras of Tamrielic history, as seen from the perspective of various ancestors and descendants of an old Breton family. The family trade is gaersmithing (small "g"), which is a primitive form of blacksmithing. The gaersmith gathers his own raw materials, and is personally involved in every step of crafting weapons and armour from that material. According to this tale, modern blacksmiths are less in touch with the raw materials of their tradecraft, relying on specialist miners to gather the ores. Some blacksmiths are even removed from the smelting process itself, preferring to fashion their wares only from ingots. Blacksmithing is considered "manufacturing", while the work of the gaersmith is considered a quirky, archaic form of artisanship. Each piece crafted by a gaersmith is unique. The gaersmith imbues his pieces with magical enchantments using Soul Gems that he has mined and filled himself, rather than relying on specialist mages. Even the merchandising of such unique items is part of the gaersmith's role. Every stage, from digging up the raw materials to selling the finished item, is personally attended to by the gaersmith.

The shows the stark dichotomy between blacksmith and gaersmith, as the current members of the Gaersmith (capital "g") family are forced by the Imperial Army to perform as blacksmiths during the Great War, mass producing weapons and armour to aid in driving the Aldmeri Dominion out of the Imperial City.

Anyway, that's a short intro to my main TES fan-fic story. Oh, and Arch-Mage Matt, I have a suggestion for you which may help with your plot development. When scoping out my plot lines, I've been making a lot of use of , a free and open-source mind mapping application that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I personally find it helpful to organise my thoughts with colour codes and branches for characters, events, locations, and then pull the required elements together into a branch for a particular chapter. Below is an example of one such mindmap I have created for The Gaersmith Legacy. I hope it proves inspirational. Sorry, it is rather large, and I didn't want to upload a smaller version just for the forums, but at least it is readable. :D

Here is another, more recent view of my Gaersmith Legacy mindmap. This one is a lot larger in scale, but is zoomed to the point that it can't really be read (which is good, because there's some juicy plots in there that I don't want to reveal just yet!) but at least you can get the feel for how much effort I'm putting in to planning the storyline and the sub-plots, and how easy it is to keep track of everything with FreeMind.

Because I try to adhere closely to established Elder Scrolls lore in my writing, I use tags within my mindmap to identify the origin of each element, indicating whether it is canonical, original, or extrapolated from lore. Also, each element of the mindmap can contain HTML code, or links directly to pages on the UESP wiki, so that I can quickly get further background detail from the wiki about something I've listed on the mindmap. Elements can also have icons in them, which I use (a small green tick) to quickly identify those elements that I have used already in my story.

Author:  The-Shadow-One [ Thu May 16, 2013 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

-blinks twice- mental note to add that to my computer.. That may help me a lot..

Author:  unokitsune [ Fri May 24, 2013 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I think I shall use this to make my signature shorter so I can add more to it.

Current Fics and Fanfics of Uno:

Zeyelden (TES Skyrim Fanfic/Fic): Chapter 6 current.

Zeyelden Roleplay ((Has a bit more story and depth)): Will be updating when I can find what I was doing and where I put the long post.

Priestess Assassin, Aaro's Memoires ((Fic/Fanfic based off of Justice's Rp)): Currently up to when Zzruh declares her his apprentice, still writing.

Camp Half Blood: Primordial Duet

More updates and fics to come as well as pictures, something to occupy me. Please check here.

Author:  Hissien [ Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Here is a story of my people or rather, the story told to me by my grandfather about the people:

The Story of the Raven and The chief’s daughter:

Author:  Avron the S'wit [ Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

Author:  skullclutter [ Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Writer's Guild

I was hoping some of the more accomplished writers here would be able to help with this. I enjoy creative writing and I've got a bunch of ideas, but I have trouble developing a plot larger than a one-chapter flash fic and my ideas lend themselves better to longer works. Does anyone have any tips on plotting they can share?

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