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Journey to the East: A Morrowind Tale

Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:36 pm

Not sure if anyone's interested in reading Morrowind fics anymore, but I'll just leave this here.

Summary: In one night, Adanji loses her closest friend, fails a heist, and bears witness to the crumbling of her dreams. Little does she know that a carriage and a boat ride away, her life is about to become a lot harder. In her new home, she is faced with strange, often terrifying events, and at the center of it all, there is a mysterious prophecy.

More to come if even one person likes this. Happy for feedback, especially constructive criticism. Also, if you prefer a different format, you can search "Morrowind: Journey to the East" and you should find chapters on both my fanfiction and DevianrArt accounts.
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