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Author:  BetaB17 [ Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Glowstone, since not only can you use it for fancy lighting, but the dust can be used to strengthen potions

I believe nether quartz is fairly useless in vanilla Minecraft, so really the only other resources are from the mobs. Those being Ghast tears, blaze rods, and magma slime. All valuable for potions.

Oh and pigmen have a small chance to drop gold nuggets, but the overall risk and consequences hardly reward the gain. I still remember when they dropped cooked pork chops.. Oddly that was well worth the slaughter

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  BetaB17 [ Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

I have undying respect for the pigmen. Not because they can hold a grudge or form an angry crowd, but totally because I've seen my death a few too many times for my liking for just one simple mistake

Btw, since we're on the topic of the nether. Aarah, have you ever tried sleeping there? I kid you not, it's probably the fastest way to get to the overworld if you happen to be away from the portal. Not many people know that

Author:  Aarah [ Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Pigmen = Nuggets Gotcha.

No, haven't tried sleeping there but that's a good tip cos I'm guessing that it will be easy to get lost.
That was pretty decent of that Pigman to cook its chops for you, Beta.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Well.. Not anymore, now they just rotten :( which is sad, cause really being able to farm half a stack of pre-cooked premium food from hell itself was a worthy gain in my book

Gold nuggets however.. The amount needed for just an ingot(not to mention how little utility gold has in general), I just found it not worth the struggle. And when I say struggle.. I mean exactly that(Like seriously, pigmen will [&@%!] you up)

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  BetaB17 [ Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

@VW: Maybe that is true, I wont dispute that, but tell me :wat: Am I lying?

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  Aarah [ Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Does something else happen if you make camp for the night in the Nether? :wat: I'm highly suspicious now...

Author:  BetaB17 [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

:wat: When aren't you suspicious of the advice I give ya

Also nether has no day or night cycle, it's always hell and brimstone. Just try to bring a clock there, it'll

Author:  legoless [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  Aarah [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  BetaB17 [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

You can still explore, I mean, glowstone is a good building material(lamps for days) not to mention magma cubes tend to spawn close to the lava shores. But ya, vanilla nether is fairly bare >_> the mod biomes-o-plenty completely fixes that problem(along with going absolutely crazy with diversity in the overworld) including nether overgrowth, bone pillars, frightening wasp hives, pools of blood, and even a new block.. Flesh. Pair it up with certain mods that add new resources or mobs, then the nether becomes equally a place to fear and dare to adventure

Oh, and btw, if you can spare it, if you ever find yourself too far in the nether or lost, and really don't want to risk losing any gear >_> carry enough obsidian and a flint/steel so that you can pop up to the overworld. It is probably safer, and so long as you have a marker/coordinate set to home you should be able to make it back. I doubt this would be useful to you, Aarah, but in any version to Minecraft this is a fairly wise plan(especially in modded minecraft, wasps too OP)

Author:  Aarah [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

I seem to be getting a lot of glowstone from the blazes. Rods and glowstone.
Those mods sound cool. I notice your platform is xbox - can you get mods for the game on it, or are these pc mods of which you speak?

Author:  BetaB17 [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Huh, I didn't know glowstone(dust) can drop from blazes :\ are you sure your not talking about blaze rods/powder? Glowstone 'grows' on the ceiling and overhangs in the nether, which makes collecting them a danger when you consider ghasts.

There are alot of mods(my favorite is Tinker's Construct) but there are alot of mod packs(I.e lots of mods together, many of which do cooperate, some may not) But sadly, there is no mod support on the console versions >_> only PC for the most part. Tho to say I would be a noob in nodded Minecraft.. Is a sore misunderstanding

Unrelated, Aarah, what sort of house/hidey hole have you made?

Author:  Aarah [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

I was getting yellow powder from them which came up as glowstone dust, I think. Will double check though as I could well be mistaken.

Alas, yet again the consoles go without. :(

My house is really dull. Super basic rectangle made from cobblestone, a triangular roof, one floor with a mezzanine level and a conservatory.
Other building is a small square.
Not been playing survival mode all that long, so hope to juzz it up sometime, but it's not high on the list of priorities.

In creative mode ive got a lighthouse, a two-storey house, a replica of my family home, and currently in construction is a house of whimsy.

What about you? Im betting you've got some fancy digs.

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  BetaB17 [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

@VW: Mate, I feel your pain so very much. Not just as a builder, but also as a Redstone engineer(pre-command blocks).

@Aarah: It differs depending on survival or creative, as well as resources available(tho flying does make it all easier). Both me and my friend Rockstar both specialize with making medieval builds, we even built an entire walled city ^_^ He starts the frame or position(them gut feelings tho) and I add all the nifty detail, interior, and even roads(wow, such lovely) We also have dipped a bit into Nordic or dwarven features, for variety. I'll try and see about sharing some images from facebook if I can figure things out

I must also add, what with creative and all, I also am a fan of remodeling natural features and agriculture

Per survival.. Less say I'm with rockstar(wizard tower 4dayz!) or holding up in a cave like a dirty nomad with my mates.. I tend to go with, how do I say, initially underwhelming to a mind boggling maze of chambers.. I very much am a fan of underground bases(so literally, outwards appearance accounts for nothing). In my opinion, it's lovely and easy to navigate and optimize living space. To others.. It's a maze where you just end up going circles.

It's a bit funny really, cause if I'm on a server or in a group world with some potentially devious friends.. I literally live up to the claim 'my house is a hole'. Kid ya not.. A two or three block deep hole in the dirt, with a trapdoor on top, a single ladder to get out, and then just the sweet embrace of dirt all around.. Till you place a button/lever.. And the dirt block underneath moves away to reveal my hidden lair. Along with a switch on the other side to exit, and even 'reset' the entrance(a 2nd piston moves to break the button/lever used to enter), I'll even go and add a small stone cover to ensure I can limit the amount of damage if a creeper blows up at the entrance.. Fingers crossed if trolls dont go digging

Author:  BetaB17 [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  Aarah [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Author:  BetaB17 [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Yes, all the buildings do have functional rooms with furniture and decor, with special attention to the shops or inns.

Same so with the wizards tower, with the smaller tower acting as more of an entrance/means of ascension with the very top having an library. The larger tower has various chambers and uses a more friendly ladder system(instead of a bulky spiral staircase). There was obviously a bedchamber, storage, alchemy lab, smelter, and the very bottom acted as a sort of vault and entrance to a secret tunnel

To answer your question, alot of the important buildings and even the wall did have schematics. There's even a modified villagers church there and also a massive cathedral in the western side(that definitely needed plans) But alot of the buildings we took inspiration by Madness64's designs.

I will state, the wizard tower, being rather unique and at least by concept(small tower, big tower, arced bridge between) we had little to go on with visual examples. Prior to build, we went to our test world and built various foundations, with different sizes, widths, and bare design. That was one of the few times we did such, before properly rebuilding in our actual world and detailing it as such.

Btw I must add that in the thickness of the western side, further in the residential was where buildings lost any form of pattern/organized structure or symmetry. That being deliberate, with a high focus of cramp quarters and multiple stories in height. As Rockstar put it(I just randomly went with the flow). It was one of the few times I couldn't assist, not even with roofing. And as of course, I had yet to do their interior

Ya, typically we didn't have a big plan with the city. We went along with what we thought of for the time, with the market/city center, to the slums and eventual entrance to the docks, residential of various classes and even a military zone, and last we touched on was upper class district complete with their own center, cathedral, and mansion/castle. For a good example on his how far we went from our original concept, I'll share this Very big difference from our end result, and funny enough as time went on so too did our skill in the craft

Unfortunately, I dont have as many pictures of the docks after we completely overhauled it, or that of our dwarven city(Note the watchtower is separate) Edit: Oh! And before I forget! Notice how in the city alot of the lighting is balanced out, and even from the top view you can see even the the trees appear more vivid/lively.. Far more than they should if so tall and at night. Hehe.. I managed to make them partially glow thanks to hiding various light sources in the leaves(keeps the mods from spawning) And along too with all the shrubs and bushes, that's why the streets dont look so dark or covered in hundred of torches ^_^ two layers of leaves, block of glowstone. Impossible to see, still generates light(of course only I would nip pick over such a small detail :P )

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

I assume you guys did all that in creative, right? Survival builds like that usually take years.

Author:  BetaB17 [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

Originally no, there were a few random roadside taverns done in survival and I forget what else, but by the time creative came along we redid everything(even updating them as the game did too) and that's where we eventually set on large scale buildings

That world was always to be where we built things to show off and even experiment, our world, not to survive or gather resources. For that, we had other worlds we could play in, funny how creative changed so little when you really look at it

Author:  Aarah [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft

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