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Re: General Discussion

Mon Jan 11, 2021 7:58 am

Daily reminder that the time between now and Skyrim is greater than the time between Skyrim and Morrowind.

Re: General Discussion

Mon Jan 11, 2021 6:06 pm

Re: General Discussion

Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:23 pm

Y'all I'm so sad Wolfborn never responded to me. ;-; Where oh where did our lovely wolf friend go?

Edit: I see he's been on since then but just didn't respond. rip me ;-;

Re: General Discussion

Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:03 am

What's a forum? Damn young'uns with their fancy forums. Back in my day, we use carrier pigeon to communicate.

Re: General Discussion

Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:58 am

Re: General Discussion

Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:51 am

Re: General Discussion

Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:57 am

You couldn't make our wedding day
Too sick to travel
You fell between a friend
And a father

I owe you dinner, man
I owe you something
You talked to me
Like I was inside
We were just waking up
For a hard

I meant to get to you
On the turning
Things sneak up on me
Like a landslide comes

Been saving email trails
Kept together
I read them back sometimes
To remember
The time I wrote to you
From the island
Your quick replies
Made me high
I had fear in the room
So I stopped turning up
My hands kept pushing down
In my pockets
I’m bad with people things
But I should have tried more

Been watching images
From the station
Earth one from satellites
All streaming
Feels slow at seventeen thousand miles an hour
You could be anywhere
On the black screen
On the black screen
On the black screen
On the black screen
On the black screen

You could be anywhere
On the black screen

Re: General Discussion

Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:45 pm

Re: General Discussion

Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:03 am

You really should join on discord. Its really poppin. And even some veterans pop by like Velvet, Alarra, Fiar, Leroy, Avron, n Spaceman. Your missing out :wink:

Re: General Discussion

Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:40 am

Re: General Discussion

Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:00 am

Re: General Discussion

Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:57 am

Re: General Discussion

Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:58 pm

How to make Chamberlain (the guy who said that there are no winners in war) cry:

Re: General Discussion

Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:42 pm

Ita traditional that I must do this


Re: General Discussion

Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:47 am

Re: General Discussion

Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:40 am

Re: General Discussion

Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:36 am

Url broke.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:45 pm

Well, what was it supposed to be?

Re: General Discussion

Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:54 am

Every year I mess with Kerr by posting about Saint Patrick's day but instead calling it Paddy's day. Its tradition by this point(tho she would digress)

Re: General Discussion

Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:09 am

Ironically the Discord is actually too busy for me to join. I've popped in a few times but always left within minutes.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:21 pm

Re: General Discussion

Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:01 pm

Re: General Discussion

Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:19 pm

Re: General Discussion

Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:56 pm

I suppose there`s a melancholy to be had in assuming people are just doing something more important than being on forums. I would also think that many of the original users are quite possibly no longer among us, it`s a very old series after all. Though personally I think the decline in activity is due to the decline in conversation. I dont have the stats but I daresay that Skyrims release saw an enormous swell in activity and honestly there just isn't that much to say about the game beyond opinion pieces or mechanical help. I suppose generally what im saying is that perhaps people just arent interested in TES as they maybe once and who can blame them after so much time has passed since any meaningful additions to the series (No offence ESO). I know myself I no longer have time to frequent the web as much as I had in prior years. I was 15/16 when skyrim was released. My priorities in life just dont hold gaming all that high anymore and I`m probably not alone in saying that. Who knows, when VI is released perhaps more activity will come again...Perhaps...

Re: General Discussion

Wed May 05, 2021 8:12 am

*Pops into forums to go down memory lane rather than going to sleep*

There was a ton of activity back when Skyrim came out. I should know, I was part of the wave. ESO is TES's main product these days, since Skyrim came out closer to Morrowind than the present day. I haven't been on here in literal years, so I'm not surprised that trend is happening with others.

I'm pleased that the mods haven't changed much in my absence. Still Aarah and Alarra, Beta, who I think was a TPM last time I was here... Time flies. Now I'm just a ghost of forums past.

Apologies to literally everyone back in the day, I was a whiny hormonal teenager back then. Hoo boy am I embarrassed looking back.

[Edit] Oh my gosh I've had so much nostalgia looking at the names that have posted in this thread on the last few pages. I think the last person on the forums I had contact with was Deandra years ago on ESO. Dang, can TES6 just come out already?
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