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Noob question: How do you even cast magic on this game?
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Author:  Serpya_Wolfgand [ Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Noob question: How do you even cast magic on this game?

Whenever I press the "cast spell" button I chose ( F6 ), I am just... Kind of. Sent back to my spell selection menu.

EDIT: Okay, so, weirdly, I am being able to cast spells that target myself( By selecting a spell and then pressing the left mouse button ), but spells that are actually suppose to target my opponents arent working. Am I doing something wrong?

Author:  MrFlibble [ Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question: How do you even cast magic on this game?

This probably depends on your control scheme. I usually remap everything to a full WASD with mouselook and assign cast spell to X. It then opens the spellbook and you need to select the spell you want to cast by double-clicking it. If then it is a spell that targets something else than the player, you will see the message "Press button to cast spell" on the screen. The button in question is the interact key (IIRC it's called "Use object" on the remap keyboard controls screen), which I assign to E.

For example, if you're trying to cast the stock Shock spell, you need to press the cast spell key to open the spellbook, double-click the Shock spell, then face the monster you want to shock, and press the action/use button.

If the spell is something like a fireball (which I think qualifies as "area at range"), it does not have to be fired in the direction of a monster, so as soon as you press the use button the fireball will be thrown in the direction that you're facing.

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