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Daggerfall Movement Issues
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Author:  Viraemia04 [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Daggerfall Movement Issues

Long-time fan of the Elder Scrolls series, finally managed to get Daggerfall working in DOSbox yesterday. I loaded up the tutorial fine, rebound some keys and killed a rat and a bat and it was all good.

I loaded it up today however and it feels like my character is being constantly dragged in diagonal lines. When I move forward, I'm being dragged over to the right, and vice versa when I move backwards I pull to the left. I've re-loaded the game and reset all my re-binds to default and its still doing it. I can't play properly like this as I get stuck against walls and doorways as I'm technically just moving into them, at an angle.

Is this a known issue and how do I fix it? I really want to enjoy this game. Thanks guys! :mrgreen:

Edit: I've been playing for about an hour and a half now and it seems the problem comes and goes completely at random. Walking funny? Saved, its fine. Everything is going okay? Well, you killed that thief so you deserve to walk funny. Any ideas on what is causing this?

Author:  MrFlibble [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daggerfall Movement Issues

I think this might be related to how DOSBox treats input devices like a mouse and a joystick. You can turn off joystick emulation completely by opening dosbox.conf and changing joysticktype=auto to joysticktype=none

Otherwise, make sure you have patched the game to the latest version.

Author:  Viraemia04 [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daggerfall Movement Issues

Odd, I've bound keys so I can move and turn completely using WASD, Q and E. I've patched the game so I'll disable the joystick setting, but will this make a difference if I'm using a K&M?

Thanks for the reply by the way!

Author:  MrFlibble [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daggerfall Movement Issues

Author:  Ignauskas1481 [ Sat May 03, 2014 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daggerfall Movement Issues

I think I've had this problem before. I remember it having to do with the angle at which your character is looking.
Try centering the view ('home' I believe is the default key).

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