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Daggerfall Witch Covens
19 February 2011
Witch covens have appeared to cause many people problems. Below is
some compiled information directly concerning witch covens, enjoy.
Please note that the information contained here has been compiled from a
variety of sources and as such may be incorrect. Any suggestions/corrections/additions
etc... may be E-Mailed to the Webmaster
- Coven Locations - 12 October 1998
- List of known witch coven locations.
- The Easy Way - 28 April 19997
- Find the location of any witch coven using this cheat.
- Cost of Summoning - 9 April 1997
- Various things which affect the cost of summoning a daedra at a coven or anywhere else.
- Where to Find Covens - General Notes - 13 November 1996
- General information on where covens can be found and what they might look like.
- Summoning Daedra - 13 November 1996
- General information on summoning daedras in the witch covens.
Where to Find Covens - General Notes
November 1996
Witch covens can be found either in certain dungeons or in houses. The dungeon covens
I've seen consist solely of a lone witch standing in a room. I usually find
these when embarking on an artifact quest from the knights or fighters guild.
Covens also exist in houses. I found one once on a quest from the thieves guild
to steal something. It was a large three story or so house, the biege colored
one with a porch and an entrance on the 2nd floor. This had several witches and
other interesting patrons hanging around in rooms giving quite an eery impression.
People have also reported finding covens in houses for sale.
There ARE Witches Covens out in the woods. There'll be a big mound the size of a house, a couple of
guards at the entrance, and more witches inside. They don't sound any different than the ones in the
houses, though. Try the Glenmoril Witches in Illessan Hills. You might have to find a map with the
location, though. One other thing of note - you don't need a map to get to these forest covens.
All you need to do is know what square they are in (like 2 squares north of CITY and 2 squares
east of TEMPLE will put you there). Then you just travel to the nearest spot to that point - and
then ride around, or walk or run or whatever to that square - when you get near the coven -
it will appear on your map.
When finding these covens, the best way I've found is to CONTINUALLY check your Fast Travel map.
Pay attention to exactly when the red line moves as you are traveling. Think of the location of each town,
temple, graveyard, etc. as a "square". Moving in a direction (say north) you can travel within a "square",
until you reach the northernmost border, at which time the red line will move one "square" north. When
you hit the "I'm At" button, the "North/South" and "East/West"lines will cover the entire province (and will
match up with various other towns on the map). The following directions give you the closest starting
location already on the map, as well as what places with which to match up the lines.
When you've arrived at the "correct square", I usually go to one corner and travel across at a diagonal
(e.g. go to the SE corner and travel NW). Keep an eye on the "I'm At" lines to make sure you don't
leave the square. When you get near the coven (you probably won't see it beforehand) you'll get a
message "Entering Coven on the Bluff" - and your travel map will have a BLACK dot. Now you can just
click on it and it will take you right there.
Witch Coven Locations
26 July 1998
- Coven on the Bluff (Daggerfall Witches), Daggerfall, The Ashford Graveyard
- Travel NW from The Ashford Graveyard. You will be in the "correct square" when the
"North/South" line covers the Temple "Burning Martyr of Kynareth" and the "East/West" line covers the
Town of "Tuncroft". You will be right on the west coast of Daggerfall.
This coven is simply a Witch beside an altar - no followers. I've had this coven summon both
Peryite and Merhunes Dagon. However - they summoned Merhunes Dagon on the 8th of Frostfall (which I
thought was the day for Malacath). Merhunes wasn't impressed and he sent a Daedra Seducer to take
care of me. On another attempt - I got Shegorath instead. Go figure.
- Glenmorial Coven, Illesan Hills, Masterwing Hall
- Travel NE from Masterwing Hall,
You will be in the "correct square" when the "North/South" line covers the House "Old Evelona's
Place" and the "East/West" line covers the Town of "Greenfield Court". You'll be in the middle of nowhere.
This coven is a mound, with followers, guards, and various other "witchly" type people. I can't get
these people to summon ANYone but Hircine. This is also the coven that gives the potion to cure BOTH
vampirism and Lycanthropy. You'll need to quest for them until you get the "deliver this to the mages guild
at so-in-so, the baddies will only come out at night" quest. The ingredient says "pure water" but it cures
lycanthropy/vampirism both. You don't need to have received a hunter letter yet to get this quest - I took
my 2nd level character, got vampirism, went here and got the potion so I can cure myself any time. :) I've
still not got the letter from the hunter yet - but I've already got the cure.
- Glenmorial Coven, Daggerfall, town of Oxway
- This one is very near (I think left) of the Mages Guild.
When you enter you see one man with long hair; they only summon Hircine.
- Midpath, Orisinium
- Ok, I have found a new coven. It is in the orsinium area in the town of Midpath. There is a circle of houses and the
witches coven is at 1 o'clock. BTW I found the one in daggerfall, and had to find
another, as he challenged me to a duel and I killed him without knowing it was the
witch I was supposed to find. Oh well...
- Easttale, Wayrest?
- Another coven might be found in Easttale (Wayrest?), a little to the SE of the Mage's Guild.
- Coven on The Bluff - West Seacoast, Due south of the Burning Martyr of Kynareth.
- ILESSAN HILLS - Glenmorial Coven
- East Central, North and slightly west of Old Chrystausa's Place.
- SHALGORA - Daggerfall Coven
- West border with Daggerfall, South and slightly West of Woodham Manor.
- DAENIA - Beldama Coven
- North Central, South of Greenham Manor, North and slightly east of the Old Masterhouse Shack.
- PHRYGIAS - Skeffington Coven
- South Central near border, Due West of Old Barbyn's Farm.
- ALCAIRE - Alcaire Coven
- North West near border, SE of AshSmith Plantation.
- WROTHGARIAN MTS. - Wroth Coven
- South East edge, Due East of Deerville.
- DRAGONTAIL MTS. Devilrock Coven
- North seacoast, Due West of the Joyous Altar of Arkay.
- DAK'FRON - Kykos Coven
- South West Central, Due West of Cerumbator. You can also reach the kykos coven in dakfron by taking a nobles quest to
deliver a holy relic, you'll be stopped by a group of vampires. There should
be 1 vampire ancient and two vampires, although this is not always the case.
The regular vampires will have the location of the coven on them 25 percent of
the time. Note: No matter where you are, you'll get the location of the kykos coven.
- ALIK'R DESERT - Coven in the Marsh
- North Central border, North West of Gentle Star of Stendarr.
- ANTIPHYLLOS - Coven of the Dust
- West part of province, North East of Perpetual Sunrise of Mara.
- MYRKWASA - Coven of the Tide
- Central, South East of Rhanotujer and North West of Thofyl Manor.
- ANTIPHYLLOS - Coven of Dust
- It is exactly 2 squares North East of the Perpetual Sunrise Of Mara. Or you could find a map. There are so
little dungeons that it's easy to find.
- DAEDIA - in Upmont
- (North West part of Province) - House for sale directly
south of two Armories next to each other on the far west and north side near
the city wall. Sticks out since it is red and the other houses nearby are white. Far
- DAGGERFALL - Daggerfall
- In the southeast corner, just South of a pawn shop, there will be two
houses. One of them is a house for sale and has a person inside who
gives you an option of Daedra summoning.
- DAGGERFALL - Mouse and Jug Tavern
- In the Mouse and Jug Tavern in Daggerfall in a normal residence.
- DAGGERFALL - Eastwick
- Just south of the fighters guild.
- DAGGERFALL - Longing
- The corner building (I forget which one but it's a small town).
- MENEVIA - West of Whiteflower Garden and Lysandus' Tomb.
- The coven is known as the Tamarilyn Coven.
It has a circle of dancing girls, and in the center of the circle is a witch. I
have gotten the Vamp/Lycantrope cure for them (not like I need it).
Includes Contributions from,
Worm - and
Jeremy Johnson -
Summoning Daedra
November 1996
Summoning daedra in a witch coven seems to be slightly different than summoning in a
temple or a mage guild. It appears that covens in certain areas will only summon
a particular daedra, no matter what the summoning day is. Useful if you just missed
a summoning day for a daedra and don't want to wait a full game year for another
The Glenmorial Witches Coven in Illesan Hills summon Hircine - as does almost
any "coven" I've found in shops/houses for sale. In fact - all the covens in houses
(I've found one in Wayrest, one in Daggerfall, and one in Glenpoint) seem to be of
the Glenmorial Witches (according to the rep program after I quest for them).
The main Glenmorial HQ (an actual coven - with guards and worshipers and all that stuff that gets
put on your travel map) is in Illesan Hills (sp?). I've gone to them on NUMEROUS so called "summoning
days" and the ONLY daedra the Glenmorial Coven will summon for me is Hircine. No matter who's day it
is - they say it's the day for summoning Hircine. I've found the "Coven of the Bluff" in Daggerfall
who will summon Peryite on the off days (haven'ttried them on summoning days yet for other daedra).
The several witch covens I've found in Wayrest have summoned only Hircine.
Finding Covens the Easy Way
28 April 1997
OK, if you are running patch 212/213 and have the cheat codes available
by adding a 'cheatmode 1' line in the Z.CFG file, press CTRL-F1 while
not on the map screen. When you then go into the map screen, all the
fast travel locations will be visible. Witches' Covens will show up
as black dots - select "Dungeons" only to make it easier to see. Not
all provinces have covens. You can hit CTRL F1 again to make all the
maps you have come across "naturally" disappear again.
Cost of Summoning Daedra
9 April 1997
Daedra summoning cost is influenced by
- Your rep with guild/temple/coven where you summon
- Your mercantile skill
- In some cases by your rep with certain summoner (witches).
- In some cases by the cathegory of the place (mages guilds), exactly like in
case of buying in different types of stores.
In case of my character it started from 150,000 and was slowly decreasing while
I progressed in the game. Now average cost in the Mages Guild is around 70,000.
Original Text Written by Wojciech Gorny -
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