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Daggerfall Books
15 February 2011
The following is an alphabetical list of the books found in Daggerfall and a brief
notation of what I found in them. If nothing is noted, I thought that the contents
of the book were simply background information on Tamriel and the provinces. Anything
I felt like saying will be found in [ ]. More literature from Tamriel can be found at the
World of Tamriel Library.
- A Dubious Tale Of The Crystal Tower by Bibenus Geon [funny short story]
- A History Of Daggerfall by Odiva Gallwood
- An Overview Of Gods And Worship by Brother Hetchfield
- Deeds in the form of holy quests are just one of the many things that bring the attention of a Diety.
- Conforming to the statutes and obligations of individual temples.
- Performance of ceremony (Ceremonies vary according to the individual Diety), sacrifice, and offerings.
- Powerful artifacts have been received by working and questing for the good of a Diety or their temple.
- Ark'ay The God by Mymophonus the scribe
- Tells of how he became the God of Birth & Death.
- There is also a version of this book that appears to be in German.
- A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs by Vondham Barres
- Last words if you ever meet a Nymph, speak to her.
- A Tale of Kieram by Vegepythicus, editor [long story]
- Banker's Bet by Porbert Lyttumly [disgusting story]
- Biography Of Queen Barenziah, Vol I by Stem Gamboge, scribe
- Brief History of the Empire, Part I by Stonach
- Broken Diamonds by Ryston Baylor
- A holiday, the 19th of FrostFall, to remember the murder of Kintrya II, Empress of Tamriel.
- Confessions Of A Thief by Anonymous
- Got into the Thieves Guild by robbing a house at night.
- Sold the stuff at a Pawn Shop and then got his first visit from the Guild.
- Refuse to keep stealing and you'll get a broken arm.
- They train, teach and keep you out of prison, and they have a forgery expert on the premises.
- Divad The Singer by Destri Melarg
- Etiquette With Rulers by Erystera Ligen [you should definately read this one]
- Eight kingdoms in High Rock in the following regions - Northpoint, Daggerfall, Shornhelm, Camlorn, Farrun
Evermore, Wayrest, and Jehanna.
- Fools Ebony, Part The Oneth by Frincheps
- Part Twoth
- Part Threeth
- Part Fourth
- Part Fiveth
- Part the Sixth
- Fragment: On Artaeum by Taurce Anselm
- Isle of Artaeum is home to the Psijic Order the oldest monastic group in Tamreil.
Anyone desirous of a meeting with a Psijic may find contacts in
Potansa & Runcibae as well as many other kingdoms of Sumurset.
- The Ceporah Tower is still used in certain rites by the Psijics.
- Galerion The Mystic by Asgrim Kolsgreg
- Ghraewaj by Tidasus
- Story of Harpies.
- Are common around Illic Bay, particularly around Lainlyn.
- Holidays of the Iliac Bay
- discusses the Holidays but doesn't tell benefits.
- Invocation Of Azura by Sigillah Parate
- Azura - Daedric Prince of Moonshadow, mother of the Rose, Queen of the Night Sky -
summon on Hogithum, the 21st of First Seed.
- Do not summon when thunderstorms are present on that night, for those nights
belong to Sheogorath, the Mad One.
- She may be summoned on other dates too, the only ones forbidden
are those prescribed to one of the other 15 princes.
- Molag Bal on the 20th of Evening Star except in stormy weather
- Boethiah on the 2nd of Suns Dusk
- Nocturnal on the 3rd of Hearth Fire.
- [That is all that is listed]
- Ius, Animal God by Buljursoma
- explains why there is an Equipment Store blocking the palace gate in Rockcreek. [Is there?]
- Jokes by Butha Sunhous [all I can say is... stupid]
- King Edward, Part 1 by Anonymous
- Legal Basics by Anchivius, M.Z.F.
- Mara's Tear by Zhen [Lovers and death story]
- Mysticism by Tetronius Lor
- Notes For Redguard History by Desri Melarg
- Oelander's Hammer by Krowle - An Instructive Tale for Children
- Tells of fabled weapon with protective qualities stuck in a hole
in the ground with thorny plants forming a wall around the protruding handle.
- Only someone of tremendous merit can take it.
- Close to Redguard Village of Granitsta across a huge bare field
(except for a single rose bush) and just into a forest.
- Of Jephre by Anonymous
- On Lycanthropy by Varnard Karessen
- The Werewolf can be found in every part of Tamriel.
- Werecrocodiles in Black Marsh and Southern Morrowind swamps.
- Werelions in Black Marsh, Imperial Province, and wetter parts of Elsweyr.
- Werevultures in Valenwood.
- Wereboar in High Rock and Hammerfell.
- Werebear, the most common lycanthrope in Skyrim, can be found in the Northern
parts of High Rock, the Imperial Province, and Morrowind.
- Wereshark can be found in the oceans areond Tamriel.
- Lycanthropy can be cured shortly after infection but after that time, the victim is doomed.
- After the first transformation, there is no way of curing, however there is a coven of witches in
the Glenpoint foothills of High Rock that is rumored to have a cure.
- On Oblivion by Morian Zenas
- demon, or 'daimon' is probable misspelling of 'daedra' which is the Elvish word for the
strange, powerful creatures of uncertain motivation who come from the dimensions of oblivion.
- Summoning daedra is expensive.
- Most Mages Guild's have a summoning room.
- Also Witches covens, the Necromancers, the Dark Brotherhood, and many
secretive Kings and Queens of Tamriel have private summoning rooms.
- Redguards, History & Heros by Destri Merlarg
- Rude Song by Anonymous [all I can say is... stupid]
- Special Flora of Tamriel by Hardin
- Black and white poppies crushed with milk of the agile footed mountain goat will produce a potion for levitation.
- A petal of Fire Fern, a native of Morrowind, placed under the adventurers tongue will provide protection from heat
and fire found in lava pits and streams found around Dagoth-Ur.
- Dragon's Tongue found in Black Marsh, especially in Utherus Swamp is deadly poison however Argonians can use the root sap
to enhance endurance.
- Domica Redwort grown in Valenwood enhances appearance.
- Ironwood Nut grows deep in forests of Skyrim and enhances strength.
- Ginko leaves found along the banks of rivers and lakes in Hammer-Fell mixed with the pulp of Aloe plant increases stamina.
- Somnalius Fern found in swamps of Black Marsh can be used to put enemy to sleep.
- Arrowroot found in Valenwood can be ground to paste and eaten to improve accuracy with bow and arrow.
- Nightshade found in parts of Elsweyr - tuck a piece inside armor to increase ability to skulk, hide, and become invisible.
- The Alik'r by Enric Milres
- The Arrowshot Woman by Anonymous [kinda funny story]
- The Asylum Ball by Waughin Jarth [strange story about a loony emperor of Tamriel named Pelagius]
- The Brothers of Darkness by Pellarne Assi
- discusses the Dark Brotherhood which sprang for a religious order, the Morag Tong.
- These were worshipers of the deadra spirit Mephala who encouraged them to commit ritual murders.
- The Ebon Arm by Witten Rol
- The Epic of the Grey Falcone by Anido Jhone, editor [good short story]
- The Fall of Usurper by Palaux Illthre
- The Faerie by Szun Triop
- The First Scroll of Baan Dar by Akan
- Talks of vellum scrolls found in 3 Alabaster jars sealed in a
cave somewhere on the shores of Lake Vread in the Province of Elswyer.
- The proper way to repay a favor, is not to - Pass on it instead.
- The Healer's Tale by Anonymous
- Temple Of Sendarr is the only Temple in Illic Bay that offers wound healing and illness curing
for both the faithful and heathen alike.
- The Legend of Lover's Lament by Croll Baumoval [good short story]
- The Light And The Dark by Irek Unterge
- The Madness Of Pelagius by Tsathenes
- The Memory Stone by Makela Leki
- Found in the Bankorai pass in the year 1E 973
- Makela bought the Stone from the Mages Guild for 25,000 gold.
- Stone will record thoughts as soon as it touches your flesh.
- Trained by Ebonarm in the Hall of Virtues of War to block out pain.
- Mentions Frandar Hunting's Book of Circles, the Way of Strategy and Shehai, the spirit sword, formed
magically - alive with fire.
- The Old Ways by Celarus
- Cruelty feeds the Daedra Boethiah.
- Hatred feeds the Daedra Vaernima.
- Performing the Rites of Moawita on the 2nd of HearthFire and the Vigyld on the 1st
of Second Seed are essential means of empowering the salutary
ghosts and debilitating the unclean spirits.
- The Origin Of The Mages Guild by Salarth
- The Pig Children by Tryston Bane
- The Real Barenziah by Anonymous, Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part V
- Part VI
- Part VII
- The True(?) Barenziah by Anonymous, Part VIII
- Part IX
- Part X
- The Sage by Aegrothius Goth
- Moonguard taught him all they could and sent him on to the Mages Guild in Shornhelm in High Rock
who taught him all they could
- He was then sent to Crystal Tower on Sumerset Isle and was given a magic, indestructible blue robe
and magic staff.
- He returned to Moonguard and became immortal by drinking many potions he made.
- Moved into Kurallian Mountains and built a magic fortress.
- Only the most worthy magic user could gain access and help from the Sage.
- The Story of Lyrisius by Bresne Smyth
- the story mentions the Shield Fearstruck
- a gift of deaera Boethiah, however there is a scholar's note that states -
if this legend has a basis in fact, the artifact Fearstruck was utterly destroyed and no other
reference to it has ever been found.
- The War Of Betony by Fav'te
- The War Of Betony by Vulper Newgate
- The Wild Elves by Kiergo Chorvak
- Vampires Of The Illic Bay, Part I by Anonymous
- Over 100 distinct kinds of Vampires in Tamriel.
- Nine in the Illic Bay region and each with unique power and abilities.
- You know you're a vampire when you get nightmares when you sleep after being atacked.
- 2-4 days thereafter, you can be cured by a temple.
Part II
- You will find yourself stronger, faster, tougher, and more agile than ever before.
- Immunity to disease as well.
- However, you can't be in sunlight.
- You will experience pain when entering Temples or other places of worship.
- Blood lust - must kill one warm-blooded creature each night - not restricted to
humans... can be orcs, rats, wereboars, etc.
- Ending the curse is possible. (No mention of how)
- Wabbajack by Anonymous [very odd]
- Wayrest: Jewel Of The Bay by Sathyr Longleat
Original Text Written by G. Fischer -
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