Online:Stormfist Clan
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The Stormfist Clan are a group of Nordic warriors loyal to Fildgor Orcthane, Jorunn the Skald-King's exiled twin brother. Once a highly regarded clan, known for their fighting skills and pivotal roles in conflicts, they fell from grace for supporting Fildgor's claim to the throne of Eastern Skyrim.
For more information, see the main lore article.
The Bastard's Tomb — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, north-northeast of the Rift gate containing draugr and Stormfist soldiers. (map)
Bitterblade's Camp — A Stormfist Clan camp located southeast of Mzulft in eastern Eastmarch. (map)
Cradlecrush — A fort in western Eastmarch, north of Fort Amol. (map)
Fort Amol — A fort in southwestern Eastmarch. (map)
Fort Morvunskar — A fort in northwestern Eastmarch, southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Jorunn's Stand — A camp in eastern Eastmarch, north of the Rift gate. (map)
Lost Knife Cave — A mine in southwestern Eastmarch, west of Fort Amol. (map)
Old Sord's Cave — A cave in southern Eastmarch, south of Wittestadr containing Stormfist soldiers. (map)
- Secluded Sewers
— A sewer network that serves as a heist location.
Skuldafn — An ancient Nordic ruin on a high mountain east of Eastmarch. (map)
Voljar's Meadery — A meadery in northern Eastmarch, west of Windhelm. (map)
Windhelm — A city in northern Eastmarch. (map)
Related Quests[edit]
Blindsided: Help rescue captured Pact soldiers.
- A Brother's Revenge: Defeat the leader of the Stormfists that attacked the meadery.
- A Friend in Mead: Clear the Stormfists out of the meadery.
Heist: Secluded Sewers
: Appropriate some treasures stashed in the Secluded Sewers.
- Do Kill the Messenger: Intercept a Stormfist courier taking a message to the Orcthane.
The Konunleikar: Represent Windhelm in the Footrace of the Nine Holds.
- Labor Dispute: Help liberate Lost Knife Mine from the Stormfist Clan.
Making Amends: Help the prince make amends for his behavior.
- Mystery Metal: Recover a magical ore sample from the depths of a mine.
One Victor, One King: Stop assassins from killing the Skald-King.
The Siege of Cradlecrush: Disrupt the Stormfist operations, and defeat the Orc warlord and his followers.
Sleep for the Dead: Return ancient relics to their rightful place.
Sleeping on the Job: Help locate a missing royal guardsman.
Snow and Flame: Cause enough chaos at Skuldafn to keep the Stormfist Brigade occupied.
Songs of Sovngarde: Enter Sovngarde and stop Fildgor's plot.
Strange Allies: Ally with the giants to collect intel about the Stormfist clan.
The War Council: Stop the Stormfists infiltrating the king's court.
Windhelm's Champion: Find the assassins.
See Also[edit]
- Eorim's Tale by Eorim — The tale of Fildgor Strong-Prince's lover and their adventures with the Stormfist Brigade
- The Stormfist Clan by Thora Far-Wanderer — The rise and fall of the Stormfist Clan
