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Released on November 11 2019.
The Elder Scrolls Online v5.2.8 has several fixes for Battlegrounds not starting properly, certain bonuses not applying in CP-restricted zones (including the Orc passive), and achievements not appearing as being completed. We also fixed the issue where left and right movements on the thumbstick (for Gamepad Mode) would stop working, along with several quest fixes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 157MB.
Dragonhold Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
- Fixed an issue where the brazier you needed to light to gain the Grappling Bow Pathfinder achievement was already lit upon arrival.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- In Defense of Pellitine: This quest will now properly direct you to Tsaraba in Southern Elsweyr.
- Order of the New Moon: Fixed an issue where monsters spawning in the Kiergo Arena would sometimes not animate properly.
- The Dark Aeon: Fixed an issue where Kaalgrontiid's dialogue didn't always play while flying around.
- The Senchal City map now displays a Cooking Fire location.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
Combat & Abilities[edit]
- Fixed an issue where certain bonuses did not apply in CP-restricted zones.
Base Game Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
- Fixed an issue where monsters could sometimes run through walls.
Crown Store & Crown Crates[edit]
- Fixed an issue where the Bloodspawn Staff had incorrect visual effects. It will now have red effects, as originally intended.
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
- Fixed an issue in the descriptions for the Battleground Runner weapons that claimed they were sold in the Crown Store. These are only acquired as rewards from Flag Games Battlegrounds.
- Fixed an issue where having a large amount of achievements could cause completed achievements to display as incomplete. Anything that previously appeared as unearned will now be displayed properly.
Activity Finder
- Fixed multiple issues that would cause Battlegrounds to not launch properly.
- Known Issue: We are still working on one issue where you could get stuck in a long loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where a Ready Check prompt could appear for a group leader when it shouldn't.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- Tongues of Stone: Lady Laurent will now properly address Stibbons in his stoned state upon returning to the camp.
Gamepad Mode
- Fixed an issue where opening a multicraft window would cause left and right movements on the left thumbstick to no longer work outside of that dialog.