Released on October 09 2017.
The Elder Scrolls Online v3.2.3 continues to address issues in the Clockwork City DLC game pack, and includes further improvements to the Transmutation system. We've also made a number of additional combat balance changes affecting abilities and item sets, which you can read more about below. All PC/Mac European megaserver characters have been copied in this patch, which is approximate 408MB in size. Thanks for all your feedback and bug reports so far!
Morrowind Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Alliance War & PVP[edit]
- Interacting with all flags in a Capture the Flag match now has a small cast time to initially pick up the flag, but it's still instant capture.
Art & Animation[edit]
- Naryu no longer flickers during conversation in the quest Broken Bonds.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
Warden Balance
- Animal Companions
- Feral Guardian: Increased the Health of the bear summoned by this ability and its morphs to 25,000 from 20,000.
- Developer Comments: This change will make the bear a little more resilient against incidental Area of Effect attacks, as well as against being focus-fired.
- Feral Guardian: Increased the Health of the bear summoned by this ability and its morphs to 25,000 from 20,000.
Crafting & Economy[edit]
- Fixed an issue where Crafting Motif 51: Hlaalu Boots could be used even if you had already learned that chapter.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- Nothing to Sneeze At: You will now be taken back to the step to talk to Tilenra if you run away from Menaldinion immediately after dousing the plants with the potion. This will help prevent your progress from becoming blocked.
Clockwork City Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Art & Animation[edit]
- The legs from the Nix Ox mount will now conform to more variable terrain when IK is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the wings from the Wraith of Crows and Abathoth would appear distorted or with holes.
- Female player characters will now interact with Transmute Stations properly.
- Added musical stingers to appropriate scenes and quests throughout the Clockwork City.
- Hostile factotums will now play ambient VO where applicable.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
- Fixed an issue where Firepot Spiders would occasionally fail to land after leaping into the air.
- Monsters that spawn from pipes are now accompanied by a burst of steam.
- Fixed an issue where some monsters would not fight back after being attacked.
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause the Wraith of Crows not to properly murder the targeted player character.
- Tenebrous Shadows are now less selective when casting Shadow Wave.
- Shadow of Sotha Sil
- The Shadow Wave and Distant Shadows buff icons will no longer be displayed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shadow of Sotha Sil to display generic icons upon receiving a damage shield from his summoned minions.
- Shrike Shroudweavers no longer cast Night Shroud for monsters outside its current combat.
- Whispering Sentinels no longer cast Grasping Void on a target recently knocked back by Abyss.
- The Fire Mage Heat Wave ability can now be interrupted.
- Adjusted the locations of multiple randomized NPCs so they no longer interfere with one another or spawn too close to enemies.
- You can no longer assassinate Auditory Stimulators in the Brass Fortress. I mean, they have no kidneys to stab, y'know?
World Bosses
- Increased the difficulty of world bosses found in the Clockwork City.
Dungeons & Group Content[edit]
Asylum Sanctorium Trial
- General
- The "Halo Fragments" quest-granting item will now always be awarded upon defeating Saint Olms in Asylum Sanctorium in Normal mode, if not already on the Saint's Mercy quest.
- Saint Felms
- Saint Felms, the patron saint of Butchers and Fishmongers, is now rightfully equipped with an Axe and Dagger.
- Saint Olms
- Saint Olms will no longer cause performance degradation when he lands after performing Gusts of Steam.
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
Eidetic Memory
- The books present for the quest "Of Knives and Long Shadows" will be now visible in their original locations after you complete this quest, if for some reason they did not add to your Eidetic Memory.
- The icon for the Umbral Projector will no longer become distorted when dragging this Memento into a quickslot.
- Fixed an issue where certain Clockwork Provisioning designs required more Bervez Juice to craft than intended.
- A number of new furnishings can now be acquired from a variety of sources in Clockwork City. This includes precision tools and small pieces of machinery from Justice activities, as well as obsolete Factotum parts from Factotum enemies.
Justice System[edit]
- Stolen Treasures in the Clockwork City now correctly indicate that they are Treasures, and are now correctly Bind on Pickup.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- Fixed a number of typos and text/VO mismatches in relation to quests.
- Fixed a gate in the Clockwork Basilica that was interfering with interactions with a particular NPC in the main story.
- Deepening Shadows: Adjusted the steam valve puzzle based on feedback received.
- Lost in the Gloam: The Knight of Marrow and Luciana will no longer repeat their VO.
- The Most Complicated Machine: Bolin's VO will now be heard properly during and after the transfer sequence.
- To the Clockwork City: Fixed an issue with the map in Seht's Vault, the Pneumatis, and other quest instance locations.
- Where Shadows Lie: Significantly increased the damage dealt by the shadowed areas in this quest.
- Factotums in Halls of Regulation will no longer have quest pins appear above their heads while on this delve's daily quests.
Imperial City Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Gamepad Mode
- Fixed an issue where the Tel Var Stone icon would appear as a white square in the Death Recap screen.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
Combat Balance[edit]
- Draconic Power
- Reflective Scale: Increased the duration of this ability and it morphs to 6 seconds from 4 seconds.
- Developer Comments: This new duration is consistent with similar abilities, such as Crystallized Shield or damage shields, and allows Dragonknights to maintain better uptime with less resources spent and global cooldowns used.
- Reflective Scale: Increased the duration of this ability and it morphs to 6 seconds from 4 seconds.
- Earthen Heart
- Petrify: This ability and its morphs can no longer be cast on a crowd-control immune enemy.
- Dark Magic
- Defensive Rune (Rune Prison morph): The buff applied by this morph will no longer be consumed when you are attacked by a crowd-control immune enemy.
- Rune Prison: This ability and its morphs can no longer be cast on a crowd-control immune enemy.
- Dawn's Wrath
- Eclipse:
- Increased the damage this ability and its morphs deal by approximately 67%.
- Increased the cooldown on when this damage can occur to 750ms.
- The damage from this ability can no longer be blocked.
- The damage from this ability can now occur on the first tick of any Damage over Time ability.
- This ability and the Total Dark morph can no longer be cast on a crowd-control immune enemy.
- Developer Comments: This change makes Eclipse more useful against targets that are not dealing numerous attacks each second, such as monsters or even players who are not light attack weaving. This helps make the results of this ability more consistent against different targets.
- Solar Barrage (Solar Flare morph): This morph now grants the Empower buff after every tick of damage, instead of only when you initially cast it.
- Eclipse:
- Restoring Light
- Healing Ritual: Reduced the cast time of this ability and its morphs to 1.2 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
- Developer Comments: Reducing the cast time of this ability will make it less susceptible to interrupts, and easier to land a potential life-saving heal on an ally. It now fits better with the fast-paced nature of combat.
- Cleansing Ritual: Increased the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 14%.
- Developer Comments: This change encourages more strategic use of this ability's powerful debuff removal. Recasting this ability to remove only a few debuffs at a time will be a less efficient use of the Templar's resources.
- Healing Ritual: Reduced the cast time of this ability and its morphs to 1.2 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
- Bow
- Acid Spray (Arrow Spray morph): Increased the duration of the Damage over Time applied by this morph to 6 seconds from 5 seconds, causing it to tick for one additional instance of damage.
- Arrow Spray: Increased the duration of the snare applied by this ability and its morphs to 6 seconds from 5 seconds.
- Destruction Staff
- Elemental Storm: Reduced the damage of this ability and the Eye of the Storm morph by approximately 12%. The damage on the Elemental Rage morph remains unchanged.
- Heavy Armor
- Immovable: Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs by approximately 5%.
Champion System
- The Tower
- Siphoner: Reverted this champion passive's values back to 15% at 100-points, but it now reduces all resource restore effects on the enemy. This includes potions, item sets, and ability passives.
Combat Fixes & Improvements[edit]
- Siphoning
- Malevolent Offering:
- Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were displaying a generic icon and incorrect name in the Death Recap UI.
- Updated this ability and its morphs' tooltip text and new morph effect text to better match its new functionality.
- Malevolent Offering:
- Daedric Summoning
- Summon Storm Atronach: Fixed an issue where the Atronach summoned from this ability and its morphs could use its channeled zap attack through walls.
- Restoring Light
- Rune Focus: Fixed an issue where the visual effects and audio from this ability and its morphs would repeatedly flicker if you stood within the Area of Effect.
- Fighters Guild
- Circle of Protection: Fixed an issue where the visual effects and audio from this ability and its morphs would repeatedly flicker if you stood within the Area of Effect.
Champion System
- Fixed an issue where the Master Gatherer and Befoul Champion passives were not functioning.
Itemization Balance[edit]
Item Sets
- Chaotic Whirlwind: Increased the duration that Whirlwind adds to your Twin Slashes, Lacerate, and Blade Cloak over time effects to 12 seconds from 10 seconds.
- The imperfect version was increased to 10 seconds from 8 seconds.
- Clever Alchemist: This item set's proc now requires that you are in combat for it to function.
- Developer Comments: This solves the issue where some players would activate their potion with this item set, then completely switch their gear to a new item set while retaining the bonus. We want this item set to be used more strategically in the middle of combat, rather than it only being used to one-shot players from stealth.
- Destructive Impact: Increased this item set's cost reduction for Destructive Touch to 30% from 12%, and increased the bonus to its direct damage to 2000 from 1500.
- Piercing Spray: Increased the duration of the debuff applied by this item set to 6 seconds from 5 seconds.
- Shadow of the Red Mountain: This item set's proc can no longer target neutral monsters or monsters you are not in combat with.
- Timeless Blessing: This item set now causes Blessing of Protection to reduce the cost of all your healing abilities by 30% for 3 seconds.
- The imperfect version reduces the cost by 27%.
- Titanic Cleave: This item set now increases the direct damage Cleave deals by 1500 for each enemy in its cone, up to a maximum of 9000 increased damage.
Itemization Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Item Sets
- Destructive Impact: Fixed a typo in this item set's name.
- Mad Tinkerer: Fixed an issue where the monster summoned by this item set's proc was not scaling with your global damage bonuses, such as those from the Champion System.
Base Game Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Art & Animation[edit]
- Fingers on the Wraith of Crows polymorph no longer appear flat or with gaps.
- Fixed a visual issue on the shoulders for the Malacath Homespun Armor when worn by Khajiit female characters and thin Altmer characters.
- Fixed visual issues with elbow pads, tassets, pauldrons, or the overall appearance for a number of armors and costumes.
- Fixed collision on various assets.
- Fixed textures that were previously missing or stretched on a variety of assets.
Crafting & Economy[edit]
Crafting Writs
- Fixed an issue where the journal entry for a high ranking Enchanting Writ would claim to require the non-existent Nokude rune, instead of a Jehade rune.
Crown Store & Crown Crates[edit]
Art & Animation
- The Plague Husk Horse now has proper visual effects an all mount upgrades.
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
Eidetic Memory
- Made changes to multiple lore books that were not attainable until after their associated quest is complete.
Item Sets
- The Automaton Gem, a named ring found in Darkshade Caverns, now appears in the Strength of the Automaton set instead of the Netch's Touch set.
- Previously-dropped Automaton Gems will not be changed, and will continue to be part of the Netch's Touch item set.
- Continued to iterate on Transmute Crystal drop rates in this patch.
- The Weekly Veteran and Normal-mode Trial Quests now give 5 Transmute Crystals upon completion, up from 4 Crystals.
- Transmutation Geodes awarded from Dungeon and Trial Leaderboard placement now award 5 Transmute Crystals, up from 4 Crystals.
- The Transmutation Geodes awarded from placing on the Leaderboards in 7-day Cyrodiil Campaigns will now award 10 Transmute Crystals, up from 4 Crystals.
- The Transmutation Geodes awarded from placing on the Leaderboards in 30-day Cyrodiil Campaigns will now award 50 Transmute Crystals, up from 40 Crystals.
- The Uncracked Transmutation Geodes awarded from Rewards for the Worthy mails will now give a minimum of 4 Transmute Crystals, up from 3, and can rarely grant as many as 25.
- Standardized the different Geode names - there are now Transmutation Geodes which always give a set amount of Crystals, and Uncracked Transmutation Geodes which give a random amount of Crystals. The higher a Geode's quality, the more Crystals it will provide.
- Transmutation Geodes can no longer be opened if you are already have the maximum number of Transmute Crystals.
- Updated the text for the book "Anthology of Available Abodes" to be generally more informative about the abodes in question.
- Fixed a number of small visual and collision issues with Pariah's Pinnacle and The Orbservatory Prior.
- The "Khajiit Skooma Bubbler" furnishing can now be lit, generating a soft purple plume of smoke.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Shrub, Mountain Thistle" furnishing to appear twice in the Purchase tab of the housing editor.
- Fixed an issue where the flames for the "Orcish Brazier, Snowswept Column" would appear at the base of the column.
- Stealing from wardrobes, dressers, and the pockets of Clothiers now has a small chance to award you with a furnishing version of stacked cloth or folded leather.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- The Flooded Grove: The ritual altar is now easier to interact with.
- Fixed an issue where the Equipment Bonus indicator could be missing a star.
- Fixed an issue where you could receive a Collectible notification for a Collectible that hasn't actually been granted and isn't usable.
Gamepad Mode
- Fixed an issue where your target's name would collide with the Player to Player interaction wheel.