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Released on October 02 2017.

The Elder Scrolls Online v3.2.2 includes a number of combat and itemization balance changes, in addition to many fixes for content found in the Clockwork City. We've also increased the drop rates for Transmute Crystals from certain activities, which are detailed below; we'll continue to adjust and tweak the sourcing and drop rates of Transmute Crystals in future PTS patches.

During this week, we're testing a new rewards feature from the Grouping Tool that we'd like you to try out. Additionally, we've made further improvements to the character template. The size of this patch is approximately 454MB.

New Features / Updates / Big Changes[edit]

Random LFG Dungeon Rewards

In this patch, we're testing a feature to utilize for future events that will grant an additional reward when you run a Random LFG Dungeon (Normal or Veteran, doesn't matter). Upon completion, the UI will state that you have received the typical normal rewards and an additional Wooden Toy Sword for testing purposes. You will also receive a different system mail from the ESO team referencing this PTS test. This will only occur for the first Random Dungeon you run, per character; subsequent runs should have their normal 'subsequent runs' rewards and mail.

Note that during this test, you will not actually receive any rewards. Sorry to dash the hopes of those who dreamed of bopping Molag Bal with an actual Wooden Sword.

Please help us in testing this out so we can pinpoint any odd edge cases. Thanks!

Available Templates[edit]

We've further updated the PTS character template. Now, when you make a new character using a template, you will immediately learn all Crafting Styles currently available in the game. As such, we've removed the Crafter's Limitless Library item from the character template as it is no longer necessary.

Known Issues[edit]

Combat & Gameplay

Champion System

  • The Befoul Champion passive is not currently functioning, but will be fixed in a future PTS patch.

Morrowind Fixes & Improvements[edit]

Alliance War & PVP[edit]


  • Crazy King will now have additional flags spawn in when there is 10 minutes and 5 minutes remaining.

Art & Animation[edit]


  • Fonder Jodain no longer flickers as he turns to sit down during the tutorial quest.

Combat & Gameplay[edit]

Warden, Balance

  • Animal Companions
    • Feral Guardian: Activating the Guardian's Wrath or Guardian's Savagery special ability from this ability and its morphs will now grant your bear snare, immobilization, and crowd control immunity for 8 seconds.
      • Developer Comments: This change should help the bear deal with CC while still allowing for counter play. We'll continue to make improvements in future updates.
  • Green Balance
    • Lotus Flower: This ability and its morphs will now restore health on partially-charged Heavy Attacks, equal to the amount of health restored on Light Attacks.
    • Secluded Grove: Reduced the healing over time done by this ability and its morphs by approximately 33%.
      • Developer Comments: We like that Secluded Grove is a cheap Ultimate that Wardens can use frequently for dangerous moments, but the amount of healing it was doing was too high for that low cost.

Warden, Bug Fixes

  • Animal Companions
    • Betty Netch: The beam cast by the netch summoned from this ability and its morphs will now be hidden if your character is sneaking or invisible.

Exploration & Itemization[edit]


  • Master difficulty chests and treasure map chests now have a greater chance of giving Buoyant Armiger motifs if you have the Treasure Hunter passive.

Quests & Zones[edit]


  • A copy of the "Invitation to Morrowind" book is now inside the cabin of the boat on the Seyda Neen dock after you complete the Divine Conundrum quest.
  • Grateful pilgrims will stop cowering once you rescue them from Cliff Striders.

Clockwork City Fixes & Improvements[edit]

Art & Animation[edit]


  • Metal plate books are now easier to read. Please take another look, and let us know what you think!


  • Updated the animation shown on the Transmutation tooltip when Transmutating to have some more visual oomph.
  • You will no longer float above chairs when sitting while using the Clockwork Curator polymorph.
  • Fixed an issue where the wings from the Wraith of Crows would become distorted.


  • Fixed an issue where the pauldrons from the Clockwork Curator polymorph and Factotum monsters would float.
  • Sotha Sil's ears no longer clip into his helmet.



  • You will now properly hear VO coming from errant stars in the Mnemonic Planisphere.
  • Fixed some volume and echoing issues on multiple VO lines.

Combat & Gameplay[edit]


  • Whispering Sentinel
    • Abyss no longer strikes a single target multiple times in one second.

World Bosses

  • Exarchs' Egress
    • Ithoxis, Ssatinot, and Abathoth no longer execute flying melee attack sequences at the same time.
    • Ithoxis, Ssatinot, and Abathoth are now less likely to fly to unreachable locations.
    • The Northeastern cul-de-sac near this world boss has been closed off.
    • Removed some clutter from the combat area that was obstructing your movement.

Crafting & Economy[edit]


  • All of the new furnishing plans now properly stack to 200.

Dungeons & Group Content[edit]

Asylum Sanctorium Trial

  • General
    • Asylum Sanctorium will now offer a reward when it is chosen as Raid of the Week.
    • Saints Olms will now grant Leaderboard Points when killed. Leaderboard points will be awarded based on how many of the Saints are engaged with Olms.
  • Saint Llothis
    • Saint Llothis will no longer occasionally jump to the top level while engaged with Saint Olms.
    • You will no longer hear a Woodworking Crafting audio sound when Saint Llothis uses Noxious Gas.
    • Saint Llothis will now enrage after a short time while engaged with Saint Olms; returning to a dormant state will remove this enrage effect.
    • Saint Llothis' will now choose a variety of locations to teleport to when using the Noxious Gas ability.
  • Saint Felms
    • Shrapnel Storm will now increase in damage the longer you are exposed to it while in Veteran difficulty.
    • Increased the range of Saint Felms' Teleport Strike ability.
    • Saint Felms will now enrage after a short time while engaged with Saint Olms; returning to a dormant state will remove this enrage effect.
  • Saint Olms
    • Saint Olms will no longer use Scalding Roar immediately after Gusts of Steam.
    • Significantly increased Gust of Steam's landing damage, and the secondary eruptions will now do increased damage.

Exploration & Itemization[edit]

Asylum Sanctorium

  • The Asylum weapons now come in their own Clockwork-themed tints, instead of using the standard CP160 tints. Additionally, the Perfected versions have their own subtly different tints.
  • Recolored the eyes from the Sanctified Silver Skin.


  • Shadows summoned by the Umbral Projector no longer run at your target before dissipating.



  • Corrected a number of icon mismatches and missing icons with new furnishings.
  • The "Clockwork Meal, Plate" and "Clockwork Meal, Dish" furnishings no longer have their names swapped. A dish is a dish, and a plate is a plate, and in Sotha Sil's realm they now tell it straight.
  • The "Trees, Snowswept Pair" furnishing no longer claims to have the "Animated" furnishing behavior.
  • The "Clockwork Provisioning Station" furnishing is now much easier to place and use.
  • The "Clockwork Lamppost, Gas" furnishing is now much easier to select and move after placing.
  • Updated the quality of the "Fabricant Tree, Vibrant Cherry Blossom" furnishing from Superior (Blue) to Epic (Purple). Its material components have also been updated, to match its higher quality.


  • Made a number of minor visual adjustments to The Orbservatory Prior and Pariah's Pinnacle.
  • Corrected several collision issues with The Orbservatory Prior and Pariah's Pinnacle.
  • Fixed an issue where the elevator to The Orbservatory Prior would say "Use" instead of "Preview" when you didn't already own the home.
  • It will no longer snow inside of Pariah's Pinnacle.
  • You will no longer be charged gold for fast traveling to Pariah's Pinnacle.

Quests & Zones[edit]


  • Fixed a number of NPCs that were floating, clipping, or getting stuck on uneven terrain.
  • NPCs no longer attempt to walk on furniture or crates.
  • Fixed more VO/text mismatches relating to quests.
  • You will no longer be directed through an unreachable bridge exit while down in the trenches of the Radius.


  • Blackfeather Court Dailies: The quest "Nibbles and Bits" now properly conveys what kind of hides to collect.
  • Everwound Wellspring:
    • Factotums rendered neutral by acquiring Chirharri's Plaque of Safe Passage will now properly appear neutral.
    • Chirharri will now respawn if you log out after talking to her, so you can access her bonus conversations.
    • Fixed some issues with audio timing toward the end of this quest.
  • Lost in the Gloam: You will no longer be directed back the long way through the Incarnatorium.
  • The Light of Knowledge
    • Sotha Sil will no longer despawn early, or fly off into SPAAAAAACE in very particular and (thankfully) undiscovered edge case scenarios.

Where Shadows Lie

    • Switches will now animate properly and not have a flicker at the end of their animation.
    • Aios will no longer have non-functional interact prompts.
    • Fixed an issue where Aios could repeat a line. Repeat a line. Repeat a line.
    • A dolmen ring will no longer appear in the Cogitum Centralis after the climatic events of the story. No, Molag Bal, this isn't your show. You had your shot.
    • Fixed an issue where a player who joined your group and instance after certain points in the quest would have strange quest pins.


Guilds & Guild Traders

  • Securing guild traders in Clockwork City now properly displays the outcome in guild information.

Help & Tutorials

  • Added a help menu entry with information on how to access the Clockwork City.
  • The Clockwork City Overview help menu now has its final artwork.


  • Fixed an issue where the Brass Fortress Wayshrine was not displaying on the Clockwork City map.
  • You will no longer lose the interior map while standing in certain sections of the Clockwork Basilica.
  • The Clockwork City will now properly glow when moused-over on the Aurbis map.
  • Fixed an issue where your player pin would appear in the wrong area on Tamriel's map while in Pariah's Pinnacle.

Dark Brotherhood Fixes & Improvements[edit]

Exploration & Itemization[edit]

Shadowy Supplier

  • Remains-Silent will no longer silently provide you with only a furnishing when she elects to give you one. You will now receive the furnishing alongside your normal materials for that choice.

Combat & Gameplay[edit]

Combat Balance[edit]


  • Earthen Heart
    • Petrify: Reduced the range of this ability and its morphs to 8 meters from 15 meters.
      • Developer Comments: This change helps further differentiate the Petrify and Stonefist abilities, and makes it more risky for the Dragonknight to apply Petrify's instant, unavoidable crowd control on an enemy.


  • Assassination
    • Executioner: This passive ability no longer requires you to get the killing blow with an Assassination ability to trigger its resource return; it now has a 2-second grace period after damaging the enemy with an Assassination ability where it can still trigger the proc. It also now restores either Magicka or Stamina, whichever you have a higher maximum of, and restores that resource instantly instead of over 6 seconds.
      • Developer Comments: This passive ability will be more useful for tanks who weren't able to get killing blows, and stamina Nightblades who can now get stamina. It also makes the proc more reliable in multiplayer situation where multiple players attacking the enemy.

Grim Focus: The Assassin's Will and Assassin's Scourge procs from this ability and its morphs no longer have a 100ms cast time, but the speed of the projectile has been reduced by approximately 10%.

  • Siphoning
    • Healthy Offering (Malevolent Offering morph): This morph now grants Minor Mending for the duration of the healing over time.
      • Known issue: The new morph effect tooltip has not yet been updated to match this new functionality.
    • Malevolent Offering:
      • This ability and its morphs now have an upfront health cost instead of costing health over time.
      • Reduced the healing over time duration to 8 seconds from 10 seconds.
        • Developer Comments: Changing Malevolent Offering to have an upfront Health cost preserves the risk/reward gameplay, while granting the Nightblade more control over when the risk is taken. With the old implementation, it was very difficult to know when burst damage would occur, putting the caster in an awkward position where they had low health and multiple Agony abilities ticking. It's also better for newer players to use as the ability can no longer kill you.


  • Dawn's Wrath
    • Unstable Core (Eclipse morph): Increased the area of effect damage this morph deals when the ability ends by approximately 50%.


  • Light Armor
    • Annulment: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Light Armor.
  • Medium Armor
    • Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.
  • Heavy Armor
    • Immovable: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Heavy Armor. We also increased the duration of this ability to 20 seconds from 13.5 at Rank IV.
      • Developer Comments: We wanted to make each of the armor types feel more distinct from each other and have you make a more impactful decision when selecting Light, Medium or Heavy. Immovable's duration was increased duration to help it feel different from the other abilities that provide major Resolve and Ward, and make it worth the button press for tanks who wish to spend Stamina in this way.

Champion System

  • The Tower
    • Siphoner: This champion passive now reduces the enemy's Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery by 25% at 100 points, up from 15%.
      • Developer Comments: Siphoner will now be a better counter against builds that are able to live for an extremely long time through healing and resource restore.

Combat Fixes & Improvements[edit]


  • Fixed an issue where weapon enchantments would not proc against a target that blocked the attack.


  • Daedric Summoning
    • Summon Charged Atronach (Summon Storm Atronach morph): The Atronach summoned by this morph will now use one large, point blank area of effect attack instead of five small circular damage zones around it. This should improve the reliability of it hitting targets with that attack.

Itemization Balance[edit]

Item Sets

  • Concentrated Force (Asylum Destro Staff): This Item Set's proc now causes every second Force Shock you cast to always apply the Burning, Concussion, and Chilled status effects. The bonus visual effects on Force Shock will now only display when this proc occurs, instead of on every cast of Force Shock.
    • Note: The non-perfect version of this item set causes every third Force Shock you cast to proc the elemental status effects instead.
    • Developer Comments: This change still maintains the design of empowering some of your Force Shock casts, but prevents you from being able to instantly start any fight by applying those powerful elemental status effects on an enemy.
  • Livewire: Reduced the cooldown on this Item Set's proc to 8 seconds from 10 seconds.

Itemization Fixes & Improvements[edit]

Item Sets

  • Engine Guardian: The beam cast by the Dwemer Sphere summoned from this Item Set will now be hidden if your character is sneaking or invisible.
  • Unfathomable Darkness: Fixed an issue where this Item Set's proc would interrupt any ability casts or actions you were doing.

Base Game Fixes & Improvements[edit]

Art & Animation[edit]


  • Fixed the height, size, and angle of numerous tassets, bolt-ons, and pauldrons for many armors and costumes.


  • Taller races now sit in chairs correctly.

Crafting & Economy[edit]

Crafting Writs

  • Enchanting, Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Woodworking Writs now indicate that the required items must be standard (white) quality.
  • Crafting Writs now direct you to deliver your goods to the nearest Writ Quartermaster instead of a specific turn-in site.
  • Now that Crafting Writs can be turned in at any turn-in site, you are no longer required to have access to the Hollow City before you're given the tier of Crafting Writ that was previously turned in.
  • Provisioning Writs now indicate that the required recipes are available for purchase from Chefs and Brewers.


  • Fixed an issue that caused several crafted poisons to last the same duration whether they were crafted with three matching traits or two matching traits.

Exploration & Itemization[edit]


  • Increased the rewards for opening a Master Chest when you have the Treasure Hunter passive.

Cyrodiil Vendor

  • Every weekend, Adhazabi Aba-daro the Golden will now sell four sets of jewelry instead of two.
    • In a given week, she will sell either all rings or all necklaces.
    • These will only appear in the Trait that the set's jewelry comes in already.
    • Overland set items are bind on equip, and Dungeon set items are bind on pickup (matching their bind type when they drop in-game).
    • Pricing will depend on the item's sourcing.
      • Jewelry from Overland item sets costs 150,000g or 300,000 AP.
      • Jewelry from Dungeons costs 250,000g or 500,000 AP (the cost of all Jewelry on the vendor at present).
    • Two jewelry sets each weekend will be from the Overland sets, and two will be Dungeon sets.
    • The jewelry will remain Gold quality and CP160, and the sourcing of Monster Mask / Shoulders are unchanged from previous iterations.
    • Note: All of the above was in patch v3.2.0.

Eidetic Memory

  • "The Memo to Captain Siro" in Malabal Tor can now be properly read.


  • Increased the drop rates for Transmute Crystals from certain activities:
    • Completing Maelstrom Arena on Veteran mode now grants 4 Transmute Crystals.
    • Completing Dragonstar Arena on Veteran mode now grants 5 Transmute Crystals.
    • Rewards for the Worthy may now drop Large Uncracked Transmutation Geodes.
      • Your first Rewards for the Worthy each day will always contain one of these Geodes.
      • These Geodes can contain up to 30 Transmute Crystals, and always have at least 3 Transmute Crystals. Rewards for the Worthy grants these Geodes more often than before as well.
      • As part of this change, Rewards for the Worthy are now contained in a bag.
  • The "Unidentified Transmutation Geodes" found from final bosses in Dungeons are now known as "Uncracked Transmutation Geodes".



  • Fixed an issue where interactable furnishings would occasionally lose their interact prompt when placed very far away from the entrance to the home.
  • The "Redguard Brazier, Enchanted" furnishing now once again casts a blue light.


  • Made several fixes to the map behavior in Hakkvild's High Hall.

Quests & Zones[edit]




  • Fixed an issue where Writs were displayed as "Transmuted" in the Trait Information column of Inventory.
  • The Loot History will now display items gained from trading.
  • An error message will now display when you fail to lock pick a chest.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting by price did not work correctly at vendors.

Gamepad Mode

  • Fixed an issue where your inventory count would not update immediately when un-equipping gear.

Help & Tutorials

  • Added information to the help menu on how ESO Plus doubles Transmute Crystal capacity, and explaining that you retain access to those Crystals even if your ESO Plus lapses.
  • Reordered the help categories to make it easier to find new topics.
  • Added tutorials to help explain the Transmutation process.