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Released on March 23 2015.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited v2.0.2 is an incremental patch that introduces fixes to issues surrounding gameplay and UI, and also increases XP received in Trials and Cyrodiil. The Alliance War has received a number of other improvements which we encourage you to check out below! This patch is approximately 750MB in size.
Alliance War[edit]
- Significantly increased siege weapon damage against other player characters.
- Increased trebuchet damage against keep walls.
- Increased the XP received from killing other players by 50%.
- Increased the XP provided by many of the less lucrative quests in Cyrodiil.
- Increased the stats of a battle leveled player character in Cyrodiil to those of a VR12 player character.
- Reduced the XP received from some guards at the Scroll gates.
- Increased the level of all monsters in Cyrodiil to VR12 so they provide more XP per kill.
- Reduced the damage and health of guards so they are at a similar power level to the old VR5 guards.
Art & Animation[edit]
- Fixed an issue that was causing some NPCs to not turn smoothly.
- Created a more natural flow for the Silvernar's Audience Hall theater sequence.
- Music and sounds from the Champion System UI are now easier to hear and more immersive.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
- All foods, drinks, and potions can now be used while you are silenced.
- Fixed an issue that was causing you to sit too far forward or back on your mount.
- Assassination
- Grim Focus: The weapon glow from this ability will now always be visible so you know when the buff has expired. The Spectral Bow conjured from Assassin's Will also now plays correctly.
- Siphoning
- Agony: This ability is now more responsive and transitions more smoothly with other combat animations.
- Bow
- Snipe: Fixed an issue with this ability's visual effects getting stuck on your bow.
- Heavy Armor
- Constitution: Fixed an issue where Rank I and II of this passive were unintentionally stacking.
Champion System[edit]
- Fixed an issue where you would not gain access to the Champion UI without relogging after reaching Veteran Rank 1.
- Fixed an issue where you would not see the proper amount of Champion Points upon your initial login after patch v2.0.1.
Dungeons & Group Combat[edit]
- Increased the XP received from defeating monsters in Trials by 1100%. Additionally, the XP received in Trials will now be more consistent among group members.
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
- Fixed an issue that was preventing a small number of players from having all expected costumes, mounts and pets available in the Collections UI upon logging in.
Justice System[edit]
- Fixed an issue with a small percentage of stealable items which had their item level set to scale instead of being locked to 1, which resulted in higher than intended sale values.
- Eastmarch
- The Spirits of Sovngarde can no longer be pickpocketed or attacked.
- Greenshade
- The enemies in the delve Naril Nagaia will no longer award bounty when killed.
- Fixed a number of commonly-occurring crashes, including when you would alt-tab or minimize the game to your taskbar.
- Fixed an issue that was causing custom resolutions to not save between sessions.
Quests & Zones[edit]
- Lifting the Veil: The step of this quest that involves drinking Palomir's concoction to visit the island will now more reliably work as intended.
- The Veil Falls: Fixed an issue where Heritance Cutthroat would occasionally flip into walls or other fixtures and get stuck, blocking your progress.
- The Weight of Three Crowns: Countess Hakruba will now more reliably complete her trek up the summit during this quest.
- The Default Soul Gem option in the UI settings will now update when changed.
- Fixed an issue where Alliance indicators and healthbars would occasionally disappear.