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Released on June 09 2014.
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.1.4 features additional fixes for gameplay and quests, as well as some miscellaneous fixes including achievements.
Fixes & Improvements[edit]
Alliance War[edit]
- Fixed an issue that caused very poor client and server performance in Cyrodiil on both megaservers.
Combat & Gameplay[edit]
- Fixed an issue where support abilities appeared to gray out on the ability bar if you targeted a neutral critter, such as a rabbit or a deer.
- Assault
- Continuous Attack: Fixed an issue where the weapon damage for this ability was not displaying properly in the character panel after a load screen.
- Storm Calling
- Bolt Escape: After using Bolt Escape, the next use within 4 seconds costs 50% more.
Crafting & Economy[edit]
- Adjusted the amount of inspiration required for ranks 25 and 26 in order to provide a smoother curve between the ranks.
- Note: This change will not cause you to go down a rank regardless of where you would have fallen on the inspiration spectrum.
Dungeons & Group Content[edit]
- Fixed an issue with treasure chests so more than one groupmate can now loot the chest before it disappears.
Exploration & Itemization[edit]
- Fixed an issue where Veteran Rank treasure chests were not dropping Veteran Rank enchantment glyphs.
- Reduced the debuff to armor and spell resist for the Wise Mage Item Set Bonus.
- We have slightly reduced the rate at which you can get items from chests for completing Magical Anomalies in Craglorn.
- Fixed an issue where some quest achievements appeared to have vanished after patch 1.1.2. All your achievement data still existed and was not compromised – this was strictly a visual UI issue.
- Hircine's Gift: You will now be able to attack in werewolf form while on this quest.
- Imperial Infiltration: This quest will no longer disappear from your quest log after finding the three spies.
- Meridia's Lightbearer: You will now receive the achievement if you chose to side with the warriors.
- Increased the Veteran Points and gold rewards for the following daily quests:
- Magical Anomaly crystals no longer grant experience or Veteran Points. The boss creatures that spawn at the end of Magical Anomaly encounters are unchanged.
- The Sorcerer Division: You will no longer be blocked if you kill Einnel or Irgun before the announcer completes the introduction.
The Rift
- Sinmur's Fall: This quest will no longer get stuck at the quest step "Defeat all Worm Cultists in the Area."