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Defending is a trait which can only be found on weapons. Once you have researched the trait on a given item type, you can craft Defending weapons by using ON-icon-trait material-Turquoise.png Turquoise. Items with the Defending trait will increase your Physical and Spell Resistance by an amount dependent on the level and quality of the item. 2-handed weapons provide twice the bonus of 1-handed.

Material Level 1-Handed Weapons 2-Handed Weapons
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
1 32 80 128 176 224 64 160 256 352 448
4 96 144 192 240 288 192 288 384 480 576
6 144 192 240 288 336 288 384 480 576 672
8 176 224 272 320 368 352 448 544 640 736
10 208 256 304 352 400 416 512 608 704 800
12 240 288 336 384 432 480 576 672 768 864
14 272 320 368 416 464 544 640 736 832 928
16 304 352 400 448 496 608 704 800 896 992
18 336 384 432 480 528 672 768 864 960 1056
20 368 416 464 512 560 736 832 928 1024 1120
22 400 448 496 544 592 800 896 992 1088 1184
24 432 480 528 576 624 864 960 1056 1152 1248
26 464 512 560 608 656 928 1024 1120 1216 1312
28 496 544 592 640 688 992 1088 1184 1280 1376
30 528 576 624 672 720 1056 1152 1248 1344 1440
32 560 608 656 704 752 1120 1216 1312 1408 1504
34 592 640 688 736 784 1184 1280 1376 1472 1568
36 624 672 720 768 816 1248 1344 1440 1536 1632
38 656 704 752 800 848 1312 1408 1504 1600 1696
40 688 736 784 832 880 1376 1472 1568 1664 1760
42 720 768 816 864 912 1440 1536 1632 1728 1824
44 752 800 848 896 944 1504 1600 1696 1792 1888
46 784 832 880 928 976 1568 1664 1760 1856 1952
48 816 864 912 960 1008 1632 1728 1824 1920 2016
50 848 896 944 992 1040 1696 1792 1888 1984 2080
Champion Points10 848 896 944 976 1024 1696 1792 1888 1952 2048
Champion Points20 880 928 976 1008 1056 1760 1856 1952 2016 2112
Champion Points30 896 944 992 1024 1072 1792 1888 1984 2048 2144
Champion Points40 928 976 1024 1056 1104 1856 1952 2048 2112 2208
Champion Points50 944 992 1040 1072 1120 1888 1984 2080 2144 2240
Champion Points60 976 1024 1072 1104 1152 1952 2048 2144 2208 2304
Champion Points70 992 1040 1088 1120 1168 1984 2080 2176 2240 2336
Champion Points80 1024 1072 1120 1152 1200 2048 2144 2240 2304 2400
Champion Points90 1040 1088 1136 1168 1216 2080 2176 2272 2336 2432
Champion Points100 1072 1120 1168 1200 1248 2144 2240 2336 2400 2496
Champion Points110 1088 1136 1184 1216 1264 2176 2272 2368 2432 2528
Champion Points120 1120 1168 1216 1248 1296 2240 2336 2432 2496 2592
Champion Points130 1136 1184 1232 1264 1312 2272 2368 2464 2528 2624
Champion Points140 1168 1216 1264 1296 1344 2336 2432 2528 2592 2688
Ruby Ash
Champion Points150 1184 1232 1280 1312 1360 2368 2464 2560 2624 2720
Champion Points160 1200 1248 1296 1328 1376 2400 2496 2592 2656 2752