Online:Clockwork Apostles
The Clockwork Apostles are followers of Sotha Sil who, during his absence, govern the Clockwork City from the Clockwork Basilica within the walls of the Brass Fortress.
Apostle culture shares parallels with the very machines they live around. Society is regimented with every Apostle having a distinct purpose; as a cog in a machine does - for example one may study Sotha Sil's scholarly works as another maintains the myriad of functions the Clockwork City performs. Those who cannot find a role in society are cast out and known as the Tarnished.
While the Apostles provide civic functions such as maintaining law and order within the Brass Fortress, they also seek to further the academic understanding of Clockwork through research and study. Notably they do not regulate commerce, although negotiations are made with outside guild traders for the use of commerce factotums.
Clockwork Apostles often elect to have their limbs and bodily functions replaced by artificial components made from brass. The chest is covered by robes and this forms an easy way to visually identify a Clockwork Apostle.
For historical information, see the lore article.
Asylum Sanctorium — A mini trial found within the Reactor District in the Brass Fortress. (map)
Barilzar's Eighth Laboratory — A disused laboratory once belonging to Barilzar. (map)
Brass Fortress — A city built by Sotha Sil that serves as the main settlement and hub of the Clockwork City. (map)
Everwound Wellspring — A farming facility in the northeast of the Clockwork City run by Lector Naril, located southeast of the Brass Fortress. (map)
— A partially underwater Dwemer ruin situated along the northwestern coast of the Fungal Lowlands. (map)
Mnemonic Planisphere — A memory storage facility in the central Clockwork City. (map)
The Shadow Cleft — A delve accessible through a portal leading into a region of the Evergloam, Nocturnal's realm, that opened up northwest of the Vale of Tiers. It contains shadowy creatures and Shrikes. (map)
Related Quests[edit]
- The Astronomer's Apprentice: Restore the corrupted memory stars inside the Mnemonic Planisphere.
- The Broken Brassilisk: Return an inactive brassilisk to its owner.
To The Clockwork City: Join Divayth Fyr on a unique expedition to a land of curiosity and contradiction.
Deepening Shadows: Locate Chancellor Gascone Dusant of the Congress of Calibration.
The Light of Knowledge: Meet Sotha Sil and Divayth Fyr at the Elegiac Replication.
Lost in the Gloam: Assist the Blackfeather Court to reclaim a mysterious key.
- A Memory of Mystery
: Save Sotha Sil's laboratory from hostile invaders.
- Most Complicated Machine: Help Sovor Saryoni find a cure for his ailment.
- Oasis in a Metal Desert: Help a novice Clockwork Apostle investigate a farming facility in the Clockwork City.
- The Oscillating Son: Find Associate Zanon's mentor for evaluating the Precursor.
- The Precursor: Assist an Apostle in reassembling an ancient factotum with pieces from all across Tamriel.
Saints' Mercy: Neutralize a threat within the Asylum Sanctorium.
In Search of a Sponsor: Gain sponsorship in order to become a citizen of the Clockwork City.
- The Shadow Cleft: Find a Clockwork Apostle who disappeared into a strange portal.
The Strangeness of Seht: Investigate Sotha Sil's recent change of character.
Unto the Dark: Pursue the Shadow of Sotha Sil to the center of the Clockwork City.
Where Shadows Lie: Save the Clockwork God.
Daily Quests[edit]
Again Into the Shadows: Help the Clockwork Apostles to find a missing Mages Guild member.
Changing the Filters: Replace water filters in the Halls of Regulation.
Oiling the Fans: Oil a ventilation fan within the Halls of Regulation.
Replacing the Commutators: Replace brass commutators in the Halls of Regulation.
A Shadow Malfunction: Find Initiate Favar and complete his analysis.
A Shadow Misplaced: Find Novice Oscard and gather his notes.
- Barilzar and Terari Heladren are former members of the order.