Lore:Places D
Daenia is a forested region in western High Rock, in the southern part of Glenumbra. It borders Cambray Hills to the northeast. The region is home to the city of Daggerfall. It is also known for the culture of quests, where young people of the lower classes take on heroic tasks in order to feel more like nobility. There have even been cases where a task was so great, the person completing it became a noble themselves. Because of this ability to move up in social class, the people of Daenia are fiercely independent. The region is also home to the Beldama Wyrd, as well as several witch covens.
Daenia (duchy)[edit]
Daenia is a region located in west-central High Rock, in the greater Iliac Bay region of northwest Tamriel. Daenia is mostly comprised of woodland and it is the home of the Beldama Coven, an ancient gathering of wyrd that worship Jephre the Singer. They gather in the north-central part of the region, near Greenham Manor.
Daggerfall (also called Daggerfall City) is the capital city of the eponymous kingdom in High Rock, as well as the largest city in the province's western region, Glenumbra. It is found a giant bluff overlooking the Iliac Bay. Daggerfall is one of the oldest cities in the province and by virtue of its age, prosperity, and prominence, it was considered the de-facto capital of High Rock by the Third Empire. The city also wields vast cultural influence across southern High Rock and its people have an obsession with the past and quest for glory.
Daggerfall (kingdom)[edit]
Daggerfall is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, located in the southwest portion of the province, on the north half of the Iliac Bay. Throughout much of history, Daggerfall was one of the largest kingdoms in High Rock, from the early First Era before the rise of its rival, Wayrest and its incorporation into the Third Empire, to the turn of the Third Era, where it was one of the province's five kingdoms. It is named after its capital city, Daggerfall.
Dagon Fel[edit]
Dagon Fel is the only settlement on the Sheogorad archipelago, in the province of Morrowind. The town has historically been occupied by the Nords of Skyrim, ever since the ancient invasion of Morrowind by the Nordic Empire. It was mostly populated by fishermen and as the central settlement in the region, many Imperial scholars and adventurers came here to explore the Dwemer ruins. It is built atop of the ruins of a Dwemer city known as Mzuleft.
Dak'fron is a dry region within north-central Hammerfell in the greater Iliac Bay region, dominated by Redguards. It is one of the most barren wastelands in the province, and giant scorpions migrate from the "blighted Dak'fron" to the marginally lusher Alik'r Desert as an invasive species. Dak'fron borders the Alik'r Desert to the northwest, Santaki to the north, and the Dragontail Mountains to the northeast.
The Sisters of Kykos are found in Dak'fron and the dominant vampire bloodline is the Anthotis. Dak'fron is known for its fine amethysts.
After the events of the Warp in the West, Dak'fron became part of the Kingdom of Sentinel. Circa 3E 433, Ayaan-si, High Prophet of Elinhir, had called upon the Crowns of the north to rebel against Lhotun, and had financed a number of forays against the borders in Dak'fron.
Dark Fissure[edit]
Dark Fissure is an isolated cave found deep in the Valus Mountains, within the province of Cyrodiil.
The Dark Fissure contains one of the four mysterious altars in Cyrodiil that are necessary in the creation of a Black Soul Gem, a phenomenon known as the "Shade of the Revenant." The Dark Fissure is found in the smaller region of Mist Morrow Vale.
Like various other natural caverns in Tamriel, it is theorized to have served as a capillary for the living body of Nirn, and once pulsed with the living essence of the Aedra who created it.
Darkarn River[edit]
The Darkarn River is a body of water found in the north-central parts of the province of Elsweyr. The stream is found most far north in The Rim near the Shadow Dance Temple,. The river has its name loaned to the village of Darkarn Place, which is found near the city-state of Alabaster.
Darkhollow is a dwarven ruin located high in the hills of the Reach, beneath the mountain in the province of Skyrim. Its original Dwemeri name is unknown, but the Reachfolk dubbed it Darkhollow. It was abandoned in 1E 700 when its original Dwemer inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.
According to the account of the Reachfolk scout Markor, whose words were later written down by the traveling scribe Cassia Volcatia the Darkhollow was usually avoided by the Reachfolk inhabitants of the region. At some point during the Interregnum, during the Second Era, in the years leading to 2E 582, he and his companion Esana explored the ruins. While exploring the Dwemeri ruin Esana heard loud music beneath the mountain, likened to the storm, brass bird singing, the tuneless symphony of cogs and rock, and the hymn of steam and fire. The music eventually enthralled Esana, who became obsessed with it. She began to explore the ruin every day, forsaking her duties as clan scout. Soon the clan's witchmother forbade all travel to Darkhollow for both Markor and Esana. The next day, risking the wrath of the witchmother and exile from the clan, Esana left for Darkhollow one last time. Markor followed her despite their clan's leader's decision, hoping to find her, but his search ended in tragedy. He found nothing but a simple message from his friend that read "I found it." Esana was never seen again.
Markor's account was later published by Cassia Volcatia under the name The Music Beneath the Mountain in her collection of the Reachfolk tales. Although the elements of the published story may be fictional, the ruin of Darkhollow is real.
Darkwater Crossing[edit]
Darkwater Crossing is a settlement located along the banks of the Darkwater River in southern Eastmarch.
The area was first settled during the time of the Ebonheart Pact, when a group of Argonian migrants came from the west to settle at Fort Amol. The town was not big enough to absorb them, so instead, they settled at Darkwater Crossing. Despite being an Argonian village, it was built using Nordic architecture. At some point, a Redguard named Asmalah the Caller came to the village with his sick wife. The village healer, a Dreamwalker named Stormy-Eyes, attempted to use his powers to cure her, but instead, his methods resulted in her death. Circa 2E 582, Asmalah got his revenge by surrounding the village with blood, causing trolls to attack. The surviving Argonians fled to a nearby cave, and it was hoped that the town could be retaken after the death of the trolls' leader, Death-In-Winter.
The area was re-settled in the Fourth Era when Goldenrock Mine was opened after a Nord woman named Annekke Crag-Jumper discovered corundum deposits nearby. In 4E 201, during the Stormcloak Rebellion, Ulfric Stormcloak was captured near the settlement in an Imperial ambush before being taken to Helgen for execution. The Rebellion had a bad effect on Darkwater Crossing, with soldiers passing through constantly and the miners only scraping by.
Darkwater River[edit]
Darkwater River, or simply the Darkwater, is a river in eastern Skyrim connecting Lake Geir to the White River. Lake Geir drains into it at the western end of the Rift. The river flows northeast into Eastmarch, cascading down the famous cliff which divides the two holds. After this series of pools and waterfalls, the river bends northwest, and merges with the White River a few miles downstream, south-southwest of Windhelm and west of the famous fetid swamps of Eastmarch. Forts, ruins, caves, and major roads line its banks. The fishing is said to be good. A large tributary flows separately from Lake Geir. It passes north through Ivarstead, then curves northeast and creates its own series of waterfalls down the cliff, then connects with Darkwater River in Eastmarch, which then merges shortly after with the White River and terminates.
Dasek Moor[edit]
Dasek Moor is a ruined underground fort located along the Gold Road just south of Kvatch, on the border between the Gold Coast and West Weald regions of Cyrodiil. On the surface, the fort is little more than a crumbling entrance. However, it contains an extensive underground complex, including ancient tombs and a living quarters known as the Maleboge.
The fort was already a crumbling ruin by 2E 582, at which time the underground passages were sealed off. The ruins were regularly used as a secret meeting place by Count Carolus Aquilarios, who had a campsite at the entrance to the ruins, and was also using the ruins of to spy on the Order of the Hour. Count Carolus used this campsite when he met with the Dark Brotherhood to reveal that the mysterious Black Dragon who was targeting the Brotherhood was in fact the First Sword of the Order of the Hour, and that the old Enclave of the Hourglass was being made into a headquarters. The Brotherhood subsequently decimated the Order and eliminated the Black Dragon in an act of revenge, neutralizing one of the Count's major political opponents in the region.
By 3E 433, Dasek Moor was home to a marauder gang. However, the fort's tombs were infested with undead, and several marauders were killed while attempting to clear the lower levels.
Dawnstar (also known as Danstrar) is a settlement on the northern coast of Skyrim, and the hold capital of the Pale. It was once a garrison town, which served as an exile post due to the cold harsh climate and notorious gales. The settlement seemingly got its name due to its reputation for "greeting the sun as it begins its journey". It has historically been troubled by the Ice Tribes and Gehenoth. Dawnstar has a history of being the site of battles that have crippled the fate of the Empire.
Dead Men's Respite[edit]
Dead Men's Respite (also spelled Dead Man's Respite) is an ancient Nordic barrow found in the southern plains of Hjaalmarch, in the province of Skyrim. Located near the banks of the River Hjaal, the ruins serve as the burial place of the former High King of Skyrim, Olaf One-Eye.
The Deadlands[edit]
The Deadlands are a Daedric realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. The embodiment of its creator's sphere, the dimension is fraught with natural disasters and destructive change. The area known as the Burn is covered by an ocean of lava, scattered with scorched volcanic islands and ruined structures. Many lesser Daedra roam the realm freely, but Dremora dominate the hierarchy. The Sever is a region of the Deadlands with light soil covering jagged rock with sulfur pools throughout, fierce winds, and constant lightning storms. Destructive tornadoes and extremes in temperature characterize the region. The capital of the Deadlands is known as Destruction's Solace.
Deadlight is a shattered plane of Oblivion, said to have been destroyed in the ancient past by Mehrunes Dagon.
According to legend, the realm was once the domain of a forgotten Daedric Prince who earned Dagon's wrath. In response, Dagon made war upon the Prince, destroying his home. Nothing remained of his realm but a shattered fragment, a place illuminated only by a green, ghostly aurora. The realm possess a ruined keep, which stood beneath a starless sky. The plane itself is devoid of life and energy, which is unusual for a realm of Oblivion. The surrounding landscape consists of jagged stone peaks, dotted with lightning rods and flora typical of the Deadlands such as bloodgrass.
The only known entrance to Deadlight is a crumbling portal dais called the Western Gate, located in a region of the Deadlands known as the Burn.
Deeping Drome[edit]
The Deeping Drome is a dwarven ruin located underneath the mountains in the northernmost parts of the Bangkorai in the province of High Rock, east of Wrothgar and west of the Reach.
As a Dwarven settlement, it was abandoned in 1E 700 when its original Dwemer inhabitants mysteriously disappeared. Scholars of Dwemer were unable to determine the function of the mysterious Deeping Drome.
As of 2E 582 the Circle of Champions began using the ruins to host dangerous gladiator battles to the death. Fighters from all three sides of the Alliance War came to the Deeping Drome battleground to fight for the glory of the Fire Drakes, Pit Daemons, and Storm Lords arena teams. During that time it was described as "claustrophobic pathways filled with the bones of would-be champions". It was made up of large fungi-covered cavern formations surrounding a large metallic sphere in the center. Deeping Drome also consisted of slopes and small skeleton-filled tunnels beneath the central platform.
Deepscorn Hollow[edit]
Deepscorn Hollow is a hidden underground lair located beneath a small islet in Topal Bay, off the coast of Cyrodiil. The island is located within the Blackwood region, south of the swamps of Bogwater and far southeast of the city of Leyawiin. It was originally built in the First Era as a temple to Sithis by the ancient Nibenese.
Deepmire is an area in the Murkmire region of Black Marsh, located on a largely inaccessible plateau in the north-northeastern corner of the region. By 2E 582, the Deepmire was largely uninhabited and considered both dangerous and cursed. It is believed that the presence of Sithis is strong in Deepmire and thus it is best to avoid the area.
Deepwallow is a village in the Dementia region of the Shivering Isles. It is located on the Heretic's Horn, along the coast of a marshy lagoon south of New Sheoth. It is connected by bridge to the Low Road, diverging from it at the gates of Crucible.
Circa 3E 433, the settlement was home to only three individuals, following the suicide of Gadeneri Ralvel. She was survived by her brother, Erver Devani, who became embitter over his sister's fate, her soul doomed to haunt the Hill of Suicides. The Hero of Kvatch recovered Gadeneri's scattered skull from Knifepoint Hollow and brought it to her on the Hill of Suicides, freeing her from that fate.
Deepwoods is a village located east of Velyn Harbor, in the Broken Coast region of Malabal Tor in Valenwood. It is a Bosmer village, consisting entirely of graht-oak pod homes. The village was settled around the shrine of the Green Lady, a sacred tree which is said to be the embodiment of the first Green Lady. Some believe that the tree marks the grave of the first Green Lady, who perished prior to the Green Pact; others believe that the tree is the first Green Lady herself. This sacred site is blessed by Y'ffre and is regularly visited by pilgrims. It is notable for being the birthplace of many incarnations of the Green Lady, as well as many sacred sites associated with the early lives of the Green Ladies.
Dellese Isles[edit]
The Dellese Isles (or Dellesia) are a region of islands found within High Rock. They are considered one of the major lands (along with Greater Bretony, the Bjoulsae River tribes, and the Western Reach) that habitate the clans of the province. They are related to the former Dallesian peninsula.
Delodiil was an Ayleid city populated mostly by worshippers of Meridia. It notably came into conflict with the nearby mercenary city of Abagarlas, which was ruled by worshippers of Molag Bal. The city vanished amidst the war, and is believed to have been transported to Coldharbour as the Hollow City.
</noinclude> Dementia is a region of the Shivering Isles located in the marshy southern lowlands of the main landmass. It represents the dark and violent side of Sheogorath, and is mostly made up of swamps and forests of dead trees. The Low Road and Pinnacle Road are the two main routes through the region. Two peninsulas can be found here: the Heretic's Horn and the Madgod's Boot. The marshes of Shallow Grave and the Hill of Suicides are also important landmarks.
The villages of Deepwallow and Fellmoor offer relative safety from the monsters that roam the swamps. The ruins of Vitharn are a place of ill repute, once populated by souls cursed by Sheogorath. The Halls of Pinnacle Rock contain the Wellspring of the Mazken. The lawbreakers of the region are imprisoned in the root tunnels of Corpserot Passage. Knifepoint Hollow and Xedilian are also located here. The Chateau of the Ravenous Rodent was Sheogorath's "family estate" and is located in the darkest part of Dementia.
Desert Wind Adeptorium[edit]
Desert Wind Adeptorium is an ancient temple found in the region of Anequina, within the province of Elsweyr. The Desert Wind Adeptorium's original name is long forgotten, built to protect those from the rising power of Darloc Brae, known as the Golden Beast of Anequina. It is now the home of The Order of the Desert Wind (or the "Zhan Khaj" in Ta'agra), one of the monastic orders that dot the landscape of Elsweyr, known to practice a specific form of claw-dance known as the Desert Wind. The adeptorium hosts a subterranean cavern with various ruins known as the Desert Wind Caverns.
Deshaan (also called the Deshaan Plain or the Deshaan) is a broad, fertile plain in the southern mainland of Morrowind. Most of the Morrowind population is gathered in the high uplands and fertile Thir River valleys of central Morrowind, in and around Deshaan. It borders Stonefalls and the Fungal Lowlands to the north, Cyrodiil to the west, as well as the Dejasyte desert, Shadowfen, and Thornmarsh regions of Black Marsh to the south. It is composed of three smaller regions: Redolent Loam in the west, Lagomere in the center, and Siltreen in the east.
The region is mainly composed of fertile plains and lush fungal forests which slope down and merge with Black Marsh farther south, with sizable swamps making up the southeastern part of the region.. The local Dunmer take advantage of the exceptionally fertile black soil, cultivating saltrice and cash crops, and breeding kwama in deep mines for their eggs. Like elsewhere in Morrowind, Daedric ruins, Dwemer ruins, and Dunmer tombs dot the landscape. The western area of Redolent Loam is home to the city of Narsis, situated on the southern banks of Lake Hlaalu. Deshaan's largest city, Mournhold, sits in the center of Lagomere, surrounded by Lake Amaya. The Vale of the Ghost Snake, a sacred site of the Ashlander Mabrigash tribe, lies in the southeastern swamps. The eastern region, Siltreen, contains a large shrine devoted to Saint Veloth, where his relics are kept. The eastern town of Selfora is home to the Tree of Summerset, a sacred tree said to have been planted by Veloth from seeds taken from his homeland.
Detritus is a ghastly demi-plane of Oblivion ruled over by Hollowjack, the Lord of Mortal Fears. It has also been described as a "half-world", and is a realm filled with untold horrors. Every year, during the Witches Festival on the 13th of Frost Fall, the portals between Nirn and Detritus open and gruesome items from this realm flood the markets of Tamriel. According to an enigmatic and immortal entity known as the Impresario, Detritus is a "carving" from the shell of Hircine's Hunting Grounds.
Hollowjack derives his supernatural power from metaphysically feeding on the fear of mortals, and his realm is dedicated to this singular purpose. Detritus is described as a claustrophobic series of small spaces cluttered and jammed with piles of mortals' lost and broken personal items. Hollowjack frivols there among his collection of shattered memories, categorizing and classing and replaying them to find new vulnerabilities in the mortal mind. There is no outside on Detritus, only room after room of recurring nightmares and internal torments. According to Hollowjack, this is because "mortals fear most what is inside themselves".
Dhalmora is a small Argonian settlement in the marshlands of Bal Foyen, located along the southern coast of Morrowind's Inner Sea. It was founded during the time of the Ebonheart Pact by emancipated Argonian slaves, who plant saltrice and herd guar in the former wastes. It is noted for its mud huts, in contrast to the stone Dunmeri architecture otherwise common to the region. Dhalmora is a trading hub, with its own hall of merchants and small dock.
The settlement is protected by the Dunmer-built Fort Zeren to the south as well as a nearby watchtower. The nearest cities are Davon's Watch along the coast to the west, and Ald Isra on the Telvanni Peninsula far to the northeast.
Diceto River[edit]
The Diceto River is a waterway flowing from the mountains south of the city of Firsthold, through the city to the waters of the Eltheric Ocean. It is the great river that passes through the royal parks of Firsthold. The Diceto River flows through the entire city in a Y shape, and kanthleaf is found all over the riverbank.
Direfrost Keep[edit]
Direfrost Keep, also called Castle Direfrost, is a Nordic castle located in the southern Velothi Mountains of Eastmarch, in the province of Skyrim. Direfrost Keep is the ancestral home of the Direfrost Clan of Nordic Witch Hunters, whose lineage goes as far back as recorded history. But as of now, Direfrost Keep has fallen into disrepair as the Direfrost Clan has fallen into obscurity. Deep in the Direfrost Meadhall lies the Direfrost Flame, a sacred fire that gives the Clan the access to commune with their ancestors in Sovngarde. The Keep leads to Direfrost Summit.
Diss was a notable settlement active in the late Second Era. On a map that depicted the Aldmeri Dominion's core territories in 2E 864, Diss was located on the Blue Divide in northwest Valenwood and across from the port-city Skywatch.[1]
Dive Rock[edit]
Dive Rock is a mountain peak located in the Jerall Mountains, in the province of Cyrodiil. Dive Rock is reportedly the highest natural observation point across the entire province, with a clear view of the Imperial City and Niben Bay. Although the tip of Dive Rock provides unparalleled views of the Imperial Province, falling from the edge is lethal. The site is infamous for the deaths of those who have been pushed over the edge. Not only known for its vistas, the peak is also the source of a local legend called the Horror of Dive Rock, a monster that killed dozens of people and even cattle.
Dorsza Pass[edit]
Dorsza Pass is a road between the provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh. It is a ruined quarry with a large pile of earth created by a primitive, long-dead Argonian tribe to fortify the border. The pile stretched for miles on end and the pass was overgrown with weeds and twisted gnarled trees. In the summertime, it is fuming with swamp gas. It is notoriously where the Prince of the Second Empire, Juilek was murdered in 1E 2920.
Dourstone Isle[edit]
Dourstone Isle is an island located off the coast in southeastern Glenumbra in the Iliac Bay. An old ruined Imperial tower was the only notable landmark of the isle, but as of 2E 582 the tower was abandoned by its original builders and inhabitants. The tower contained an entrance to the underground complex known as the Dourstone Vault.
The ruins were briefly reoccupied in 2E 582 by the Worm Cult and the Daedric minions of Molag Bal, acting as a lair within which the Daedra could sacrifice mortal souls to fill the Mortuum Vivicus. The Daedra were swiftly purged from island by the Fighters Guild, which was under the effective control of Meridia at the time.
Dragon Bridge[edit]
Dragon Bridge is a lumber town located along the Karth River in the region of Haafingar, within the province of Skyrim. It is found down the road from Solitude. Dragon Bridge acquires its name from the eponymous Dragon Bridge, an ancient and ornate bridge decorated with dragon figureheads. The bridge, which predates the settlement by untold years, spans the Karth River, connecting the town to the main road through Hjaalmarch.
Dragon Glade[edit]
Dragon Glade (also Draloris) is a large town located in the Indoril District of eastern Morrowind, in the jurisdiction of the Great House Indoril. It is northwest of the city of Necrom. The terrain near it is made up of badlands.
Dragon's Teeth Mountains[edit]
The Dragon's Teeth Mountains (or simply the Dragon's Teeth) is an expansive mountain range that spans a large portion of western Tamriel, stretching from the frozen summits of High Rock all the way to the forests of Valenwood, passing through Cyrodiil, Skyrim, and Hammerfell. It was said that the spines of the Dragon's Teeth were visible from the top of the Crystal Tower prior to the latter's destruction and Falinesti was south of it. "By the Dragon's Teeth" is a common exclamation in Hammerfell.
Dragonhold was a small island off the coast of Elsweyr. The island was rich in aeonstone formations, which eventually led to its destruction circa 2E 582 when it was lifted into the sky by the power harnessed by these stones.
Dragonhome is an ancient Nordic ruin located in the northwestern corner of the Karthald Hold that served as a base of the Dragon Cult in ancient times, and in Second Era. It was inhabited by the Draugr and well guarded by various traps.
Dragonstar (also spelled Drangstor) is a city-state in Hammerfell, just south of the border with High Rock and Skyrim. It is located on the foothills of the Dragontail Mountains, in the region of Craglorn. Like much of Craglorn, Dragonstar is very cosmopolitan compared to the rest of Hammerfell, often inhabited by those deemed "unfit" for life in the Empire.In the Second Era, it was a small, fortified settlement dominated by Nord miners and mercenaries. The Dragonstar Caravan Company began operations there, but later moved its headquarters to Ska'vyn. In 2E 582 the local miners were contracted with extracting fast amounts of nirncrux, known as "red brittle" to the locals. Although abundant and seemingly inert, the stone is very dangerous to mine due to the toxic fumes released. The patron of this operation was Cassipia, who aided and later betrayed the dangerous Scaled Court. Nirncrux mining presumably halted following her death and the destruction of the Court. The entrance to an otherworldly arena also appeared in the mountains north of the settlement, and before the trade routes to Dragonstar were cut off, the site was used to host a grand melee every year.
By the time of the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the city-state of Dragonstar was an active settlement, being known as the "home of the Sacred Rage." It was ruled by King Dhatan, and it had a rivalry with Elinhir and Skaven.
During the War of Bend'r-mahk, the forces of Skyrim advanced into Hammerfell and besieged the city, eventually establishing a separate government within the city. During this time, the city was divided into western and eastern sections, walled off from each other, each with their own government. Dragonstar West was still under the control of Hammerfell, while Dragonstar East was controlled by Skyrim. An atmosphere of deep mutual distrust prevailed between the two sides. The city had an arena pit, a prison and guild halls for the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild. Shadow Gates could also be found in the city.
The occupation persisted after the end of the war, and by 3E 432 the situation remained unchanged, although contemporary maps continued to show the whole city as belonging to Hammerfell de jure. The history of Dragonstar after the Oblivion Crisis is unknown.
Dragonstar Arena[edit]
Dragonstar Arena (known in the past by many other names, including Skyrim Arena and Valenwood Arena) is an inter-planar arena complex devoted to Boethiah. Although the entrance is located in a fixed position in Tamriel, portals within transport combatants to all manner of environments before ultimately ending up within Boethiah's realm of Oblivion. The arena is an ancient Nordic ruin, but the entrance regularly changes location whenever competition in the area begins to falter.
It is unknown how long the arena has been in existence for, although based on the small number of recorded champions it seems to have been established in the mid-Second Era. To become a champion of the arena, teams needed to reach the tenth round and defeat the previous champion. The first champion was Faithful Adrasa, who was bested by Biiri the Beautiful when the complex was known as the Valenwood Arena. The arena entrance later moved from Valenwood to Skyrim, where it was dominated by the fourth champion, Holgstad the Horrible.
In 2E 582 it moved again, from Skyrim to the Upper Craglorn region of Hammerfell, high in the Dragontail Mountains. It was renamed the Dragonstar Arena, after the city of Dragonstar to the south. The arena's true nature was not made public, and combatants, spectators, and merchants all flocked to the ruins. Notable participants include Fighters Guild and Mages Guild members, Nords from Skyrim, Reachfolk clan Dragonclaws, House Dres slavers, Green Pact Bosmer, werewolves, and vampires. An Imperial Legion even entered into the arena, with plans to neutralize the region's strongest warriors so that the Empire could retake Craglorn. The Mages Guild team was enslaved after falling in battle, and forced to fight alongside Dwemer Animunculi. All manner of beasts were similarly employed in the arena, including undead Anka-Ra warriors and victims of Corprus. Boethiah's Daedric servants also took part, such as Bloodwraith Dremora and Daedric Titans. The sixth champion of the arena, a Dunmer named Hiath the Battlemaster, was defeated by the Vestige.
Dragontail Mountains[edit]
The Dragontail Mountains, (called the Dragon's-Tail in the First Era by Redguards) are a mountain range in northern Hammerfell. They contain the Upper Craglorn region and then curve to the southwest, towards the Fallen Wastes and the Iliac Bay. Politically, the mountains are surrounded by several regions to the east and west. On its western flanks was the Alik'r, Dak'fron, Tigonus, and Santaki. To the east is Lainlyn, Mournoth, Kozanset, and Totambu. The march of Ephesus is located in the middle of the Dragontail Mountains. Regions in the area include the Valley of Blades, Bazidir Valley, Lemdazi Valley, and Ngonta Valley, and named peaks in the range include Mount Dakobo, Mount Ewado, Mount Nombaje, and Heldorn Mount. Other locations of note include Drear and Ganada Pass.
Drajkmyr Marsh[edit]
The Drajkmyr (or Black Morass) is an immense saltwater marsh, formed by the estuaries of the River Karth and the River Hjaal, which dominates Hjaalmarch in the province of Skyrim. Largely uninhabited, it is cloaked in an eerie mist. The Drajkmyr encompasses much of central Hjaalmarch, bordered by the lumber town of Morthal to the south, the Karth River and Fort Snowhawk to the west, both the Great Arch and the Mouths of the Karth to the north, and finally, the snowy woods that lead towards the Pale to the east. The swamp was formed some time in the First Era, and the region was originally covered by a broad glacier beforehand.
Drakelowe is a settlement located along the Reed River in the Nibenay Basin of Cyrodiil.
During the Three Banners War of 2E 582, Drakelowe Keep was an expansive and strategically important fortress located on the western bank of the river. It had its own farm, mine and lumbermill, and was heavily fortified. It was initially located within the territory held by the Ebonheart Pact, although the keep changed hands many times over the course of the war.
By 3E 433, nothing remained of the keep. Drakelowe consisted of a small farmhouse on the east bank, inhabited by an ex-member of the Glenmoril Wyrd named Melisande.
Dranil Kir[edit]
Dranil Kir is a mountainous island found off the coast of Auridon, amidst the province of the Summerset Isles. It has been an island of mystery, rumor to be surrounded by treacherous storms, and archaic traps. The island of Dranil Kir has been used by the Psijic Order of Artaeum to contain the Obscuros, a scrying device that projects a mage's perception to everyone in range. It is because of the supernatural powers of the Obscuros, the island is covered in poor weather. The island has described as having disappeared through magical means at one point, likely by the Psijic Order.
Draoife Dell[edit]
Draoife Dell is a landmark located in the central region of Galen island, situated north of Vastyr and south of Telling Stone. It serves as the gathering place for the Draoife, a council of nine Archdruids and Elders. The council is made up of three archdruids from each of the three druid circles and convenes to govern and make decisions for the entire druid community. The council meetings at Draoife Dell are responsible for resolving disputes, declaring the start and end of seasons, and issuing proclamations that apply to all circles. As the overseer and guide of the druid community, the council's decisions are widely respected across all the circles.
Dread Vullain[edit]
Dread Vullain (also called Vullain Haven or simply Vullain) is a village located in the region of Greenshade, within the province of Valenwood. Unlike the rest of Valenwood, the Wood Elven hunters of Vullain sworn loyalty to the nereid in the region.
Drear is a location that existed during the time of the Tiber War, nestled within the Dragontail Mountains near the Bjoulsae River. Drear is neighbored by several settlements, including Heldorn Mount to the east, Dragonstar to the northeast, and Skaven to the south. Following the Forebear alliance with Tiber Septim, Drear was one of the first locations captured by the Third Empire during the war.
Driftwood Isle[edit]
Driftwood Isle is a small tidal island west of Solstheim.[2]
Druadach Mountains[edit]
The Druadach Mountains are a mountain range which separate western Skyrim and eastern High Rock and Hammerfell. The misty peaks tower over Markarth and Karthwasten in the Reach, though they gradually diminish closer to Haafingar and Solitude. The range curves around the Karth River, and nearly stretches into Falkreath Hold. It is part of the greater Dragon's Teeth Mountains, bordering its other subranges such as the Wrothgarian range in the High Rock regions of Wrothgar and Bangkorai to the east. It makes up the north border of Craglorn, while the south border is defined by the Dragontail Mountains. The Forgotten Vale, an enormous glacial valley, is located deep within the Druadach Mountains, on the border between Skyrim and High Rock.
Since the First Era, the Reachmen have been taking advantage of the cliffs, caves, and rugged terrain of the Druadach Mountains in guerrilla warfare campaigns against invading armies. They are home to many ancient ruins, fortresses, and Orc strongholds.
Druadach Redoubt[edit]
Druadach Redoubt is a Reachfolk bastion and forge located in the Druadach Mountains in the Reach, southeast of the Dwemer ruins of Bthar-Zel. The cavern within was known as the Druadach Redoubt Cave, which was abundant in iron and quicksilver ore. Various plants and fungi grew within and around the fortifications, including nightshade, hanging moss, blue mountain flowers, mora tapinella, juniper trees, and potatoes. Accounts varied regarding the destiny of King Madanach, with certain reports suggesting that he had orchestrated activities from Druadach Redoubt following his escape from captivity in the Cidhna Mine. From there, he allegedly planned a new uprising. However, contrasting narratives asserted that he had met his demise while imprisoned.
See Also[edit]
- For game-specific information, see the Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online
Dunbarrow is a small town on the northern coast of Skyrim. It was the birthplace of Captain Torradan ap Dugal and the namesake of Dunbarrow Cove in Anvil.
Dune (alternatively known as Dunei in Ta'agra) is one of the eight major cities in the province of Elsweyr, in which it serves as the largest Khajiiti-settlement on the borderlands of Reaper's March. Present-day Dune is most well-known as a prominent merchant town with its graceful architecture and abundance of tea houses, but in ancient times, the city was the seat of a kingdom that was known for their moon priests and scholars. At that time, the Kingship of Dune also held the title of Moon-Bishop.
Dunlain Falls[edit]
Dunlain Falls (or simply Dunlain) is a village found in the province of High Rock. Dunlain may refer to a historical area of northern High Rock, as the village is found near the city-state of Farrun, but there is flora known as the Dunlain Daisies, which are found in the pastoral region of Westmark Moor, in the region of Rivenspire.
During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the village of Dunlain Falls was an active settlement. It was ruled by Lord Theodastyr, and it had a rivalry with Karthgran Vale. Dunlain Falls was neighbored by several settlements, including Cloud Spring to the north, Farrun to the northwest, and Karthgran Vale to the west.
Dunmeth Pass[edit]
Dunmeth Pass (also called Dunmeth Path) is the main pass and one of the few traversable roads leading through the Velothi Mountains, branching northeast Skyrim with northwest Morrowind. It historically served as a significant avenue of trade for the region. The nearest settlement from the eastern side is the town of Cormar View, but the closest city is Blacklight, which is not very far from the pass anyway. From the western side is the large city of Windhelm and smaller settlements such as Lower Yorgrim. The Imperial Garrison that guards the Dunmeth Pass are headquartered in Windhelm.
Dunstad Grove[edit]
Dunstad Grove (also called Fort Dunstad) is a fortified settlement located in a mountain pass of the main road, directly south of Dawnstar, in the province of Skyrim. The fort itself was built around the Pale's main road by the Imperial Legion to serve as a highly effective checkpoint station and prison for some of Skyrim's worst criminals.
Dusk is one of the eight major cities in the province of the Summerset Isles and is located on the southeast corner of Summerset Isle. The city acquired its name because the cliffs behind it leave it in shadows as the sun sets in the west. Before it was settled, Dusk was the site of a lonely tower called Dusk Keep (also called the Tower of Dusk), whose origins are a complete mystery.
Dusktown was a settlement found deep in Blackreach, the legendary subterranean realm underneath Skyrim. The mining town was run by the Bitterblade Mining Consortium and founded by the couple, Elle Bitterblade and Urlvar. Their main goal was to be the first to establish a frontier in the cavern and harvest the rare materials only found in it. The town also loaned its name to the cavern region it is based in called Dusktown Cavern.
Dwynnen is a barony found in the province of High Rock, in the region of the Iliac Bay. Dwynnen played a large role in the battle against the Camoran Usurper, whose legion came across western Tamriel like an unbridled plague. It was the region's first baron, Othrok, who led the assault and overcame the warmonger.
Dwynnen is normally temperate, and verdant all year long, except come wintertide. It largely consists of woodland from the northernmost portion to the southern coastal region. Dwynnen is neighbored by Anticlere to the southwest, Bhoriane to the southeast, Kambria to the east, Phrygias to the north, Urvaius to the west, and the Wrothgarian Mountains to the northeast.
The Order of the Raven is the barony's knightly order and they serve to protect both their country and their lordship. The patron deity of Dwynnen is Julianos. The Thrafey clan of vampires are active in Dwynnen.
Dwynnen (city)[edit]
Dwynnen is the capital of the eponymous region in the Iliac Bay region of southern High Rock. The city has been around since at least the late First Era and has served as the capital ever since.
Dyzera's Realm[edit]
Dyzera's Realm is a small pocket realm of Oblivion ruled over by a powerful Nocturnal Shrike named Dyzera, a servant of the Daedric Prince Nocturnal. It is a realm of perpetual twilight resembling the Evergloam, covered by exotic bioluminescent plant life.