Blades:Junius the Elder
Junius the Elder NPC.TownElder |
Location | Town |
Race | Imperial |
Gender | Male |
- 1 Related Quests
- 2 Quest-Related Events
- 2.1 Meeting the Town Elder
- 2.2 Rescuing the Townsfolk
- 2.3 Rebuilding the Town Hall
- 2.4 Lumber Run
- 2.5 Rebuilding the Smithy
- 2.6 The Greencap Bandits
- 2.7 The Bloodfall Queen
- 2.8 The Justiciar Cometh
- 2.9 The Forbidden Divine
- 2.10 The Freedom to Believe
- 2.11 A Friend in Need
- 2.12 The Founder's Statue
- 2.13 The Five Stones
- 2.14 Wrath of the Sorcerer-King
- 2.15 The Message
- 3 Dialogue
Junius the Elder is an Imperial and the town elder.
Related Quests[edit]
Main Quest[edit]
- Meeting the Town Elder: Find the Town Elder.
- Rescuing the Townsfolk: Help rescue the townsfolk from goblins.
- Rebuilding the Town Hall: Start restoring your town by rebuilding the Town Hall.
- Lumber Run: Gather wood and free the woodcutters.
- The Greencap Bandits: Rescue the captive villagers.
- The Bloodfall Queen: Confront the Bloodfall Queen.
- The Founder's Statue: Recreate and restore the statue of the town's Founder.
- The Five Stones: Travel to Valenwood and find the five Varla Stones.
- Wrath of the Sorcerer-King: Face the Sorcerer-King in battle.
- The Forbidden Divine: Find out who's tipping off the Thalmor.
- The Freedom to Believe: Warn the Talos worshippers of the Thalmor.
- The Message: Boregis has a message for you.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Meeting the Town Elder[edit]
- "Say, you look very familiar. Aren't you... um... oh, it's on the tip of my tongue!"
After character creation:
- "But of course, it's you! You're little <Player.Name>!"
- No one's called me "little" in a very long time...
- "It's been so long. Some were convinced you were dead..."
You then have two options:
Either leads to:
- "In any case, it's good that you're back. We need you. I'm sure you have lots of questions for old Junius..."
- What happened here?
- "The Bloodfall Queen sent mercenaries to collect taxes from the townsfolk.
Things escalated, and one of the men smashed the ancient statue of the town's founder.
At that point, all Oblivion broke loose...
We heard thunder, though the sky was clear, and green fire erupted from where the statue stood.
The flames spread uncontrollably, and most of the town was destroyed. My heart aches at what little is left."
Rescuing the Townsfolk[edit]
- "I'm sure you have lots of questions for old Junius..."
- Where is everyone?
- "A few people fled town when the Queen's men first arrived. Others stayed, but were killed or captured by the mercenaries. Rumor has it some townsfolk took refuge in the abandoned Highwinter Castle. Goblins have been seen in that area. I fear our people may have been made prisoner, or worse... Please. You may be the only one here with any chance of bringing them home."
- I'll bring them back.
- "Here, take some Healing Potions. They're more useful to you than they are to me."
- I'm only one person...
- "That is true. But if you don't go... Who will?"
Either leads to:
- "Best of luck, <PlayerName>."
If spoken to again:
- "I hate to think of what our people might be going through, imprisoned in Highwinter Castle..."
- All right, I'll rescue them.
- "Best of luck, <PlayerName>."
- I'm sure they're fine.
- "You really think so?"
Once you return:
- "You did it. I knew we could count on you."
Rebuilding the Town Hall[edit]
- "It's good to see people returning, but now we need to take care of the town itself. We should start with the Town Hall right here. It can serve as a shelter until more houses are rebuilt, and to store building materials. Ready to help rebuild the Town Hall?"
- Just tell me what to do.
- That sounds like a lot of work.
- "It is, but it's something we need to do to bring the townsfolk back. It can serve as a depot for building materials to use in building houses and shops."
Either leads to:
- "As it happens, you found enough lumber when you rescued those townsfolk. We have some Limestone and Copper left, too. All together, that should be enough to rebuild the Town Hall."
If spoken to again:
- "You should have all you need to rebuild the Town Hall now."
Lumber Run[edit]
- "We're going to need more materials if we're to rebuild the rest of the town. There are some woodcutters who live in Woodhaven Forest, to the West. I haven't heard from them in a while. If you can contact them, they may be able to provide some lumber."
Once you return:
- "I guess this simple errand turned out to be more dangerous than expected. Good thing you're so quick on your feet!"
Rebuilding the Smithy[edit]
If spoken to before completing this quest:
- "Have you found the blacksmith yet? He'll tell you what you need to do."
Once the smithy is rebuilt:
- "I saw the new Smithy. It's a bit small, but it'll do. We can always improve it when we get more materials. Other people may also need help. Check out the job board near the Town Hall when you have time."
The Greencap Bandits[edit]
- "The woodcutters said that villagers may be held captive in Deadbrook Hollow. That place has long been known as a hideout used by the Greencap Bandits. I fear they may have taken advantage of the chaos and kidnapped our townsfolk. It's probably worth looking into."
- I'm on my way.
- "Watch our for those bandits!"
- Seems like a waste of time.
- "Ah, yes. I'm sure you have other matters to attend to."
If spoken to again once accepted:
- "Have you looked into those missing villagers yet?"
- Not yet.
- "I hope I'm wrong, and that our people aren't in danger."
Once you return:
- "You brought our people back safe and sound. We are in your debt. I'm truly grateful to you for rescuing Saashi. She's... she's been like a daughter to me. No one has ever shared my love for this town and its history like her. She was studying the Founder's Statue in the town square when we were attacked. I didn't dare think of what might have happened to her. That reminds me. Some of the villagers found what appear to be tunnels under the ruins of the statue. You should go tell Saashi about the tunnels. I'm sure she'll be intrigued."
The Bloodfall Queen[edit]
- "Saashi told me of what you discovered beneath the town's statue. We all knew it was old, but I'd never have dreamed it could date back to the First Era. Could there be a link between what you've found, and the recent undead sightings?"
- It's possible.
- "As if we weren't suffering enough with the Bloodfall Queen's men hounding us. We can't hope to deal with both the undead and the Bloodfall Queen's mercenaries. Do you think you could speak to her? Find a way to placate her?"
If spoken to again:
- "Have you talked to the Bloodfall Queen yet?"
- I'm on my way right now.
- "Stay safe, <PlayerName>."
- No, not yet.
- "Be sure to let me know if you do."
Once you return:
- "So, did you talk to the Queen? How did it go?"
- We made a deal.
- "You did? What did you offer her?"
- My help fighting her enemies.
- "Well done, <name>. I knew you'd settle the matter.
We can all breath a little easier now that you've convinced the Queen to back off.
The Justiciar Cometh[edit]
- "So, you spoke with the Thalmor? It could be worse... We'll just cooperate, and they'll move on."
The Forbidden Divine[edit]
- "Is something troubling you?"
- That Thalmor want to arrest adepts of Talos in town.
- "What? Can't they just leave people be?"
- They don't seem to think so.
- "Curse those fiends! Curse them all to Oblivion.
You need to warn the villagers before they're caught." - Do you know where to find them?
- "I truly wish I did."
If spoken to again:
- "You have to warn those worshippers before the Thalmor reach them."
The Freedom to Believe[edit]
- "Were you able to warn the Talos worshippers in time?"
- I did.
- "Praise the divines! Don't worry, I won't tell the Thalmor!"
A Friend in Need[edit]
- "Is it true? The Thalmor have left town?"
- It's true, they're gone.
- "Well, that's good news, isn't it? Did they find the criminal they were looking for?"
- It was Henrik. They killed him.
- "Henrik? Truly? But how is that possible... He spent his days in the Arena. The Thalmor must have made a mistake."
- I think so too...
- "Henrik... I can't believe it. Thank you for telling me."
- At least they're gone now.
- "I worry they'll be back. They always seem to come back... Poor Henrik."
The Founder's Statue[edit]
- "Saashi says you got information from the Sorcerer-King's brother's ghost. You continue to impress! So I understand we'll need to rebuild the statue in the town square. I have an old scale model to use as a reference. Finding all the marble we'll need in the construction, that'll be the hard part."
If spoken to again before the statue is built:
- "Do you need to go over what you have to do next?"
- Where should I start?
- "First, we need to craft the statue at the Workshop, then place it in front of the Town Hall."
- I think I got it.
Once you have crafted the statue at the Workshop:
- "It's perfect. Looks even better than before. Now all we need is to place it where the old one used to be, and then find the Varla Stones."
If spoken to again before the statue is placed:
- "Do you need to go over what you have to do next?"
- Where do I need to place the statue again?
- "In front of the Town Hall, just where the old one used to be."
- I think I got it.
Once the statue is placed:
- Statue's in place. What else must I do?
- "You have to place all five Varla Stones in its base."
Once the stones are placed:
- "It's... It's amazing. The statue looks better than it ever did. Now we'll just have to hope it will work when the time finally comes."
The Five Stones[edit]
Once you return with the Five Varla stones:
- "You found the Varla Stones? That means the statue can be completed."
Wrath of the Sorcerer-King[edit]
Once you return after defeating the Sorcerer-King:
- "I can't believe you really did it!"
- You had doubts?
- "I meant no disrespect. When an ancient, powerful evil threatens your town, you tend to expect the worst."
- I'm surprised, too.
- "You did well to overcome your fear. You are a wonderful hero."
- Just doing my part.
- "No need for humility. Not today, anyway."
Any of the options will lead to:
- "What will you do, now that it's over?"
- Search for another threat.
- "There's always a shadow on the horizon, as they say. Just wait here. I'm sure trouble will find you soon enough!"
- The town still needs fixing.
- "Indeed! We will be very glad to have your help in that matter."
- Spend time in the Arena.
- "Once a fighter, always a fighter. I never understood the desire to swing weapons at your comrades for sport. Nonetheless, I wish you luck."
- Explore the Abyss.
- "The what? Not sure I understand, but okay!"
All options will lead to:
- "I only hope life can return to normal now that this plague of undead is finally over."
If spoken to again:
- "You've done it, friend. You've saved us all! No one in this town will ever forget what you've done. Not even Greidil!"
The Message[edit]
When first spoken to:
- "Can I help you with anything, <PlayerName>?"
- Just trying to figure out this document.
- "I don't know if I can help, let me see... Looks like an Imperial document. Perhaps you could ask Gaius? Oh, wait... I know that name."
- What name?
- "Blackridge. It's a town a few days north of here. I was there... oh, twenty years ago? Good fishing in that area. I'm not sure I could give directions, though. But perhaps Saashi could find you a map, or something?"
If spoken to again:
- "If you go to Blackridge, be sure to try the smoked trout. I remember it was quite delicious!"
- "Say, you look very familiar. Aren't you... um... oh, It's on the tip of my tongue!"
(Racial Options Screen)
- I'm (PCName)
- "But of course! You're little (PCName)!"
- "It's been so long, some were convinced you were dead..."
- I joined the Imperial Legion
- "With all this fighting, I imagine you must have been some terrible things."
- Seen some. Done even worse.
- It's all in the past now.
- "You're right. We must focus on the future if we are to move past this."
- I went out looking for adventure.
- "I wish I had done so when I had the chance...
Now all I have is this town...or what's left of it.
In any case, it's good that you are back. We need you."
- "I'm sure you have lots of questions for old Junius."
- What happened here?
- "The Bloodfall Queen sent mercenaries to collect taxes from the townsfolk.
Things escalated, and one of the men smashed the ancient statue of the town's founder.
At that point all Oblivion broke loose...
We heard thunder, though the sky was clear, and green fire erupted from where the statue stood.
The flames spread uncontrollably, and most of the town was destroyed. My heart aches at what little is left."
- The Bloodfall Queen?
- "Since she inherited her grandfather's throne years ago, we've had nothing but trouble from her.
A few people fled town when the Queen's men first arrived.
Others stayed, but were captured by the Mercenaries, or were killed.
Rumor has it some townsfolk took refuge in the abandoned Highwater Castle.
Goblins have been seen in that area. I fear our people may have been made prisoner, or worse..."
- Who is the Bloodfall Queen?
- "Urzoga gra-Batul. Shes the Imperial vassal who rules over our small portion of the realm.
Please. You may be the only one here with any chance of bringing our people home." - I'll bring them back.
- (?)
- I'm only one person.
- "That is true. But if you don't go... who will?"
Once The Bloodfall Queen has been completed:
- Let's talk about the Bloodfall Queen.
- "Queen Urzoga? What did you want to know?"
- What's the story with her father?
- "The king kept trying to groom him for the throne, but that didn't go well."
- What happened?
- "The Bloodfall King named him as regent when he left for the Great War."
- That sounds like a bad idea.
- "It was. Bazul gro-Batul was a fearsome warrior, but a terrible ruler.
Summary executions became commonplace, even for petty crimes! The people were terrified of him!
When the king returned he was so furious he disinherited Bazul and named Urzoga as his successor."- I assume Bazul wasn't happy with that...
- "He wasn't. His daughter had become his rival. He must have felt humiliated.
He's tried to assassinate her at least once. As bad as the Queen may be, she's still a much better alternative."
- How long has she been queen?
- "Let's see...the Great War ended five years ago, and the Bloodfall King died about six months after returning, so...
His granddaughter has been sitting on the throne for four years now... And bleeding us dry ever since.
I guess things could be worse... Her father could be sitting on the throne!"